[DP] PlanetDP Diğer Sitelere PlanetDP Bağlantısı Ekleme Aracı

Sık kullanılan birkaç film, dizi ve anime sitesine PlanetDP'ye kolay erişim sağlayacak bağlantı ekler.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @author       nht.ctn
// @name         [DP] PlanetDP Diğer Sitelere PlanetDP Bağlantısı Ekleme Aracı
// @namespace    https://github.com/nhtctn
// @version      1.2.6
// @description  Sık kullanılan birkaç film, dizi ve anime sitesine PlanetDP'ye kolay erişim sağlayacak bağlantı ekler.
// @icon         

// @include      *://*.imdb.com/title/*
// @include      *://*.imdb.com/list/*
// @include      *://*.imdb.com/user/*/ratings*
// @include      *://*.imdb.com/user/*/watchlist*
// @include      *://*.google*/search*
// @include      *://*trakt.tv/*
// @include      *://*.icheckmovies.com/movies/*
// @include      *://*.icheckmovies.com/lists/*
// @include      *://*letterboxd.com/film/*
// @include      *://*.themoviedb.org/movie*
// @include      *://*.themoviedb.org/tv*
// @include      *://*.thetvdb.com/series/*
// @include      *://*.thetvdb.com/movies/*
// @include      *://*.tvtime.com/*/show/*
// @exclude      *://*.tvtime.com/*/show/*/episode/*
// @include      *://*tvmaze.com/shows/*
// @include      *://*.criticker.com/film/*
// @include      *://*.criticker.com/tv/*
// @include      *://*subscene.com/subtitles/*
// @include      *://*.opensubtitles.org/*
// @exclude      *://*.opensubtitles.org/en/search/subs
// @include      *://*.addic7ed.com/serie/*
// @include      *://*.addic7ed.com/show/*
// @include      *://*.addic7ed.com/movie/*
// @include      *://animetosho.org/series/*
// @include      *://*myanimelist.net/*
// @include      *://*anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime*
// @include      *://anidb.net/anime/*
// @include      *://*.livechart.me/*
// @include      *://anilist.co/*
// @include      *://kitsu.io/*
// @include      *://*turkcealtyazi.org/mov/*
// @include      *://*turkcealtyazi.org/sub/*
// @include      *://*turkanime.net/anime/*
// @include      *://mydramalist.com/*
// @include      *://*movie.douban.com/subject/*
// @include      *://*.amazon.com/s?i=instant-video*

// @grant   	 GM_addStyle
// @run-at       document-end

// @require	 https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
/* global $ */
// ==/UserScript==
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
(function() {

	'use strict';

	var PlanetDP =
         // İstemediğiniz siteler için 1'i 0'a çevirin.
         imdb: '1', imdb_new: '1', imdb_list: '1', imdb_google: '1',
         trakt: '1', iCheckMovies: '1', letterboxd: '1', TheMovieDB: '1', thetvdb: '1', tvTime: '1', tvMaze: '1', criticer: '1',
         subscene: '1', OpenSubtitles: '1', addic7ed: '1', animetosho: '1', turkcealtyazi: '1', turkanime: '1',
         MyAnimeList: '1', AniDB: '1', LiveChart: '1', aniList: '1', kitsu: '1', MyDramaList: '1', douban: '1', amazon_list: '1',

         name: 'PlanetDP', short_name: 'DP', url: 'https://www.planetdp.org/movie/search?title=%ttimdbId%', url_title: 'https://www.planetdp.org/movie/search?title=%title%&year_date=%year%&is_serial=all', url_forum: 'http://forum.planetdp.org/index.php?/search/&q=%ttimdbId%',
         icon: '',
         icon_green: '',
         icon_white: '',
         icon_long: '',
         icon_iCheckMovies: '',
         icon_TheMovieDB: '',
         icon_OpenSubtitles: 'https://images2.imgbox.com/4b/72/EpGIM9Ap_o.png',
         icon_anidb: 'https://images2.imgbox.com/0b/d3/uH45PTHK_o.png',
         icon_sarangni: '',
         main_color: '#f80',
         hover_color: '3F51B5',
         domain: 'planetdp.org', domain_url: 'https://www.planetdp.org',

    var regex = /\/title\/(tt\d+)\/?/;
    var pageUrl = window.location.href;

    // Common Used Vars
    var ttimdbId, HTML;
    var episodeCheck;
    var titleArea;
    var imdbLink;
    var imdbButton;
    var elBox;
    var elTitle;
    var title;
    var year = "";
    var infos;
    var styles = "";
    var className;
    var scriptSelector;
    var x, a, i, len; // for integers

    if (pageUrl.search( /imdb\.com\/title/ ) >= 0 && ( PlanetDP[0].imdb == 1 || PlanetDP[0].imdb_new == 1 ) ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
		// Vars
		ttimdbId = regex.exec( pageUrl )[1];
		var newRatingBar = $('[class^="TitleBlock__ButtonContainer"]');

		if (newRatingBar.length > 0 && PlanetDP[0].imdb_new == 1) {
			// Episode Check
			episodeCheck = $('a[class*="SeriesParentLink"]').length > 0;
			if (episodeCheck) {
				let parentLink = $('a[class*="SeriesParentLink"]').attr("href");
				ttimdbId = regex.exec( parentLink )[1];

            // Position and Classes
            const refPos = (p_ref, width, marginR) => {
				let ref = document.querySelector(p_ref).getBoundingClientRect();
                let screen = window.screen.width;
                return {
					top: (window.scrollY + ref.top) + "px",
					left: ( (screen >= 1023.5) ? ref.left - width - marginR : (screen >= 350) ? ref.right + (marginR*2) : -200 ) + "px",};
            const refCls = (p_ref) => {
				let ref = document.querySelector(p_ref)
                return {
					cls1: $(ref).children('div:first').attr("class"),
					cls2: $(ref).find('div:first > div:first').attr("class"),

            // On resize
            var refSlc = '[class^="TitleBlock__ButtonContainer"]';
            var wid = 90; // 90 benim yerleştirdiğim elementin boyu.
            var marg = 10; // 10 Dudak payı
            window.onresize = function() {
                $('#imdb648').css("top", refPos(refSlc, wid, marg).top);
                $('#imdb648').css("left", refPos(refSlc, wid, marg).left);

			// Area
			let pos = refPos(refSlc, wid, marg);
			let cls = refCls(refSlc);
            $('[class^="TitleBlock__TitleContainer"]').css("padding-right", wid + "px");
			$('body').prepend('<div id="imdb648" class="imdb648 ' + cls.cls1 + '" style="position: absolute; top: ' + pos.top + '; left: ' + pos.left + '; z-index: 100;"></div>');
			$('#imdb648').append('<div class="' + cls.cls2 + '">SEARCH ON</div><div id="newDiv648"></div>');

			// Put Buttons
			PlanetDP.forEach(function(p) {
				let linkClone = newRatingBar.find('a.ipc-button:first').clone().css("min-width", "auto").attr("target", "_blank");
				linkClone.clone().attr("href", url(p.url ) ).html('<img style="height: 1.4rem; opacity:0.9;" src="' + p.icon + '" title="' + p.name + '">').appendTo( $('#newDiv648') );
				linkClone.clone().attr("href", url(p.url_forum) ).html('<img style="height: 1.4rem; opacity:0.9;" src="' + p.icon_green + '" title="' + p.name + ' Forum">').appendTo( $('#newDiv648') );

			// Advanced Script
			className = "imdb648";
			scriptSelector = '#searchOn a[href*="planetdp.org/movie/search?title="]';
			advencedScriptAction( className, scriptSelector );
		else {
			const html = () => {
				var h = '';
				for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
					var p = PlanetDP[i];
					if ( p.imdb_list == 1 ) {
						h += '<a class="' + className + '" href="' + url( p.url_forum ) + '" target="_blank" style="height: 13px; float: right; padding: 0 3px;"><img style="height: 15px; opacity:0.7;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.7" src="' + p.icon_green + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a>';
						h += '<a class="' + className + '" href="' + url( p.url ) + '" target="_blank" style="height: 13px; float: right; padding: 0 3px;"><img style="height: 15px; opacity:0.7;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.7" src="' + p.icon + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a>';
				return h;

			// Episode Check
			episodeCheck = document.querySelector( 'meta[property="og:type"][content="video.episode"]' ) != null;
			if (episodeCheck)
				let parentLink = document.querySelector( 'div[class="titleParent"] > a' ).href;
				ttimdbId = regex.exec( parentLink )[1];

			// Advanced Script
			className = "imdb648";
			scriptSelector = 'table#gm_links a[href*="planetdp.org/movie/search?title="]';
			advencedScriptAction( className, scriptSelector );

			// Areas
			titleArea = document.querySelector ( 'div.subtext' );
			titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/imdb\.com\/(list|.+\/ratings|.+\/watchlist)/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].imdb_list == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.imdb_list == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url_forum ) + '" target="_blank" style="height: 16px; float: right; padding: 3px 0 0 5px;"><img style="height: 16px; opacity:0.6;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.6" src="' + p.icon_green + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a>';
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url ) + '" target="_blank" style="height: 16px; float: right; padding: 3px 0 0 10px;"><img style="height: 16px; opacity:0.6;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.6" src="' + p.icon + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a>';
		    return '<div>' + h + '</div>';

        // Work on Each Movie
        elBox = document.querySelectorAll( 'div[class="lister-item-content"]' );
        for ( x = 0; x < elBox.length; x++ )
        // Vars
        ttimdbId = elBox[x].querySelector( '[href^="/title/tt"]' );
        ttimdbId= ttimdbId.attributes[0].value; ttimdbId = ttimdbId.substr( 7, 9 );

        // Areas
        titleArea = elBox[x].querySelector( '[class="lister-item-header"]' );
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/google\D+\/search\?/i) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].imdb_google == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (position = '') => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.imdb_google == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url ) + '" target="_blank" style="' + position + ' z-index:5;"><img style="height: 20px; padding: 0 10px; vertical-align: sub; opacity:0.4;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.4" src="' + p.icon_long + '" border="0"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Work on Each Link
        imdbButton = document.querySelectorAll( '#search #rso .g [href^="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt"]' );
        for ( x = 0; x < imdbButton.length; x++ )
            // Vars
            imdbLink = imdbButton[x].href;
            var titleButton = imdbButton[x].querySelector( 'h3' );
            ttimdbId = imdbLink.match( /.+imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)\/?/i )[1];
            title = imdbButton[x].textContent;
            var subButtonCheck = imdbButton[x].attributes[0].value.search( /imdb\.com/i ) < 0;

            // Areas
            if (!subButtonCheck)
                if (title.search( /(TV Episode|Video Game)/i ) < 0 && title.search( /"/i ) < 0 && imdbLink.search( /title\/tt\d+\/./i ) < 0)
                    titleButton.closest('div').insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );
            else if (imdbLink.search( /title\/tt\d+\/./i ) < 0)
                imdbButton[x].insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/trakt\.tv/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].trakt == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (urlType) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.trakt == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p[urlType] ) + '" data-original-title="" title="">' + p.short_name + '</a>';
		    return h;

        waitForKeyElements('.sidebar .external', function() {
            pageUrl = window.location.href;
            if (pageUrl.search(/trakt\.tv\/(movies|shows)\//) >= 0) {
                // Area
				titleArea = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/"]' );
				// Vars
                imdbLink = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/"]' ).href;
                if (imdbLink.search( "find" ) < 0) {
                    ttimdbId = imdbLink.match( regex )[1];
					HTML = html("url");
                } else {
                    title = titleEdit( document.querySelector( '[property="og:title"]' ).getAttribute( "content" ) );
                    year = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'span[class="year"]' ).textContent );
					HTML = html("url_title");
				// Final
                titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", HTML);

    else if (pageUrl.search(/icheckmovies\.com/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].iCheckMovies == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.iCheckMovies == 1 ) {
                    h += '<li><a href="' + url( p.url ) + '" target="_blank" style="background: none; text-indent:0px"><img style="width: 10px; height: 10px; margin: 8px; opacity:0.3;" onMouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onMouseout="this.style.opacity=0.3" src="' + p.icon_iCheckMovies + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a></li>';
		    return h;

        // Work on Each Movie
        elBox = document.querySelectorAll( 'ul[class="optionIconMenu optionIconMenuCheckbox"]' );
        for ( x = 0; x < elBox.length; x++ ) {
			// Vars
			ttimdbId = elBox[x].querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/"]' );
			ttimdbId = ttimdbId.attributes[1].value; ttimdbId = ttimdbId.substr(26);

			// Areas
			titleArea = elBox[x].querySelector( 'a[class="optionIcon optionIMDB external"]' ).closest("li");
			titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforebegin", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/letterboxd\.com/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].letterboxd == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.letterboxd == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url ) + '" class="micro-button track-event">' + p.name + '</a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/"]' );
        imdbLink= imdbButton.href; ttimdbId = imdbLink.match( /.+imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)\/?/i )[1];

        // Areas
        titleArea = imdbButton.parentElement;
        var thatDamnFlagIcon = titleArea.querySelector( '[data-original-title="Report this film"]' );
        if (thatDamnFlagIcon) {
            titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );
            titleArea.insertAdjacentElement( "beforeend", thatDamnFlagIcon );
        else {
            titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/themoviedb\.org\//) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].TheMovieDB == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';

		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.TheMovieDB == 1 ) {
                    h += '<div class="homepage"><a class="social_link" title="' + p.name + '\'yi ziyaret edin" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-role="tooltip"><img style="padding: 5px; width: 30px;" src="' + p.icon_TheMovieDB + '"></a></div>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        infos = document.querySelector( 'title' ).textContent.replace( " — The Movie Database (TMDb)" , "");
        title = titleEdit( infos.replace(/(\d+)|TV Series (\d+)-(\d+)? ?/, "") );
        year = titleEdit( infos.match(/(\d+|TV Series \d+)/)[1].replace(/TV Series /, "") );

        titleArea = document.querySelector( 'div[class="social_links"]' );
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/thetvdb\.com\/(series|movies)\//) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].thetvdb == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.thetvdb == 1 ) {
                    h += '<span><a href="' + url( p.url ) + '" target="_blank">' + p.name + '</span></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/"]' );
        if (imdbButton) {
            ttimdbId = imdbButton.href.match( /.+imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)\/?/i )[1];
            titleArea = imdbButton.parentElement.parentElement;
            titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );
        else {
            ttimdbId = document.querySelector( '#series_title' ).textContent;
            $('#series_basic_info .list-group').append( '<li class="list-group-item clearfix"><strong>ON OTHER SITES</strong>' + html() + '</li>' );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/tvtime\.com\/.+\/show/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].tvTime == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.tvTime == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" class="' + p.name.toLowerCase() + '" style="background: ' + p.main_color + ';"><img src="' + p.icon_white + '" style="margin: 0;width: 20px;padding-bottom: 6px;"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars & Areas
        title = titleEdit( $('[property="og:title"]').attr("content") );
        $( '.info-zone .container-fluid' ).append( '<span class="share-btns social" style="left: 20px;">' + html() + '</span>' );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/tvmaze\.com\/shows\/\d+/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].tvMaze == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.tvMaze == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a id="' + p.name.toLowerCase() + '" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" title="' + p.name.toLowerCase() + '" style="float: left; margin-top: 3px; background: ' + p.main_color + '; height: 26px;width: 26px;display: inline-flex;border-radius: 2px;margin: 3px 5px 0 0;align-items: center;justify-content: center;" onmouseover="this.style.opacity=0.8" onmouseout="this.style.opacity=1"><img src="' + p.icon_white + '" style="height: 20px;"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        title = titleEdit( $('[property="og:title"]').attr("content").replace(" | TVmaze", "") );

        // Areas
        titleArea = $( '#general-information .social-buttons' );
		titleArea.css("display", "flow-root");
		titleArea.children('span').prepend( '<span style="float: left;">Search this on:</span>' );
		titleArea.children('span').after( html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/criticker\.com/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].criticer == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (urlType) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.criticer == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p[urlType] ) + '" title="' + p.name + '" style="float: right;"><img style="height: 26px; vertical-align: baseline; padding: 3px;" src="' + p.icon + '"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars & Areas
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '#fi_info_ext [href^="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt"]' );
        titleArea = document.querySelector( '.crit_container > h1' );
        if (imdbButton != null) {
            ttimdbId = regex.exec( imdbButton.href )[1];
			HTML = html("url");
        else {
            title = titleEdit( titleArea.querySelector( '[itemprop="name"]' ).textContent );
            if (pageUrl.search(/\/film\//) >= 0) {year = titleEdit( titleArea.querySelector( '[itemprop="datePublished"]' ).textContent );}
            else {year = titleEdit( titleArea.querySelector( '[itemprop="startDate"]' ).textContent );}
			HTML = html("url_title");

        // Fatal Blow
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", HTML );

        GM_addStyle( ".crit_container > h1 > a > img:hover {background-color: #01305F; border-radius: 13px;}" );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/subscene\.com/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].subscene == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (type) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.subscene == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" class="imdb" href="' + url( p[type] ) + '" style="margin-left: 6px;">' + p.name + '</a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/title"]' );
        if (imdbButton != null) {
            ttimdbId = imdbButton.href.match( regex )[1];
            if (ttimdbId.length == 8) {ttimdbId = ttimdbId.replace( "tt", "tt0" );}
            titleArea = imdbButton;
            titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", html("url") );}
        else {
            title = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'title').textContent.replace( /.+Subtitles for (.+)/i, "$1" ).replace( /Subscene - (.+) .+ subtitle/i, "$1" ) );
            year = document.querySelector( 'div[class="header"] > ul > li' ).textContent.trim().replace( /Year:\s+/, " " );
            year = ( $('.comment-sub').length > 0 ) ? '' : year;
            titleArea = document.querySelector( '[href^="javascript:Embed"]' );
            titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", html("url_title") );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/opensubtitles\.org.+(\/subtitles\/|\/s?search\/)/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].OpenSubtitles == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.OpenSubtitles == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url ) + '" style="width: 21px"><img alt="imdb" width="16" height="16" src="' + p.icon_OpenSubtitles + '"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"]' );
        ttimdbId = imdbButton.href.match( /\/title\/(tt\d{7,8})/i )[1];
        if (ttimdbId.length == 8) {ttimdbId = ttimdbId.replace( "tt", "tt0" );}
        episodeCheck = document.querySelector( 'span[itemtype*="schema.org/TVEpisode"]' ) != null;
        if (episodeCheck)
            var mainPageLink = document.querySelector( 'a[href*="/ssearch/sublanguageid-"]' ).href;
            ttimdbId = 'tt' + mainPageLink.match( /\/imdbid\-(\d{7})/i )[1];

        // Areas
        titleArea = imdbButton;
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/addic7ed\.com\/(show|serie|movie)/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].addic7ed == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.addic7ed == 1 ) {
                    h += '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '">PlanetDP</a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        var pageType = pageUrl.match(/addic7ed\.com\/(.+?)\//)[1];
        if (pageType == "show") {
            title = titleEdit( $('#header > div > b > font').text().replace(/(subtitles\s+)$/, "") );
            titleArea = $('#header [href^="/overview/"]');
        } else if (pageType == "serie") {
            title = titleEdit( $('#container td > [href^="/show/"]').first().text() );
            titleArea = $('#container td > [href^="/show/"]').last();
        } else if (pageType == "movie") {
            title = titleEdit( $('span.titulo').text().replace(/Subtitle/i,"").replace(/\(\d{4}\)/g, "") );
			year = titleEdit( $('span.titulo').text().replace(/Subtitle/i,"").match(/\((\d{4})\)/g)[0] );
            titleArea = $('#container td > [href^="/show/"]').last();
        titleArea.after( html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/animetosho\.org\/series\//) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].animetosho == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if (p.animetosho == 1) {
                    h += ' | <a target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '">PlanetDP</a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        title = titleEdit( $('#title').text().replace(/(\d+)/, "") );
        year = '';
        titleArea = $('#title_desc + table td > div > [href*="anidb.net/anime/"]').parent();
        titleArea.append( html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/myanimelist\.net/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].MyAnimeList == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.MyAnimeList == 1 ) {
                    h += ', <a class="' + className + '" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank">' + p.name + '</a>';
		    return h;

        if (pageUrl.indexOf("myanimelist.net/anime/season") < 0 && pageUrl.indexOf("myanimelist.net/anime") >= 0) {
            // Vars
            title = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'h1.title-name' ).firstChild.textContent.replace(/ ?\(TV\)/i, "") );
        	elTitle = document.querySelector( 'span[itemprop="name"]' );

            // Advanced Script
            className = "mal648";
            scriptSelector = 'li > a[href*="planetdp.org/movie/search?title="]';
            advencedScriptAction( className, scriptSelector );

            // Areas
            if (document.querySelector( '[class="btn-login"]' ) == null) {
                titleArea = document.querySelector( '[class="pb16"]' );
                titleArea.innerHTML += html();

    else if (pageUrl.search(/anidb\.net/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].AniDB == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (site) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = site.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = site[i];
                if ( p.AniDB == 1 ) {
                    h += '<div class="icons ' + className + '"><a class="i_icon i_resource_' + (p.short_name).toLowerCase() + ' brand" style="background-image: url(' + p.icon_anidb + '); height: 16px; width: 16px;" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" data-anidb-rel="anidb::extern" itemprop="sameAs" title="' + p.name + '"><span class="text">' + p.name + '</span></a></div>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        title = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'h1[class="anime"]').textContent.replace(/Anime: ((.+)(\d{4})?) ?(\(\))?/, "$2") );
        year = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'h1[class="anime"]').textContent.replace(/Anime: ((.+)(\d{4})?) ?(\(\))?/, "$3") );

        // Advanced Script
        className = "dp";
        scriptSelector = 'h1.anime li > a[href*="planetdp.org/movie/search?title="]';
        advencedScriptAction( className, scriptSelector );

        // Areas
        var resources = document.querySelector( '.resources > .value' );
        if ( resources.querySelector( 'div.group.thirdparty.english' ) == null ) {
            resources.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", '<div class="group thirdparty english"></div>' );
        titleArea = resources.querySelector( 'div.group.thirdparty.english' );
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html( PlanetDP ) );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/livechart\.me\/anime/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].LiveChart == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (site) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = site.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = site[i];
                if ( p.LiveChart == 1 ) {
                    h += '<div class="liveChart648 column column-block"><a class="button expanded ' + p.name.toLowerCase() + '-button" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow">PLANET<span class="accent">DP</span></a></div>';
		    return h;

        // Vars
        title = titleEdit( $('[property="og:title"]').attr("content") );

        // Advanced Script
        className = "liveChart648";
        scriptSelector = '#liveChart648-page div > a[href*="planetdp.org/movie/search?title="]';
        advencedScriptAction( className, scriptSelector );

        // Areas
        titleArea = document.querySelector( 'div.column > div.row.small-up-2.medium-up-3' );
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html( PlanetDP ) );

        // Styles
        GM_addStyle('.planetdp-button, .planetdp-button:hover, .planetdp-button:focus {background-color: #ff6d00; color: white}');

    else if (pageUrl.search(/livechart\.me\/(spring|summer|fall|winter|tba)(.+)?\/.+/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].LiveChart == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        const html = () => {
        	var h = '';
        	for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
        		var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.LiveChart == 1 ) {
                    h += '<li id="LiveChart648" class="' + p.name + '"><a href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" style="display: table; padding: 7px 5px 0px 4px;" ><img style="height:16px;" src="' + p.icon + '" title="' + p.name + '"><\/a></li>';
        	return h;

        const eliminate = (site) => {
            if (elBox[x].querySelector( site ) != null)
            {elBox[x].querySelector( site ).closest('li').style.display = "none";}

        var myScriptCheck = document.querySelector( '[id="LiveChart648"]' );
        if (myScriptCheck == null) {
        	elBox = document.querySelectorAll( '[class="anime-card"]');
            for ( x = 0; x < elBox.length; x++ )
                // Vars
                title = titleEdit( elBox[x].querySelector( '[class="main-title"]' ).textContent );

                // Areas
                titleArea = elBox[x].querySelector( '.related-links' );
                titleArea.innerHTML += html();

                // Eliminate Existing Butons
//                /* Official Site */            eliminate( '.website-icon' );
//                /* Trailer */                  eliminate( '.preview-icon' );
//                /*Twitter*/                    eliminate( '.twitter-icon' );
//                /* AniList */                  eliminate( '.anilist-icon' );
//                /* MAL */                      eliminate( '.mal-icon' );
//                /* AniDB */                    eliminate( '.anidb-icon' );
//                /* AnimePlanet */              eliminate( '.anime-planet-icon' );
//                /* AniSearch */                eliminate( '.anisearch-icon' );
//                /* Kitsu */                    eliminate( '.kitsu-icon' );
                /* Crunchyroll */              eliminate( '.crunchyroll-icon' );
                /* Official Ways to Watch */   eliminate( '.watch-icon' );

            // Set required style and hover
            styles = "";
            for( i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ )
                styles += "." + PlanetDP[i].name + ":hover {background-color: #" + PlanetDP[i].hover_color + "; border-radius: 15px;} ";
            GM_addStyle ( styles );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/anilist\.co/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].aniList == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = (site, vData) => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = site.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = site[i];
                if ( p.aniList == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a data-v-' + vData + '="" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" class="external-link ' + p.name + '">' + p.name + '</a>';
		    return h;

        const anilistAction = () => {
            if (window.location.href.search(/anilist\.co\/anime/) > 0) {
                // Varsa eskileri temizle.
                var externals = document.querySelectorAll('.external-links');
				var vClass = externals[0].innerHTML.replace(/.+<a data-v-(.+?)=""(.|\n)+/,"$1");
                if (externals.length > 1) externals[1].remove();
                var oldies = document.querySelectorAll('.external-link.PlanetDP');
                for (let x=0; x<oldies.length; x++) {oldies[x].remove();}

                // Yenisini yerleştir.
                title = titleEdit( $('.header .content h1').text() );
                if ( $( '.external-links' ).length > 0 ) {
					$( '.external-links' ).append( html( PlanetDP, vClass ) );
				} else {
					$( '.sidebar' ).append( '<div data-v-7408c186="" data-v-1fe923a4="" class="external-links"><h2 data-v-7408c186="">External &amp; Streaming links</h2>' + html( PlanetDP, vClass ) + '</div>' );
            setTimeout(function(){ anilistAction(); }, 5000);

		// Start ver.
        setTimeout(function(){ anilistAction(); }, 1000);

    else if (pageUrl.search(/kitsu\.io\//) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].kitsu == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.kitsu == 1 ) {
                    h += '<li><a href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="hint--top hint--bounce hint--rounded" aria-label="' + p.name + '"><img src="' + p.icon + '" style="width:20px"></a></li>';
		    return h;

        const kitsuAction = () => {
            if (window.location.href.search(/kitsu\.io\/anime\//) > 0 && $('[property="og:title"]').attr("content")) {
                // Varsa eskileri temizle.
                var oldies = document.querySelectorAll('.where-to-watch-widget.external-script');
                for (let x=0; x<oldies.length; x++) {oldies[x].remove();}

                // Yenisini yerleştir.
                title = titleEdit( $('[property="og:title"]').attr("content") );
                titleArea = $( '.entry-state-status' ).parent();
                titleArea.after( '<div class="where-to-watch-widget external-script"><span class="where-to-watch-header"><span>Başka Sitede Ara</span></span><ul class="nav">' + html( ) + '</ul></div>' );
            setTimeout(function(){ kitsuAction(); }, 5000);

		// Start ver.
		setTimeout(function(){ kitsuAction(); }, 3000);

    else if (pageUrl.search(/turkcealtyazi\.org/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].turkcealtyazi == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if (p.turkcealtyazi == 1) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" title="' + p.name + '" style="border: none; background: none; float: right; height: 17px; padding: 0 5px 0 0;"><img style="height: 17px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 0 0 0;" src="' + p.icon + '"></a>';
		    return h;

        // Vars & Areas
        if (pageUrl.search(/turkcealtyazi\.org\/mov/) >= 0) {
            imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"]' );
            if (imdbButton) {
                title = imdbButton.href.match( /.+imdb\.com\/title\/(tt\d+)\/?/i )[1];
            } else {
                title = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'span[itemprop="name"]' ).textContent );
                year = titleEdit( document.querySelector( 'span[class="year"]' ).textContent );

            titleArea = document.querySelector( '[id="altyazilar"] > h5' );
        else {
            // Vars
            var titleYear = document.querySelector( 'strong > a[href^="/mov/"]' ).parentElement.textContent;
            title = titleEdit( titleYear.replace( /(.+)\((\d+)\)/, "$1" ) );
            year = titleEdit( titleYear.replace( /(.+)\((\d+)\)/, "$2" ) );

            titleArea = document.querySelector( '[id="altyazilar"] > h2' );
            GM_addStyle ( ".portalust h2 a:after, .portalust h5 a:after {content: none;}" );

        // Fatal Blow
        titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/turkanime\.net\/anime\//) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].turkanime == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.turkanime == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" title="PlanetDP" style="float: right; height: 12px;"><img style="height: 16px; margin: -2px 0 0 5px; opacity: 0.8;" onmouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onmouseout="this.style.opacity=0.8" src="' + p.icon + '"></a></li>';
		    return h;

		// Vars
        titleArea = $( '#detayPaylas .panel-ust' );
        title = titleEdit( titleArea.text().trim() );
        year = '';

        // Area
        titleArea.append( html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/mydramalist\.com\/\d+/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].MyDramaList == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.MyDramaList == 1 ) {
                    h += '<li class="page-item nav-item"><a href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '" target="_blank" title="PlanetDP" class="nav-link"><img style="height: 20px; vertical-align: text-bottom; opacity: 0.7;" onmouseover="this.style.opacity=1" onmouseout="this.style.opacity=0.7" src="' + p.icon + '"></a></li>';
		    return h;

        var type = document.querySelector( 'meta[property="og:type"]' ).content;
        if (type == 'video.tv_show' || type == 'video.movie' || type == 'video.episode') {
            // Vars
            titleArea = document.querySelector( 'h1.film-title' );
            title = titleEdit( titleArea.querySelector( 'a' ).textContent.trim() );
            year = titleEdit( titleArea.textContent.match( /.+\((\d{4})\)$/i )[1] );

            // Area
            $('ul.nav-tabs').append( html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/movie.douban\.com/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].douban == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
		   var h = '';
		   for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		    	var p = PlanetDP[i];
                if ( p.douban == 1 ) {
                    h += '<a target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url ) + '" class="colbutt" style="flex: 1.5; letter-spacing: 0; font: 10px; margin-right: 0; color: #000;"><span style="padding-left: 9px; font: normal 11px sans-serif; line-height: 20px;">' + p.name + '</span></a>';
		    return '<br><div style="display: flex; width: 135px; margin-right: 0px;"><a target="_blank" href="' + imdbLink + '" class="colbutt" style="flex: 1; letter-spacing: 0; color: #000;"><span style="padding-left: 9px; font: normal 11px sans-serif; line-height: 20px;">IMDB</span></a>' + h + '</div>';

        // Vars
        imdbButton = document.querySelector( '[href*="imdb.com/title/tt"]' );
        imdbLink = imdbButton.href;
        ttimdbId = imdbLink.substr( imdbLink.indexOf('title')+6, 9);

        // Areas
        titleArea = document.querySelector( '[id="mainpic"]' );

        // Some CSS
        titleArea.style.width = "135px";
        var seasonInfo = document.querySelector( '[id="season"] > [selected="selected"]' );
        if (seasonInfo == null || seasonInfo.textContent == "1") {
			titleArea.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", html() );

    else if (pageUrl.search(/amazon\.com\/s\?i\=instant\-video/) >= 0 && PlanetDP[0].amazon_list == 1 ) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
	    const html = () => {
			var h = '';
			for( var i = 0, len = PlanetDP.length; i < len; i++ ) {
				var p = PlanetDP[i];
				if ( p.amazon_list == 1 ) {
					h += '<span id="648html" class="a-size-base a-color-secondary" dir="auto"> | </span><span id="648html" class="a-letter-space"></span><a id="648html" dir="auto" target="_blank" href="' + url( p.url_title ) + '">' + p.name + '</a>';
			return h;

		waitForKeyElements('[data-cel-widget="search_result_15"]', function() {
			// Work on Each Link
			var titles = document.querySelectorAll( '.s-result-item h2' );
			for ( x = 0; x < titles.length; x++ )
				// Vars
				title = titleEdit( titles[x].textContent.trim() );
				year = $($(titles[x]).next('div')).text().replace(/^(\d{4}).+/,"$1");
				if (title.search(/season/i) >= 0) {
					year = '';
					title = titleEdit( title.replace(/season.+/i, "").replace(/ - | – /,"").trim() );

				// Areas

    function advencedScriptAction( f_className, f_scriptSelector ) {
        GM_addStyle( '.' + f_className + ' {}' );
        if ( document.querySelector( f_scriptSelector ) != null ) { GM_addStyle( '.' + f_className + ' {display:none!important}' ); }
        waitForKeyElements( f_scriptSelector, function() {GM_addStyle( '.' + f_className + ' {display:none!important}' );} );

    function url( site ) {
        if ( site.indexOf( "%ttimdbId%" ) >= 0) {site = site.replace( /%ttimdbId%/, ttimdbId );}
        if ( site.indexOf( "%title%" ) >= 0) {site = site.replace( /%title%/, title );}
        if ( site.indexOf( "%year%" ) >= 0) {site = site.replace( /%year%/, year );}

		return site;

	function getFirstItem(input, key, value) {
		for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			var obj = input[i];
			if(obj[key] == value)
				return i;
		return null;

    function titleEdit( e_title ) {
        e_title = e_title
            .replace( ":", " " )
            .replace( "-", " " )
            .replace("&amp;","&") //replace & with code
            .replace("&nbsp;","") //delete nobreak space
            .replace(/[\/\\#+()$~%"*?<>{}]/g, " ") //remove bad chars
            .replace( /\s{2,}/g, " " )
        return e_title;

    function waitForKeyElements (
        selectorTxt,    /* Required: The jQuery selector string that
                            specifies the desired element(s).
        actionFunction, /* Required: The code to run when elements are
                            found. It is passed a jNode to the matched
        bWaitOnce,      /* Optional: If false, will continue to scan for
                            new elements even after the first match is
        iframeSelector  /* Optional: If set, identifies the iframe to
    ) {
        var targetNodes, btargetsFound;

        if (typeof iframeSelector == "undefined")
            targetNodes     = $(selectorTxt);
            targetNodes     = $(iframeSelector).contents ()
                                               .find (selectorTxt);

        if (targetNodes  &&  targetNodes.length > 0) {
            btargetsFound   = true;
            /*--- Found target node(s).  Go through each and act if they
                are new.
            targetNodes.each ( function () {
                var jThis        = $(this);
                var alreadyFound = jThis.data ('alreadyFound')  ||  false;

                if (!alreadyFound) {
                    //--- Call the payload function.
                    var cancelFound     = actionFunction (jThis);
                    if (cancelFound)
                        btargetsFound   = false;
                        jThis.data ('alreadyFound', true);
            } );
        else {
            btargetsFound   = false;

        //--- Get the timer-control variable for this selector.
        var controlObj      = waitForKeyElements.controlObj  ||  {};
        var controlKey      = selectorTxt.replace (/[^\w]/g, "_");
        var timeControl     = controlObj [controlKey];

        //--- Now set or clear the timer as appropriate.
        if (btargetsFound  &&  bWaitOnce  &&  timeControl) {
            //--- The only condition where we need to clear the timer.
            clearInterval (timeControl);
            delete controlObj [controlKey];
        else {
            //--- Set a timer, if needed.
            if ( ! timeControl) {
                timeControl = setInterval ( function () {
                        waitForKeyElements (    selectorTxt,
                controlObj [controlKey] = timeControl;
        waitForKeyElements.controlObj   = controlObj;
