Extra parts for Anilist.co
What happens if you click the "new chapters" button in the sidebar of your manga list?
That's using the same code as the chapters released thing.
when i click a white screen pops up saying connection error. btw sorry for a late reply.
Sounds like issues with communicating with the Anilist API.
Can I have the version of your browser, and the name of your userscript manager, so I can test this myself?
Also, is there any red text in the console when opening the anilist homepage?
https://www.opera.com/gx is my browser and i use violentmonkey. and no i dont see any red text.
Hey there i have encountered a problem while using the script.for some reason it while using the script it doesnt show the amount of manga chapters released like it normally would. I encountered this problem after changing devices but my browser has been Opera GX all along. I do have the option to show the amount of chapters released on from the anilist app settings. i think this might be a problem with the local storage but i have no idea how o fix it. I hope you can help.