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Bypass paywalls for scientific documents

Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.

< Bypass paywalls for scientific documents 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-04-04

thx, pls keep updating. you saved my life for the past 2 years

작성: 2021-04-04

You're welcome! I'm happy to help spreading the knowledge😆 If you haven't already seen it, let me suggest you also Sci-Hub Button. It's another script that does the same job, just in case mine stops working and I don't update it promptly.

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