// ==UserScript==
// @name Kittens tools
// @namespace http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/
// @version 1.226
// @description Kittens tools (visual)
// @author Anton
// @match http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cytoscape/3.2.22/cytoscape.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var $ = jQuery, _br = '<br/>';
var _Core = {
secondsToTimeStr: function (seconds) {
seconds = parseInt(seconds);
if (seconds > 0) {
var hours = parseInt(seconds / 3600);
var minutes = parseInt((seconds - 3600 * hours) / 60);
var sec = seconds - 3600 * hours - 60 * minutes;
var _lz = function(x) { return (x < 10 ? '0' + x : x); };
return _lz(hours) + ':' + _lz(minutes) + ':' + _lz(sec);
return '00:00:00';
clone: function (obj) {
var copy;
// Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined
if (null == obj || 'object' != typeof obj) return obj;
// Handle Date
if (obj instanceof Date) {
copy = new Date();
return copy;
// Handle Array
if (obj instanceof Array) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
copy[i] = _Core.clone(obj[i]);
return copy;
// Handle Object
if (obj instanceof Object) {
copy = {};
for (var attr in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = _Core.clone(obj[attr]);
return copy;
throw new Error('Unable to copy obj! Its type isn\'t supported.');
getBotVersion: function () {
return typeof GM_info == 'function' ? GM_info().script.version :
(typeof GM_info == 'object' ? GM_info.script.version : '?');
getCurrentDateTimeStr: function () {
var d = new Date();
var getPaddedComp = function (comp) {
return ((parseInt(comp) < 10) ? ('0' + comp) : comp)
var date = getPaddedComp(d.getDate()) + '.' + getPaddedComp(d.getMonth() + 1) + '.' + d.getFullYear();
var time = getPaddedComp(d.getHours()) + ':' + getPaddedComp(d.getMinutes());
return (date + " " + time);
floatToStr: function (num, maxDigits) {
var resultStr = 0;
num = parseFloat(num);
var sign = num >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
num = Math.abs(num);
if (num >= 0.01) {
if (typeof maxDigits === 'undefined') maxDigits = 2;
resultStr = num.toFixed(maxDigits);
} else if (num >= 0.001) {
if (typeof maxDigits === 'undefined') maxDigits = 3;
resultStr = num.toFixed(maxDigits);
} else if (num >= 0.0001) {
if (typeof maxDigits === 'undefined') maxDigits = 4;
resultStr = num.toFixed(maxDigits);
} else if (num >= 0.00001) {
if (typeof maxDigits === 'undefined') maxDigits = 5;
resultStr = num.toFixed(maxDigits);
} else if (num >= 0.1) {
if (typeof maxDigits === 'undefined') maxDigits = 1;
resultStr = num.toFixed(maxDigits);
} else {
resultStr = num > 1 ? num.toFixed(0) : '0+';
return sign > 0 ? resultStr : '-' + resultStr;
percentToStr: function(chanceInPercent) {
return _Core.floatToStr(chanceInPercent) + '%';
chanceToStr: function(chance) {
return _Core.percentToStr(parseFloat(chance) * 100);
var _Helpers = {
_spaceBuildings: undefined,
isGameReady: function() {
return $('#game').css('display') === 'block';
isResourceUnlocked: function(res) {
var r = game.resPool.get(res);
if (r.unlocked || (r.visible && r.craftable && !r.isHidden)) {
return true;
} else {
var workshop = game.workshop.crafts;
for (var i in workshop) {
if (workshop.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (workshop[i].name === res && workshop[i].unlocked) {
return true;
return false;
getMinCraft: function(res) {
// craft no more than 2% of possible craft
var allCount = game.workshop.getCraftAllCount(res);
var craftLevel = _BotSettings.getCraftLevel();
var ratioCount = Math.floor(allCount * craftLevel / 100);
return ratioCount < 1 ? 1 : ratioCount;
getPricesForModel: function(model, isReligion, isSpace) {
var ratio = model.priceRatio || (isSpace ? 1.15 : 1);
var prices = _Core.clone(model.prices);
if (isReligion) {
prices = game.village.getEffectLeader('wise', prices);
for (var i = 0; i < prices.length; i++){
if (isSpace && prices[i].name === "oil"){
prices[i].val = prices[i].val * Math.pow(1.05, model.val);
var reductionRatio = game.getHyperbolicEffect(game.getEffect("oilReductionRatio"), 0.75);
prices[i].val *= (1 - reductionRatio);
} else {
prices[i].val = prices[i].val * Math.pow(ratio, model.val);
return prices;
canBuyBuilding: function(bldName) {
var prices = game.bld.getPrices(bldName);
return _Helpers.isEnoughResourcesForPrice(prices);
isEnoughResourcesForPrice: function(prices) {
if (isNaN(prices.length)) {
return false; // if it is not an array
for (var x in prices) {
if (prices.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var resName = prices[x].name;
if (prices[x].val > game.resPool.get(resName).value) {
return false;
if (resName === 'catnip') {
if (!_Helpers.canSpendMint(prices[x].val)) {
return false;
if (_BotSettings.isCheckedResSetting(resName)) {
return false;
return true;
getPromoteInfo: function(kitten, rank, doNotCheckGold) {
if (doNotCheckGold) {
var currentGold = parseFloat('+Infinity')
} else {
currentGold = game.resPool.get('gold').value;
var sim = game.village.sim;
var kittenRank = kitten.rank;
if (typeof(rank) == 'undefined') {
rank = kitten.rank + 1;
var rankDiff = rank - kittenRank;
var expToPromote = 0;
var goldToPromote = 0;
if (rankDiff > 0) {
expToPromote = sim.expToPromote(kittenRank, rank, kitten.exp);
goldToPromote = sim.goldToPromote(kittenRank, rank, currentGold);
return {
rankDiff: rankDiff,
exp: expToPromote,
gold: goldToPromote
canPromoteKitten: function(kitten, rank, doNotCheckGold) {
var promoteInfo = _Helpers.getPromoteInfo(kitten, rank, doNotCheckGold);
var canPromote = false;
if (promoteInfo.rankDiff > 0) {
if (promoteInfo.exp[0] && (promoteInfo.gold[0] || doNotCheckGold === true)) {
canPromote = true;
} else if (promoteInfo.rankDiff > 1) { // If rank is unreachable, try one rank
return _Helpers.canPromoteKitten(kitten, undefined, doNotCheckGold);
return {
promoteInfo: promoteInfo,
canPromote: canPromote
getKittensForPromoteInfo: function(doNotCheckGold) {
var promotedKittens = [];
for (var i = 0; i < game.village.sim.kittens.length; i++) {
var done = false;
if(game.village.sim.kittens[i].engineerSpeciality != null) {
var tier = game.workshop.getCraft(game.village.sim.kittens[i].engineerSpeciality).tier;
if (game.village.sim.kittens[i].rank < tier) {
promotedKittens.push({'kitten': game.village.sim.kittens[i], 'rank': tier});
done = true;
if (!done) {
promotedKittens.push({'kitten': game.village.sim.kittens[i]});
var promotedKittensCount = 0;
var totalGoldNeeded = 0;
if(promotedKittens.length) {
for (i = 0; i < promotedKittens.length; i++) {
if (typeof(promotedKittens[i].rank) == 'number') {
var promoteInfo = _Helpers.canPromoteKitten(promotedKittens[i].kitten, promotedKittens[i].rank, doNotCheckGold);
promotedKittensCount += promoteInfo.canPromote ? 1 : 0;
totalGoldNeeded += promoteInfo.canPromote ? promoteInfo.promoteInfo.gold[1] : 0;
} else {
promoteInfo = _Helpers.canPromoteKitten(promotedKittens[i].kitten, undefined, doNotCheckGold);
promotedKittensCount += promoteInfo.canPromote ? 1 : 0;
totalGoldNeeded += promoteInfo.canPromote ? promoteInfo.promoteInfo.gold[1] : 0;
return {
count: promotedKittensCount,
gold: totalGoldNeeded
getZebraTitanium: function () {
if (game.diplomacy.get('zebras').unlocked) {
var shipVal = game.resPool.get('ship').value;
var shipRate = shipVal * 0.35; //0.35% per ship to get titanium
var titaniumAmt = 1.5;
titaniumAmt += titaniumAmt * (shipVal / 100) * 2; //2% more titanium per ship
return {percent: shipRate + 15, value: titaniumAmt};
return {percent: 0, value: 0};
getGameStandingRatio: function () {
var standingRatio = game.getEffect('standingRatio');
standingRatio = standingRatio ? standingRatio : 0;
if (game.prestige.getPerk('diplomacy').researched){
standingRatio += 10;
return standingRatio;
getBuildingTitle: function (building_type) {
var bld = game.bld.get(building_type);
return bld.stages && bld.stages.length > 0 ? bld.stages[bld.stage].label : bld.label;
getResourceTitle: function (resId) {
if (typeof game.resPool.resourceMap[resId] === 'object') {
return game.resPool.resourceMap[resId].title;
return resId;
canSpendMint: function (mintAmount) {
var calendar = game.calendar,
winterDays = calendar.daysPerSeason -
(calendar.getCurSeason().name === 'winter' ? calendar.day : 0);
var catnipPerTick = game.calcResourcePerTick('catnip', { modifiers:{
'catnip' : 0.25
}}); //calculate estimate winter per tick for catnip;
return (game.resPool.get('catnip').value - mintAmount + (winterDays * catnipPerTick / calendar.dayPerTick)) > 0;
getMagnetoBonus: function (addSteamwork, addMagneto) {
if (typeof addSteamwork === 'undefined') addSteamwork = 0;
if (typeof addMagneto === 'undefined') addMagneto = 0;
var steamworks = game.bld.get('steamworks');
var steamworksOn = steamworks.on + addSteamwork;
var magnetoOn = game.bld.get('magneto').effects.magnetoRatio * addMagneto;
var swRatio = steamworksOn > 0 ? (1+ steamworks.effects['magnetoBoostRatio'] * steamworksOn) : 1;
return (game.getEffect('magnetoRatio') + magnetoOn) * swRatio;
getBuildingPrice: function (building_type) {
return game.bld.getPrices(building_type);
isBuildingUnlocked: function(building_type) {
return game.bld.isUnlocked(game.bld.get(building_type));
canBuildNow: function (building_type) {
if (_Helpers.isBuildingUnlocked(building_type)) {
var prices = _Helpers.getBuildingPrice(building_type);
for (var i in prices) {
if (prices.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var resName = prices[i].name;
var resVal = prices[i].val;
var res = game.resPool.get(resName);
if (!res.unlocked) return false;
if (res.maxValue > 0 && res.maxValue < resVal) return false;
return true;
return false;
getMaximumScienceResourcesToKeep: function () {
var maxCompediums = 0;
var maxParchment = 0;
for (var i in game.science.techs) {
if (game.science.techs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var tech = game.science.techs[i];
if (tech.unlocked && !tech.researched) {
var prices = tech.prices;
for (var p in prices) {
if (prices.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
if (prices[p].name === 'compedium') {
if (prices[p].val > maxCompediums) {
maxCompediums = prices[p].val;
} else if (prices[p].name === 'parchment') {
if (prices[p].val > maxParchment) {
maxParchment = prices[p].val;
return {
maxCompediums: maxCompediums,
maxParchment: maxParchment
getMaximumScienceResourcesForBuildings: function() {
var maxParchments = 0, maxManuscript = 0;
var currentSettingBuys = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].buys;
for (var bldName in currentSettingBuys) {
if (currentSettingBuys.hasOwnProperty(bldName)) {
if (currentSettingBuys[bldName] === true) {
var bld = game.bld.get(bldName);
if (bld.unlocked && _Helpers.canBuildNow(bldName)) {
var prices = _Helpers.getBuildingPrice(bldName);
for (var x in prices) {
if (prices.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if (prices[x].name === 'parchment' && prices[x].val > maxParchments) {
maxParchments = prices[x].val;
if (prices[x].name === 'manuscript' && prices[x].val > maxManuscript) {
maxManuscript = prices[x].val;
return {
maxManuscript: maxManuscript,
maxParchment: maxParchments
getUnicornRiftChance: function () {
var unicornChanceRatio = 1;
if (game.prestige.getPerk('unicornmancy').researched){
unicornChanceRatio = 1.1;
unicornChanceRatio *= (1 + game.getEffect('timeRatio') * 0.25);
var riftChance = game.getEffect('riftChance'); //5 OPTK
return (riftChance * unicornChanceRatio) / 10000;
getAlicornChance: function () {
var aliChance = game.getEffect('alicornChance'); //0.2 OPTK
return aliChance / 100000;
getAstronomyChance: function () {
var chanceRatio = 1;
if (game.prestige.getPerk('chronomancy').researched){
chanceRatio = 1.1;
chanceRatio *= (1 + game.getEffect('timeRatio') * 0.25);
var chance = 25; //25 OPTK of event per day (0.25%)
chance += (game.getEffect('starEventChance') * 10000);
chance *= chanceRatio;
if (game.prestige.getPerk('astromancy').researched){
chance *= 2;
return chance / 10000;
getCorruptionSpeed: function () {
var sorrow = game.resPool.get('sorrow').value * 0.1;
var alicorns = game.resPool.get('alicorn');
var corruption = 0;
if (alicorns.value > 0){
corruption =
game.getEffect('corruptionRatio') *
(1 + Math.sqrt( sorrow * game.getEffect('blsCorruptionRatio') ))
* (game.resPool.get('necrocorn').value > 0 ?
0.25 * (1 + game.getEffect('corruptionBoostRatio')) : //75% penalty
return corruption;
getSecondsForOneCorruption: function () {
if (game.religion.corruption < 1) {
var corruptionSpeed = _Helpers.getCorruptionSpeed();
if (corruptionSpeed > 0) {
return Math.floor((1 - game.religion.corruption) / corruptionSpeed / game.getRateUI());
return 0;
getAlicornsPerSecond: function () {
return game.getEffect('alicornPerTick') * game.getRateUI();
getEldersChance: function () {
var pyramidVal = game.religion.getZU('blackPyramid').val;
if ( pyramidVal > 0 ){
var markerVal = game.religion.getZU('marker').val;
var eldersChance = 35 * pyramidVal * (1 + 0.1 * markerVal);
return eldersChance / 1000;
return 0;
getDiplomacyTradeValues: function (race) {
var boughtResourceCollection = {},
tradeRatio = 1 + game.diplomacy.getTradeRatio(),
raceRatio = race.name === "leviathans" ? (1 + 0.02 * race.energy) : 1,
currentSeason = game.calendar.getCurSeason().name;
for(var i = 0; i < race.sells.length; i++){
var sellResource = race.sells[i];
var resourceSeasonTradeRatio = sellResource.seasons[currentSeason];
var minBoughtAmount = (1 - sellResource.delta / 2);
var maxBoughtAmount = (1 - sellResource.delta / 2) + sellResource.delta;
var boughtAmountMin = minBoughtAmount * sellResource.value * resourceSeasonTradeRatio * tradeRatio * raceRatio;
var boughtAmountMax = maxBoughtAmount * sellResource.value * resourceSeasonTradeRatio * tradeRatio * raceRatio;
boughtResourceCollection[sellResource.name] = {
min: boughtAmountMin,
max: boughtAmountMax,
chance: sellResource.chance / 100
return boughtResourceCollection;
getSolarPanelEnergyProductionDifference: function (seasonId, panelsCount) {
var energyProduction = 2;
var energyProductionDifference = 0;
if (typeof seasonId === 'undefined') seasonId = game.calendar.season;
if (typeof panelsCount === 'undefined') panelsCount = 1;
energyProduction *= 1 + game.getEffect('solarFarmRatio');
if (parseInt(seasonId) === 3) { // winter
//energyProduction *= 0.75;
energyProductionDifference = -energyProduction * 0.25 * panelsCount;
} else if (parseInt(seasonId) === 1) { // summer
//energyProduction /= 0.75;
energyProductionDifference = energyProduction / 3 * panelsCount;
return energyProductionDifference;
getEnergyProduction: function (seasonId) {
var energy = game.resPool.energyProd;
var solarFarm = game.bld.get('pasture');
if (parseInt(solarFarm.stage) === 1 && solarFarm.on > 0) {
if (typeof seasonId === 'undefined') seasonId = game.calendar.season;
if (parseInt(seasonId) !== parseInt(game.calendar.season)) {
var solarEnergyBonus = _Helpers.getSolarPanelEnergyProductionDifference(undefined, solarFarm.on);
var solarBonusForSeason = _Helpers.getSolarPanelEnergyProductionDifference(seasonId, solarFarm.on);
return energy - solarEnergyBonus + solarBonusForSeason;
return energy;
getEnergyReserve: function (seasonId) {
return _Helpers.getEnergyProduction(seasonId) - game.resPool.energyCons;
getEnergyReserves: function () {
var result = [];
for (var i in game.calendar.seasons) {
if (game.calendar.seasons.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var season = game.calendar.seasons[i];
name: season.name,
title: season.title,
reserve: _Helpers.getEnergyReserve(i)
return result;
getFaithRatio: function (withReset) {
if (withReset) {
return game.religion.faithRatio + game.religion.getApocryphaResetBonus(1.01);
return game.religion.faithRatio;
getFaithBonus: function (withReset) {
var ratio = _Helpers.getFaithRatio(withReset);
return game.getTriValue(ratio, 0.1) * 0.1;
getProductionBonus: function(isAtMaximum, addTranscendence, addObelisk) {
if (typeof addTranscendence === 'undefined') addTranscendence = 0;
if (typeof addObelisk === 'undefined') addObelisk = 0;
var rate = game.religion.getRU("solarRevolution").on ? game.getTriValue(game.religion.faith, 1000) : 0;
var atheismBonus = game.challenges.getChallenge("atheism").researched ? game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel() * 0.1 : 0;
var blackObeliskBonus = (game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel() + addTranscendence) *
(game.religion.getTU("blackObelisk").val + addObelisk) * 0.005;
var baseRate = isAtMaximum ? 1000 : game.getHyperbolicEffect(rate, 1000);
rate = baseRate * (1 + atheismBonus + blackObeliskBonus);
return rate;
getNextTranscendPrice: function () {
var tclevel = game.religion.getTranscendenceLevel();
return game.religion.getTranscendenceRatio(tclevel + 1) - game.religion.getTranscendenceRatio(tclevel);
getGflopsValue: function () {
return game.resPool.get('gflops').value;
getGflopsConsumption: function () {
var bld = game.space.getBuilding('entangler');
if (bld.on > 0) {
return bld.effects['gflopsConsumption'] * game.getRateUI() * bld.on;
return 0;
getGflopsProduction: function () {
var bld = game.bld.get('aiCore');
if (bld.on > 0) {
return bld.effects['gflopsPerTickBase'] * bld.on * game.getRateUI();
return 0;
getMaxBcoinPriceChangePerSecond: function () {
return game.calendar.cryptoPrice * 0.01 / 400;
getVoidPerDay: function() {
// -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 at start, 1 on average
var maxPerDay = 2 + game.getEffect('temporalParadoxVoid');
return {
max: maxPerDay,
min: -1,
average: (maxPerDay - 1) / 2
getDaysInParadox: function () {
return 10 + game.getEffect('temporalParadoxDay');
getSpaceBuildings: function () {
if (typeof _Helpers._spaceBuildings === 'undefined') {
_Helpers._spaceBuildings = [];
for (var i = game.space.planets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var planet = game.space.planets[i];
if (planet.buildings) {
for (var j = planet.buildings.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var bld = planet.buildings[j];
return _Helpers._spaceBuildings;
var _Statistics = {
_statTitle: 'Bot statistics',
_collector: {
crafts: {},
craftsCount: {},
counters: {},
diplomacyCount: {}
addStatistics: function (group, name, value) {
if (!_Statistics._collector[group].hasOwnProperty(name)) {
_Statistics._collector[group][name] = parseFloat(value);
} else {
_Statistics._collector[group][name] += parseFloat(value);
addCraft: function (name, value) {
_Statistics.addStatistics('crafts', name, value);
addCraftCount: function (name, value) {
_Statistics.addStatistics('craftsCount', name, value);
addCounter: function (name, value) {
_Statistics.addStatistics('counters', name, value);
getStatsGroup: function () {
var result = {
group: [],
title: _Statistics._statTitle
for (var statGrp in _Statistics._collector) {
if (_Statistics._collector.hasOwnProperty(statGrp)) {
var groupName = statGrp;
var statItems = _Statistics._collector[statGrp];
for (var statItemIdx in statItems) {
if (statItems.hasOwnProperty(statItemIdx)) {
var item = statItems[statItemIdx];
name: groupName + ': ' + statItemIdx,
title: groupName + ': ' + statItemIdx,
val: item,
unlocked: true
return result;
var _Logs = {
_logs: {
log2: [],
hunt: [],
wrkshp: [],
trade: [],
build: [],
craft: []
mainLog: function(message) {
var mes = 'BOT: ' + message;
if (game && game.msg && game.ui) {
game.msg(mes, 'msg');
buildLog: function(message) {
_Logs.logCustom('build', message, true);
log2: function(message) {
_Logs.logCustom('log2', message);
logCustom: function(logName, message, withDateTime) {
while (_Logs._logs[logName].length >= 100) {
if (withDateTime === true) {
message = '[' + _Core.getCurrentDateTimeStr() + '] ' + message;
if (_BotUI.currentPage === logName) {
console: function(message) {
if (console) console.log(message);
getCustomLogItem: function(logName, index) {
if (_Logs._logs[logName].hasOwnProperty(index)) {
return _Logs._logs[logName][index];
return '';
getCustomLogSize: function(logName) {
return _Logs._logs[logName].length
clearCustomLog: function (logName) {
_Logs._logs[logName] = [];
logTrade: function (message) {
_Logs.logCustom('trade', message);
logCraft: function (message) {
_Logs.logCustom('craft', message);
var _BotSetting = {
auto: {
Buy: false,
PromoteKittens: true,
CollectFaith: true,
CreateSteel: true,
CreatePlates: true,
SendHunters: true,
CreateManuscript: true,
CreateWood: true,
CreateBeams: true,
CreateSlabs: true,
CreateCompedium: true,
CreateBlueprints: true,
Trade: false,
CreateKerosene: true,
CreateThorium: true,
CreateEludium: true,
BuyReligion: true,
FeedElders: false,
TradeBcoins: true,
CreateAlloy: false,
BuySpace: true
craftLevel: 2,
buys: {},
space: {},
keeps: {}
var zeroSetting = _Core.clone(_BotSetting);
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
var _BotSettingsMigrator = {
currentVersion: 11,
migrate1to2: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateBlueprints === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateBlueprints = true;
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateCompedium === 'undefined') {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto['CreateCompendium'] !== 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateCompedium = _BotSettings.settings[i].auto['CreateCompendium'];
delete _BotSettings.settings[i].auto['CreateCompendium'];
} else {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateCompedium = true;
_BotSettings.version = 2;
migrate2to3: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateKerosene === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateKerosene = true;
_BotSettings.version = 3;
migrate3to4: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateThorium === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateThorium = true;
_BotSettings.version = 4;
migrate4to5: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateEludium === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateEludium = true;
_BotSettings.version = 5;
migrate5to6: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.BuyReligion === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.BuyReligion = true;
_BotSettings.version = 6;
migrate6to7: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].craftLevel === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].craftLevel = 2;
_BotSettings.version = 7;
migrate7to8: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.FeedElders === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.FeedElders = false;
_BotSettings.version = 8;
migrate8to9: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.TradeBcoins === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.TradeBcoins = true;
_BotSettings.version = 9;
migrate9to10: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateAlloy === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.CreateAlloy = false;
_BotSettings.version = 10;
migrate10to11: function() {
for (var i in _BotSettings.settings) {
if (_BotSettings.settings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].auto.BuySpace === 'undefined') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].auto.BuySpace = true;
if (typeof _BotSettings.settings[i].space !== 'object') {
_BotSettings.settings[i].space = {};
_BotSettings.version = 11;
migrateAll: function () {
for (var i = 1; i < _BotSettingsMigrator.currentVersion; i++) {
if (_BotSettings.version === i) {
_BotSettingsMigrator['migrate' + i + 'to' + (i + 1)]();
_Logs.console('BOT: Migrated from ' + i + ' to ' + (i + 1));
var _BotSettings = {
version: _BotSettingsMigrator.currentVersion,
speed: 2000,
settingIdx: 0,
settings: [zeroSetting],
init: function () {
for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
var newZeroSetting = _Core.clone(_BotSetting);
toggleSetting: function (settingName) {
var currentSettingAuto = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].auto;
if (typeof currentSettingAuto[settingName] === 'boolean') {
currentSettingAuto[settingName] = !currentSettingAuto[settingName];
return false;
toggleBuySetting: function (name) {
var currentSettingBuys = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].buys;
if (typeof currentSettingBuys[name] === 'boolean') {
currentSettingBuys[name] = !currentSettingBuys[name];
} else {
currentSettingBuys[name] = true;
return false;
toggleSpaceSetting: function (name) {
var currentSettingSpace = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].space;
if (typeof currentSettingSpace[name] === 'boolean') {
currentSettingSpace[name] = !currentSettingSpace[name];
} else {
currentSettingSpace[name] = true;
return false;
toggleResSetting: function (name) {
var currentSettingKeeps = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].keeps;
if (typeof currentSettingKeeps[name] === 'boolean') {
currentSettingKeeps[name] = !currentSettingKeeps[name];
} else {
currentSettingKeeps[name] = true;
return false;
restoreBuySettingOld: function() {
var data = _BotSettings.restore('buy', false);
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx];
if (typeof data === 'string') {
currentSetting.buys = JSON.parse(data);
} else {
currentSetting.buys = {};
restoreResSettingOld: function() {
var data = _BotSettings.restore('keeps', false);
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx];
if (typeof data === 'string') {
currentSetting.keeps = JSON.parse(data);
} else {
currentSetting.keeps = {};
store: function(name, value) {
if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') localStorage.setItem(name, value);
restore: function(name, asBool) {
if (typeof asBool === 'undefined') asBool = false;
if (typeof(Storage) !== 'undefined') {
var aValue = localStorage.getItem(name);
if (asBool && aValue !== null) {
return (aValue === 'true' || aValue === true);
} else {
return aValue;
else return null;
restoreAllNew: function() {
var data = _BotSettings.restore('settings', data);
if (data) {
_BotSettings.settings = JSON.parse(data);
var settingIdx = _BotSettings.restore('settingsIdx');
if (settingIdx) {
_BotSettings.settingIdx = parseInt(settingIdx);
var version = _BotSettings.restore('version');
if (version) {
_BotSettings.version = parseInt(version);
var speed = _BotSettings.restore('speed');
if (speed) {
_BotSettings.speed = parseInt(speed);
storeSetting: function() {
var data = JSON.stringify(_BotSettings.settings);
_BotSettings.store('settings', data);
_BotSettings.store('settingsIdx', _BotSettings.settingIdx);
_BotSettings.store('version', _BotSettings.version);
_BotSettings.store('speed', _BotSettings.speed);
restoreAllOld: function() {
var autos = _BotSetting.auto;
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx];
for (var x in autos) {
if (autos.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var oldValue = _BotSettings.restore('auto' + x, true);
if (oldValue !== null) {
currentSetting.auto[x] = oldValue;
removeOldSettings: function() {
if (typeof(Storage) === 'undefined') return;
var autos = _BotSetting.auto;
for (var x in autos) {
if (autos.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
localStorage.removeItem('auto' + x);
restoreAll: function () {
if (_BotSettings.restore('version') === null) {
} else {
isCheckedBuySetting: function (bld) {
var currentSettingBuys = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].buys;
if (typeof currentSettingBuys[bld] !== 'undefined') {
return currentSettingBuys[bld] === true;
return false;
isCheckedSpaceSetting: function (bld) {
var currentSettingSpace = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].space;
if (typeof currentSettingSpace[bld] !== 'undefined') {
return currentSettingSpace[bld] === true;
return false;
isCheckedResSetting: function (res) {
var currentSettingKeeps = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].keeps;
if (typeof currentSettingKeeps[res] !== 'undefined') {
return currentSettingKeeps[res] === true;
return false;
isAuto: function (autoSetting) {
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx];
var r = currentSetting.auto[autoSetting];
return typeof r !== 'undefined' && r;
getCraftLevel: function () {
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx];
return currentSetting.craftLevel;
setCraftLevel: function (newLevel) {
var currentSetting = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].craftLevel;
newLevel = parseInt(newLevel);
if (newLevel > 0 && newLevel <= 100 && currentSetting !== newLevel) {
_BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].craftLevel = newLevel;
var _BotActions = {
craftAll: function(res) {
if (_Helpers.isResourceUnlocked(res)) {
_Logs.log2('Crafting ' + res);
var minAmt = game.workshop.getCraftAllCount(res);
if (minAmt > 0 && minAmt < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var craftRatio = game.getResCraftRatio({name: res});
var bonus = minAmt * craftRatio;
_Statistics.addCraft(res, minAmt + bonus);
_Statistics.addCraftCount(res, minAmt);
craft: function(res, amount) {
var craftRatio = game.getResCraftRatio({name: res});
var bonus = amount * craftRatio;
_Statistics.addCraft(res, amount + bonus);
game.craft(res, amount);
_Statistics.addCraftCount(res, amount);
collectAstronomy: function() {
if (game.calendar.observeRemainingTime > 0) {
if (typeof game.calendar.observeHandler === 'function') {
_Statistics.addCounter('astronomy', 1);
catnipToWood: function() {
var catnip = game.resPool.get('catnip');
if (catnip.value >= catnip.maxValue) {
var minWood = _Helpers.getMinCraft('wood');
var wood = game.resPool.get('wood');
if (wood.value + minWood <= wood.maxValue) {
_Logs.log2('Catnip to Wood x ' + minWood);
_BotActions.craft('wood', minWood);
_Statistics.addCraftCount('wood', minWood);
collectFaith: function() {
var faith = game.resPool.get('faith');
if (faith.value >= faith.maxValue) {
_Statistics.addCounter('praise', 1);
sendAllHunters: function() {
var manpower = game.resPool.get('manpower');
if (manpower.value >= manpower.maxValue) {
_Logs.log2('Sending hunters');
_Statistics.addCounter('hunt', 1);
ironToSteel: function() {
if (_Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('steel')) {
var iron = game.resPool.get('iron');
var coal = game.resPool.get('coal');
if (iron.value >= iron.maxValue || coal.value >= coal.maxValue) {
if (coal.value >= 100 && iron.value >= 100) {
_Logs.log2('Iron to Steel x ALL');
ironToPlates: function() {
var iron = game.resPool.get('iron');
var minPlate = _Helpers.getMinCraft('plate');
if (iron.value >= (125 * minPlate) && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('plate')) {
_Logs.log2('Iron to Plate x ' + minPlate);
_BotActions.craft('plate', minPlate);
woodToBeams: function() {
var wood = game.resPool.get('wood');
if (wood.value >= wood.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('beam')) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('beam');
_Logs.log2('Wood to Beam x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('beam', minVal);
mineralsToSlabs: function() {
var minerals = game.resPool.get('minerals');
if (minerals.value >= minerals.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('slab')) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('slab');
_Logs.log2('Minerals to Slab x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('slab', minVal);
oilToKerosene: function() {
var oil = game.resPool.get('oil');
if (oil.value >= oil.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('kerosene')) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('kerosene');
_Logs.log2('Oil to Kerosene x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('kerosene', minVal);
uraniumToThorium: function() {
var uranium = game.resPool.get('uranium');
if (uranium.value >= uranium.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('thorium')) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('thorium');
_Logs.log2('Uranium to Thorium x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('thorium', minVal);
cultureToManuscript: function() {
var culture = game.resPool.get('culture');
var parchment = game.resPool.get('parchment');
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('manuscript');
if (culture.value >= culture.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('manuscript') && culture.value >= (400 * minVal) && parchment.value >= (25 * minVal)) {
_Logs.log2('Culture to Manuscript x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('manuscript', minVal);
makeABuy: function(itemName) {
var btn = $('.bldGroupContainer').find('div.btnContent').find('span').filter(function(){
var t = $(this).text();
return t.indexOf(itemName + ' (') === 0 || t === itemName;
if (btn&& btn.length === 1) {
_Logs.mainLog('Autobuy ' + itemName);
promoteKittens: function() {
var gold = game.resPool.get('gold');
if (!gold.unlocked) return;
if (gold.value >= 15 && gold.value >= gold.maxValue && _Helpers.getKittensForPromoteInfo().count > 0) {
_Statistics.addCounter('promote', 1);
scienceToCompedium: function() {
var science = game.resPool.get('science');
var manuscript = game.resPool.get('manuscript');
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('compedium');
if (science.value >= science.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('compedium') && manuscript.value >= (50 * minVal) && science.value >= (10000 * minVal)) {
_Logs.log2('Science/Manuscript to Compedium x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('compedium', minVal);
scienceToBlueprints: function() {
var science = game.resPool.get('science');
var compediums = game.resPool.get('compedium');
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('blueprint');
if (science.value >= science.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('blueprint') && compediums.value >= (25 * minVal) && science.value >= (25000 * minVal)) {
_Logs.log2('Science/Compedium to Blueprint x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('blueprint', minVal);
sendZebraCaravan: function () {
var zebras = game.diplomacy.get('zebras');
if (zebras.unlocked) {
var titanium = game.resPool.get('titanium');
if (titanium.value < titanium.maxValue) {
var gold = game.resPool.get('gold');
var power = game.resPool.get('manpower');
var slab = game.resPool.get('slab');
if (gold.value >= gold.maxValue && power.value >= 50 && slab.value >= 50) {
_Logs.logTrade('[Zebra trade] x 1');
game.diplomacy.tradeMultiple(zebras, 1);
_Statistics.addStatistics('diplomacyCount', 'zebras', 1);
sendNagasCaravan: function () {
var nagas = game.diplomacy.get('nagas');
if (nagas.unlocked) {
var ivory = game.resPool.get('ivory');
var gold = game.resPool.get('gold');
if (ivory.value > 500 && ivory.perTickCached > 0 && gold.value >= gold.maxValue) {
var minerals = game.resPool.get('minerals');
var power = game.resPool.get('manpower');
if (minerals.value < minerals.maxValue && power.value >= 50) {
_Logs.logTrade('[Nagas trade] x 1');
game.diplomacy.tradeMultiple(nagas, 1);
_Statistics.addStatistics('diplomacyCount', 'nagas', 1);
sendDragonsCaravan: function () {
var dragons = game.diplomacy.get('dragons');
if (dragons.unlocked) {
var uranium = game.resPool.get('uranium');
if (uranium.unlocked && uranium.value < uranium.maxValue) {
var titanium = game.resPool.get('titanium');
var gold = game.resPool.get('gold');
var power = game.resPool.get('manpower');
if (titanium.value >= titanium.maxValue && titanium.value >= 250 && gold.value >= gold.maxValue && power.value >= 50) {
_Logs.logTrade('[Dragons trade] x 1');
game.diplomacy.tradeMultiple(dragons, 1);
_Statistics.addStatistics('diplomacyCount', 'dragons', 1);
turnOffMoonOutpost: function () {
var bld = game.space.getBuilding('moonOutpost');
if (bld.val > 0 && bld.on > 0) {
_Logs.mainLog('No uranium: Turn Off MoonOutpost');
unobtainiumToEludium: function () {
var unobtainium = game.resPool.get('unobtainium');
if (unobtainium.value >= unobtainium.maxValue && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('eludium')) {
var alloy = game.resPool.get('alloy');
if (unobtainium.value >= 1000 && alloy.value >= 2500) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('eludium');
_Logs.log2('Unobtainium to Eludium x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('eludium', minVal);
buyModelBuilding: function(bld, isReligion, isSpace) {
var prices = _Helpers.getPricesForModel(bld, isReligion, isSpace);
if (_Helpers.isEnoughResourcesForPrice(prices)) {
if (bld.breakIronWill) {
game.ironWill = false;
if (bld.unlocks) {
if (bld.upgrades) {
_Logs.mainLog('Autobuy ' + bld.label);
if (isReligion) {
_Logs.buildLog('Religion: ' + bld.label);
_Statistics.addCounter('buyReligion', 1);
} else if (isSpace) {
_Logs.buildLog('Space: ' + bld.label);
_Statistics.addCounter('buySpace', 1);
} else {
_Statistics.addCounter('buyModel', 1);
buyReligion: function () {
if (game.religionTab.visible) {
var blds = game.religion.religionUpgrades;
for (var i in blds) {
if (blds.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var bld = blds[i];
var isVisible = bld.faith <= game.religion.faith;
var needBuy = !bld.noStackable || bld.val < 1;
if (isVisible && needBuy) {
_BotActions.buyModelBuilding(bld, true);
craftResource: function(resName, minimumAmountInStorage) {
var res = game.resPool.get(resName);
if (res.value < minimumAmountInStorage && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked(resName)) {
var craftRatio = game.getResCraftRatio({name: resName});
var craftAmt = 1 + craftRatio;
var needCrafts = Math.ceil((minimumAmountInStorage - res.value) / craftAmt);
_Logs.log2('"' + resName + '" craft x ' + needCrafts);
_BotActions.craft(resName, needCrafts);
feedElders: function () {
var ncorns = game.resPool.get('necrocorn');
if (ncorns.value >= 1) {
var elders = game.diplomacy.get('leviathans');
var markerCap = game.religion.getZU('marker').val * 5 + 5;
if (elders.unlocked && elders.energy < markerCap) {
_Logs.mainLog('Feeding Elders');
_Logs.log2('Feeding Elders');
sellBcoins: function () {
if (game.diplomacy.get("leviathans").unlocked) {
if (game.science.get('blackchain').researched && game.resPool.get('blackcoin').value > 0) {
_Logs.log2('Sell all B-Coins');
buyBcoins: function () {
if (game.diplomacy.get("leviathans").unlocked) {
if (game.science.get('blackchain').researched && game.resPool.get('relic').value > 0) {
_Logs.log2('Buy B-Coins');
titaniumToAlloy: function () {
var titanium = game.resPool.get('titanium');
var steel = game.resPool.get('steel');
if (titanium.value >= titanium.maxValue && steel.value > 75 && titanium.value > 10 && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('alloy')) {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('alloy');
_Logs.log2('Titanium to Alloy x ' + minVal);
_BotActions.craft('alloy', minVal);
var _Cytoscape = {
cy: undefined,
cyElements: undefined,
$scienceLegend: undefined,
$scienceLegendTitle: undefined,
$scienceLegendDescr: undefined,
$scienceLegendPrice: undefined,
$scienceLegendUnlock: undefined,
isCyInited: function() {
return typeof _Cytoscape.cy !== 'undefined';
initCy: function() {
var el = document.getElementById('scienceTree');
if (!_Cytoscape.isCyInited() && typeof cytoscape !== 'undefined' && el !== null) {
var elems = [], elemsPositions = {};
var _addNode = function (name, connectTo, dx ,dy) {
var t = game.science.get(name);
if (!t) return;
while (typeof elemsPositions[dx + '_' + dy] !== 'undefined') {
dy += 100;
elemsPositions[dx + '_' + dy] = 1;
var nodeData = {
group: 'nodes',
data: {
id: t.name,
researched: t.researched,
unlocked: t.unlocked
position: {
x: dx,
y: dy
grabbable: false,
locked: false
/*if (typeof connectTo !== 'undefined') {
nodeData.data.parent = connectTo;
if (typeof connectTo !== 'undefined') {
var linkName = t.name + '_' + connectTo;
group: 'edges',
data: {
id: linkName,
source: connectTo,
target: t.name
if (typeof t.unlocks !== 'undefined' && typeof t.unlocks.tech === 'object') {
var offsetY = 0;
for (var x in t.unlocks.tech) {
if (t.unlocks.tech.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
_addNode(t.unlocks.tech[x], name, dx + 150, dy + offsetY);
offsetY += 100;
_addNode('calendar', undefined, 100, 100);
_Cytoscape.cyElements = elems;
_Cytoscape.cy = cytoscape({
container: el, // container to render in
zoom: 0.5,
wheelSensitivity: 0.25,
style: [
selector: 'node',
style: {
'label': 'data(id)',
'background-color': function( ele ) {
var unlocked = ele.data('unlocked');
var researched = ele.data('researched');
return researched ? 'green' : (unlocked ? 'lightblue' : 'gray');
selector: ':selected',
style: {
'background-color': 'white',
'border-width': '2px',
'border-style': 'solid',
'border-color': 'red'
_Cytoscape.cy.on('click', _Cytoscape.onScienceNodeClick);
openPanel: function () {
if (_Cytoscape.isCyInited()) {
} else {
onOpenScienceTreeClick: function () {
onCloseScienceTreeClick: function() {
onScienceNodeClick: function (e) {
var clickedNode = e.target;
var data = clickedNode.hasOwnProperty('0') ? clickedNode[0]._private.data : undefined;
if (typeof data !== 'undefined') {
var techName = data.id;
if (techName.indexOf('_') === -1) {
var tech = game.science.get(techName);
} else {
} else {
getTechPriceTableHtml: function(tech) {
var prices = game.science.getPrices(tech);
var priceTable = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
for (var pid in prices) {
if (prices.hasOwnProperty(pid)) {
var price = prices[pid];
var resName = $I('resources.' + price.name + '.title');
var value = game.getDisplayValueExt(parseInt(price.val));
priceTable += '<tr><td>' + resName + '</td><td>' + value + '</td></tr>';
priceTable += '</table>';
return priceTable;
getSpaceUnlockedByTech: function(tech) {
var unlockedSpace = [];
var allSpacePrograms = game.space.metaCache;
for (var i in allSpacePrograms) {
if (allSpacePrograms.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var program = allSpacePrograms[i];
if (typeof program.requiredTech !== 'undefined') {
for (var x in program.requiredTech) {
if (program.requiredTech.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var unl = program.requiredTech[x];
if (unl === tech.name) {
label: program.label
return unlockedSpace;
getTechUnlocksTableHtml: function(tech) {
var br = '<br/>', hr = '<hr/>';
var unlocksTable = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
var _addToUnlocksTable = function (title, techUnlocksUid, nameCallback) {
var unlockArr = tech.unlocks[techUnlocksUid];
if (typeof unlockArr === 'undefined') return;
unlocksTable += '<td>' + title + ':' + hr;
for (var iid in unlockArr) {
if (unlockArr.hasOwnProperty(iid)) {
var aName = nameCallback(unlockArr[iid]);
unlocksTable += aName + br;
unlocksTable += '</td>';
var _translate = function(key, defValue) {
return i18nLang.messages[key] ? $I(key) : defValue;
_addToUnlocksTable( $I('tab.name.workshop'), 'crafts', function(name) {
return $I('resources.' + name + '.title');
_addToUnlocksTable( $I('tab.name.science'), 'tech', function(name) {
return game.science.get(name).label;
_addToUnlocksTable( $I('workshop.upgradePanel.label'), 'upgrades', function(name) {
return _translate('workshop.' + name + '.label', name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Buildings', 'buildings', function(name) {
return _translate('buildings.' + name + '.label', name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Jobs', 'jobs', function(name) {
return $I('village.job.' + name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Tabs', 'tabs', function(name) {
return $I('tab.name.' + name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Chronoforge', 'chronoforge', function(name) {
return _translate('time.cfu.' + name + '.label', name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Void Space', 'voidSpace', function(name) {
return _translate('time.vsu.' + name + '.label', name);
_addToUnlocksTable( $I('challendge.panel.label'), 'challenges', function(name) {
return _translate('challendge.' + name + '.label', name);
_addToUnlocksTable( 'Stages', 'stages', function(name) {
if (typeof name === 'object') {
if (name.bld && typeof name.stage !== 'undefined') {
var bld = game.bld.get(name.bld);
var newName = name.stage;
if (bld.stages && bld.stages[name.stage]) {
newName = bld.stages[name.stage].label;
return _translate('buildings.' + name.bld + '.label', name.bld) + ' (' + newName + ')';
} else {
return JSON.stringify(name);
return name;
var spaceUnlocked = _Cytoscape.getSpaceUnlockedByTech(tech);
if (spaceUnlocked.length > 0) {
unlocksTable += '<td>' + $I('tab.name.space') + ':' + hr;
for (var i in spaceUnlocked) {
if (spaceUnlocked.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
unlocksTable += spaceUnlocked[i].label + br;
unlocksTable += '</td>';
unlocksTable += '</tr></table>';
return unlocksTable;
initScienceLabel: function (tech) {
var priceTable = _Cytoscape.getTechPriceTableHtml(tech);
if (tech.unlocks) {
var unlocksTable = _Cytoscape.getTechUnlocksTableHtml(tech);
} else {
initScienceLegend: function() {
var header = '<div id="scienceLegendTitle" class="legendBlock">Название</div>';
var descr = '<div id="scienceLegendDescr" class="legendBlock">Описание длинное</div>';
var prices = '<div id="scienceLegendPrice" class="legendBlock">Цена: 1 crystal</div>';
var unlocks = '<div id="scienceLegendUnlock" class="legendBlock">Открывает: Religion</div>';
var blocks = header + descr + prices + unlocks;
var inner = '<div id="scienceLegendInner">' + blocks + '</div>';
var scienceDiv = '<div id="scienceLegend" style="display:none">' + inner + '</div>';
_Cytoscape.$scienceLegend = $('#scienceLegend');
_Cytoscape.$scienceLegendTitle = $('#scienceLegendTitle');
_Cytoscape.$scienceLegendDescr = $('#scienceLegendDescr');
_Cytoscape.$scienceLegendPrice = $('#scienceLegendPrice');
_Cytoscape.$scienceLegendUnlock = $('#scienceLegendUnlock');
initScienceTree: function() {
var closeDivButton = '<a href="#" id="closeScienceTree" onclick="KittenTools.CY.onCloseScienceTreeClick()">X</a>';
var scienceDiv = '<div id="scienceTree" style="display:none">' + closeDivButton + '</div>';
init: function () {
var _Wiki = {
$wikiPopup: undefined,
_wikiUrl: 'http://bloodrizer.ru/games/kittens/wiki/index.php?page=',
wikiPages: [
'Main page',
getWikiPageLinksHtml: function() {
var result = [];
result.push('<div class="linkBlock">');
for (var i in _Wiki.wikiPages) {
if (_Wiki.wikiPages.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var name = _Wiki.wikiPages[i];
var nameUrl = name.replace(' ', '+');
result.push('<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Wiki.onWikiClick(\'' + nameUrl + '\')">' + name + '</a>');
return result.join('');
init: function() {
var closeDivButton = '<a href="#" id="closeWikiPopup" onclick="KittenTools.Wiki.onCloseWikiClick()">X</a>';
var pageLinks = _Wiki.getWikiPageLinksHtml();
var inner = '<iframe id="wikiFrame"></iframe>';
var scienceDiv = '<div id="wikiPopup" style="display:none">' + closeDivButton + pageLinks + inner + '</div>';
_Wiki.$wikiPopup = $('#wikiPopup');
onOpenWikiClick: function () {
return false;
onCloseWikiClick: function () {
onWikiClick: function (pageName) {
document.getElementById('wikiFrame').src = _Wiki._wikiUrl + pageName;
var _BotInfoPage = {
_oldEnergyReserves: undefined,
getButtonsHtml: function() {
var inner = '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.CY.onOpenScienceTreeClick()">Show Tech tree</a>';
inner += ' | ';
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Wiki.onOpenWikiClick()">Wiki</a>' + _br;
return inner;
getMainBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var kittensPromoteInfo = _Helpers.getKittensForPromoteInfo();
inner += '- Need promote: ' + kittensPromoteInfo.count + _br;
if (kittensPromoteInfo.count) {
inner += '- Gold for promote: ' + kittensPromoteInfo.gold + _br;
inner += '- Rift chance: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(_Helpers.getUnicornRiftChance()) + _br;
inner += '- Astronomy chance: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(_Helpers.getAstronomyChance()) + _br;
var timeForCorruption = _Core.secondsToTimeStr(_Helpers.getSecondsForOneCorruption());
inner += '- To Corruption: ' + timeForCorruption + _br;
inner += '- Alicorn chance: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(_Helpers.getAlicornChance()) + _br;
var alicornsPerSecond = _Helpers.getAlicornsPerSecond();
inner += '- Alicorn/sec: ' + _Core.floatToStr(alicornsPerSecond, 5) + _br;
var timeCrystalRatio = 1 + game.getEffect('tcRefineRatio');
inner += '- Time crytals/sac: ' + _Core.floatToStr(timeCrystalRatio, 3) + _br;
var eldersChance = _Helpers.getEldersChance();
inner += '- Leviathans chance/year: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(eldersChance) + _br;
return inner;
getChronoBlockHtml: function() {
if (!game.bld.get('chronosphere').on) return null;
var inner = '- Seasons to TemporalParadox: ' + game.calendar.futureSeasonTemporalParadox + _br;
inner += '- Days in paradox: ' + _Helpers.getDaysInParadox() + _br;
var voidInDay = _Helpers.getVoidPerDay();
inner += '- Void/day: ' + voidInDay.min + '..' + voidInDay.max + ' (' + voidInDay.average + ' avg.)' + _br;
inner += '- Void/paradox: ' + (_Helpers.getDaysInParadox() * voidInDay.average) + ' avg.' + _br;
if (_BotUI.lastVoidGain) {
inner += '- Last void gain: ' + _BotUI.lastVoidGain + _br;
return inner;
getAiCoreBlockHtml: function() {
var gflops = game.resPool.get('gflops').value;
if (gflops <= 0) return null;
var inner = '';
var gflopsProd = _Helpers.getGflopsProduction();
var gflopsCons = _Helpers.getGflopsConsumption();
inner += '- Gflops: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(_Helpers.getGflopsValue(), false, false, 3) + _br;
if (gflopsProd > 0) {
inner += '- Gflops prod.: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(gflopsProd, '+', false, 2) + _br;
if (gflopsCons > 0) {
inner += '- Gflops cons.: -' + game.getDisplayValueExt(gflopsCons, false, false, 2) + _br;
if (gflopsProd > gflopsCons) {
var maxGflops = Math.exp(15);
if (gflops < maxGflops) {
var timeToAI = (maxGflops - gflops) / (gflopsProd - gflopsCons);
inner += '- Apocalypse in: ' + game.toDisplaySeconds(timeToAI) + _br;
} else if (gflopsProd < gflopsCons) {
var timeToZero = gflops / (gflopsCons - gflopsProd);
inner += '- Gflops to zero: ' + game.toDisplaySeconds(timeToZero) + _br;
return inner;
getEnergyBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
if (typeof _BotInfoPage._oldEnergyReserves !== 'undefined' && game.calendar.day <= 1) {
var reserves = _BotInfoPage._oldEnergyReserves;
} else {
reserves = _Helpers.getEnergyReserves();
_BotInfoPage._oldEnergyReserves = reserves;
for (var i in reserves) {
if (reserves.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var reserve = reserves[i];
var energyStr = _Core.floatToStr(reserve.reserve, 3);
if (reserve.reserve < 0) {
energyStr = '<span style="color:red">' + energyStr + '</span>';
inner += '- ' + reserve.title + ': ' + energyStr + _br;
return inner;
getBcoinBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
if (game.science.get('blackchain').researched || game.resPool.get('blackcoin').value > 0) {
var bcoinPerSec = _Helpers.getMaxBcoinPriceChangePerSecond();
inner += '- Max change/sec: ' + _Core.floatToStr(bcoinPerSec, 2) + _br;
if (bcoinPerSec > 0) {
inner += '- Min value: ' + _Core.floatToStr(game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax * 0.7, 2) + _br;
var curValue = _Core.floatToStr(game.calendar.cryptoPrice, 2);
if ((game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax - game.calendar.cryptoPrice) / bcoinPerSec < 1000) {
curValue = '<span style="color:red">' + curValue + '</span>';
inner += '- Current value: ' + curValue + _br;
inner += '- Max value: ' + _Core.floatToStr(game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax, 2) + _br;
var timeToMax = (game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax - game.calendar.cryptoPrice) / (bcoinPerSec * 0.3 * 0.5) * 2; // 0.3 - chance to increase, 0.5 - random chance, 2 - seconds/game day
inner += '- To max: ' + game.toDisplaySeconds(timeToMax) + _br;
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('TradeBcoins')) {
inner += '- Auto sell: ' + _Core.floatToStr(game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax - 10 * bcoinPerSec, 2) + _br;
return inner;
getFaithBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var faithBonusBeforeReset = _Helpers.getFaithBonus(false);
var faithBonusAfterReset = _Helpers.getFaithBonus(true);
inner += '- Faith reset: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt((faithBonusAfterReset - faithBonusBeforeReset) * 100, '+', false, 1) + '%' + _br;
var needNextLevel = _Helpers.getNextTranscendPrice();
inner += '- Faith ratio: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(game.religion.faithRatio, false, false, 1) + _br;
inner += '- Faith ratio on reset: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(_Helpers.getFaithRatio(true), false, false, 1) + _br;
inner += '- Transcend price: ' + game.getDisplayValueExt(needNextLevel, false, false, 1) + _br;
if (game.religion.faithRatio < needNextLevel) {
var progressPercentage = game.toDisplayPercentage(game.religion.faithRatio / needNextLevel, 2, true);
inner += '- Transcend progress: ' + progressPercentage + '%' + _br;
} else {
var newRatio = game.religion.faithRatio - needNextLevel;
var newFaithBonus = game.religion.getTriValueReligion(newRatio);
inner += '- Transcend new bonus: ' + game.toDisplayPercentage(newFaithBonus, 2, true) + _br;
return inner;
getProductionBonusBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var productionBonus = _Helpers.getProductionBonus();
var productionBonusMax = _Helpers.getProductionBonus(true);
var productionBonusAddTranscedence = _Helpers.getProductionBonus(true, 1, 0);
var productionBonusAddObelisk = _Helpers.getProductionBonus(true, 0, 1);
inner += '- Bonus: ' + game.toDisplayPercentage(productionBonus / 100, 2, true) + '%' + _br;
inner += '- Max bonus: ' + game.toDisplayPercentage(productionBonusMax / 100, 2, true) + '%' + _br;
inner += '- On +1 Transcend: ' + game.toDisplayPercentage(productionBonusAddTranscedence / 100, 2, true) + '%' + _br;
inner += '- On +1 Obelisk: ' + game.toDisplayPercentage(productionBonusAddObelisk / 100, 2, true) + '%' + _br;
return inner;
getTradesBlockHtml: function() {
var tradeRatio = game.diplomacy.getTradeRatio();
var spiceMax = 25 + 49 + 49 * tradeRatio;
var inner = '- Blueprint chance: 10% (fixed)' + _br;
inner += '- Spice chance: 35% (fixed)' + _br;
inner += '- Spice amount max: ' + parseFloat(spiceMax).toFixed(2) + _br;
inner += '- Trade ratio: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(tradeRatio + 1) + _br;
return inner;
getFriendlyTradesBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var gameStanding = _Helpers.getGameStandingRatio();
for (var rid in game.diplomacy.races) {
if (game.diplomacy.races.hasOwnProperty(rid)) {
var r = game.diplomacy.races[rid];
if (r.attitude === 'friendly' && r.standing) {
var rStanding = r.standing * 100 + gameStanding/2;
inner += '- ' + r.title +': ' + _Core.percentToStr(rStanding) + _br;
return inner;
getHostileTradesBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var gameStanding = _Helpers.getGameStandingRatio();
for (var rid in game.diplomacy.races) {
if (game.diplomacy.races.hasOwnProperty(rid)) {
var r = game.diplomacy.races[rid];
if (r.attitude === 'hostile' && r.standing) {
var rStanding = r.standing * 100 + gameStanding;
inner += '- ' + r.title +': ' + _Core.percentToStr(rStanding) + _br;
return inner;
getNeutralTradesBlockHtml: function() {
var tradeRatio = game.diplomacy.getTradeRatio();
var dragons = game.diplomacy.get('dragons');
var dragonsUranium = dragons.sells[0];
var minDragonsUranium = (1 - dragonsUranium.delta / 2) * (1 + tradeRatio);
var maxDragonsUranium = (1 + dragonsUranium.delta / 2) * (1 + tradeRatio);
var inner = '- ' + dragons.title +' uranium: ' + parseFloat(minDragonsUranium).toFixed(2)
+ ' - ' + parseFloat(maxDragonsUranium).toFixed(2) + _br;
inner += '- ' + dragons.title +' trade chance: 95%' + _br;
return inner;
getZebrasTradeBlockHtml: function() {
var zebraTitanium = _Helpers.getZebraTitanium();
var inner = '- Titan chance: ' + _Core.percentToStr(zebraTitanium.percent)+ _br;
inner += '- Titan amount: ' + parseFloat(zebraTitanium.value).toFixed(2) + _br;
return inner;
getMagnetoBlockHtml: function() {
var magnetoBonus = _Helpers.getMagnetoBonus();
var magnetoBonusAddSteam = _Helpers.getMagnetoBonus(1);
var magnetoBonusAddMagneto = _Helpers.getMagnetoBonus(0, 1);
var inner = '- Current: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(magnetoBonus) + _br;
inner += '- On +1 Steam: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(magnetoBonusAddSteam) + _br;
inner += '- On +1 Magneto: ' + _Core.chanceToStr(magnetoBonusAddMagneto) + _br;
return inner;
getEldersTradeBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var elders = game.diplomacy.get('leviathans');
var pyramidVal = game.religion.getZU('blackPyramid').val;
if (pyramidVal > 0 || elders.unlocked) {
var items = _Helpers.getDiplomacyTradeValues(elders);
for (var i in items) {
if (items.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var item = items[i];
var minStr = _Core.floatToStr(item.min, 2);
var maxStr = _Core.floatToStr(item.max, 2);
var title = _Helpers.getResourceTitle(i);
var chanceStr = _Core.chanceToStr(item.chance);
if (minStr !== maxStr) {
inner += '- ' + title + ': ' + minStr + ' - ' + maxStr + ' (' + chanceStr + ')' + _br;
} else {
inner += '- ' + title + ': ' + minStr + ' (' + chanceStr + ')' + _br;
return inner;
getBlockHtml: function(blockTitle, blockFunction) {
if (typeof blockFunction === 'function') {
var block = blockFunction();
if (block !== '' && typeof block !== 'undefined' && block !== null) {
var inner = _br;
inner += blockTitle + ':' + _br;
inner += block;
return inner;
return '';
initInfoPage: function () {
var inner = '';
inner += _BotInfoPage.getButtonsHtml();
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Main', _BotInfoPage.getMainBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Void TemporalParadox', _BotInfoPage.getChronoBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('AI Cores', _BotInfoPage.getAiCoreBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Energy', _BotInfoPage.getEnergyBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('BCoin', _BotInfoPage.getBcoinBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Faith', _BotInfoPage.getFaithBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Production bonus', _BotInfoPage.getProductionBonusBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Trades', _BotInfoPage.getTradesBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Friendly trades (+25% res)', _BotInfoPage.getFriendlyTradesBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Hostile trades chance', _BotInfoPage.getHostileTradesBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Neutral trades', _BotInfoPage.getNeutralTradesBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Zebras trade', _BotInfoPage.getZebrasTradeBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Magneto bonus', _BotInfoPage.getMagnetoBlockHtml);
inner += _BotInfoPage.getBlockHtml('Elders trade', _BotInfoPage.getEldersTradeBlockHtml);
var _BotSettingsPage = {
getLabelForAutoSetting: function(x) {
switch (x) {
case 'Buy': return $I('btn.build') + ' ' + $I('buildings.tabName');
case 'BuyReligion': return $I('btn.build') + ' ' + $I('tab.name.religion');
case 'BuySpace': return $I('btn.build') + ' ' + $I('tab.name.space');
case 'PromoteKittens': return $I('village.btn.promote') + ' ' + $I('village.msg.kittens');
case 'TradeBcoins': return $I('trade.buy.ecoin') + '/' + $I('trade.sell.ecoin');
case 'CollectFaith': return $I('religion.praiseBtn.label');
case 'SendHunters': return 'Send hunters';
case 'FeedElders': return $I('trade.msg.elders.feed');
case 'Trade': return $I('tab.name.trade');
case 'CreateSteel': return $I('resources.coal.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.steel.title');
case 'CreatePlates': return $I('resources.iron.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.plate.title');
case 'CreateManuscript': return $I('resources.culture.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.manuscript.title');
case 'CreateWood': return $I('resources.catnip.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.wood.title');
case 'CreateBeams': return $I('resources.wood.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.beam.title');
case 'CreateSlabs': return $I('resources.minerals.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.slab.title');
case 'CreateCompedium': return $I('resources.science.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.compedium.title');
case 'CreateBlueprints': return $I('resources.science.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.blueprint.title');
case 'CreateKerosene': return $I('resources.oil.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.kerosene.title');
case 'CreateThorium': return $I('resources.uranium.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.thorium.title');
case 'CreateEludium': return $I('resources.unobtainium.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.eludium.title');
case 'CreateAlloy': return $I('resources.titanium.title') + ' → ' + $I('resources.alloy.title');
return x;
getSettingsIndexSelectorHtml: function() {
var inner = '<form><div class="radio-group">';
for (var i = 0; i < _BotSettings.settings.length; i++) {
var idx = 'option' + i;
inner += '<input type="radio" id="' + idx + '" name="selector" '
+ (i === _BotSettings.settingIdx ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '>'+
'<label for="' + idx + '" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onChangeSettingIdxClick(' + i + ')">' + i + '</label>';
inner += '</div></form>';
return inner;
getLogicBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var currentSettingAuto = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].auto;
for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
for (var x in currentSettingAuto) {
if (currentSettingAuto.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var isCreate = x.indexOf('Create') === 0;
var isBuy = x.indexOf('Buy') === 0;
if ((isBuy && i === 1) || (isCreate && i === 2) || (!isCreate && !isBuy && i === 3)) {
var isChecked = currentSettingAuto[x];
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Settings.toggleSetting(\'' + x + '\')">'
+ _BotSettingsPage.getLabelForAutoSetting(x) + '</a> : ' + (isChecked ? 'ON' : '-') + _br;
inner += _br;
return inner;
getBotSpeedBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '<form><div class="radio-group">';
var speeds = [100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000];
for (var i in speeds) {
var label = parseFloat(speeds[i] / 1000).toFixed(speeds[i] < 1000 ? 2 : 0);
var idx = 'botspeed' + speeds[i];
inner += '<input type="radio" id="' + idx + '" name="botspeed" '
+ (speeds[i] === _BotSettings.speed ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '>' +
'<label for="' + idx + '" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onChangeBotSpeed(' + speeds[i] + ')">' + label + '</label>';
inner += '</div></form>';
return inner;
getCraftSpeedBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '<form><div class="radio-group">';
var currentCraftLevel = _BotSettings.getCraftLevel();
var n1 = 1, n2 = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var lvl = n1 + n2; n1 = n2; n2 = lvl; // Fibbonacci
var idx = 'craftlevel' + lvl;
inner += '<input type="radio" id="' + idx + '" name="craftlevel" '
+ (lvl === currentCraftLevel ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + '>'+
'<label for="' + idx + '" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onChangeCraftLevel(' + lvl + ')">' + lvl + '</label>';
inner += '</div></form>';
return inner;
getBuildingsBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var bg = game.bld.buildingGroups;
for (var x in bg) {
if (bg.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
inner += bg[x].title + _br;
for (var i in bg[x].buildings) {
if (bg[x].buildings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var b = bg[x].buildings[i];
var name = _Helpers.getBuildingTitle(b);
var isChecked = _BotSettings.isCheckedBuySetting(b);
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Settings.toggleBuySetting(\'' + b + '\')">'
+ name + '</a> : ' + (isChecked ? 'ON' : '-') + _br;
inner += _br;
return inner;
getResourcesBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var rm = game.resPool.resourceMap;
for (var r in rm) {
if (rm.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
if (rm[r].unlocked) {
var name = rm[r].title;
var isChecked = _BotSettings.isCheckedResSetting(r);
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Settings.toggleResSetting(\'' + r + '\')">'
+ name + '</a> : ' + (isChecked ? 'ON' : '-') + _br;
return inner;
getSpaceBuildBlockHtml: function() {
var inner = '';
var bg = _Helpers.getSpaceBuildings();
for (var x in bg) {
if (bg.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
var b = bg[x];
var isChecked = _BotSettings.isCheckedSpaceSetting(b.name);
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.Settings.toggleSpaceSetting(\'' + b.name + '\')">'
+ b.label + '</a> : ' + (isChecked ? 'ON' : '-') + _br;
return inner;
getSettingsBlock: function(title, getterFunction) {
if (typeof getterFunction === 'function') {
var result = getterFunction();
if (result !== '' && result !== null && typeof result !== 'undefined') {
return title + '<hr/>' + result + _br;
return null;
getHtml: function () {
var inner = '';
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsIndexSelectorHtml();
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Logic', _BotSettingsPage.getLogicBlockHtml);
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Bot speed (less = faster)', _BotSettingsPage.getBotSpeedBlockHtml);
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Craft speed (%)', _BotSettingsPage.getCraftSpeedBlockHtml);
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Autobuid', _BotSettingsPage.getBuildingsBlockHtml);
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Space build', _BotSettingsPage.getSpaceBuildBlockHtml);
inner += _BotSettingsPage.getSettingsBlock('Keep resource', _BotSettingsPage.getResourcesBlockHtml);
return inner;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
var _BotUI = {
currentPage: 'log',
buildingsTranslations: {},
voidBeforeParadox: undefined,
lastVoidGain: undefined,
initTranslations: function() {
var bg = game.bld.buildingGroups;
for (var x in bg) {
if (bg.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
for (var i in bg[x].buildings) {
if (bg[x].buildings.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var b = bg[x].buildings[i];
var name = _Helpers.getBuildingTitle(b);
_BotUI.buildingsTranslations[name] = b;
fixFontSize: function() {
var $midColumn = $('#midColumn');
var $rightColumn = $('#rightColumn');
var fnt1 = $('#leftColumn').css('font-size');
var fnt2 = $midColumn.css('font-size');
var fnt3 = $rightColumn.css('font-size');
if (fnt2 !== fnt1 || fnt3 !== fnt1) {
_Logs.mainLog('Fixing font size');
$midColumn.css('font-size', fnt1);
$rightColumn.css('font-size', fnt1);
fixStyles: function() {
var style = '<style type="text/css">' +
'.modern .btnContent, .btn.bldEnabled.modern div.btnContent, .btn.bldlackResConvert.modern div.btnContent {padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;} '+
'.btn.modern a {padding: 5px 6px 5px 6px !important;margin:-5px 0;} '+
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'span.msg:not(.type_date) {display: list-item; margin-left: 1.0em; list-style-type: circle;} ' +
'.msg {opacity: 1 !important;} ' +
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'#closeScienceTree:hover, #closeWikiPopup:hover {color:blue} ' +
'.legendBlock {margin-bottom: 8px;padding: 0 8px 8px 8px;border-bottom: 1px solid gray;} ' +
'#scienceLegend {z-index:4;position:fixed;left:3vw;top:50vh;width:47vw;height:47vh;background:whitesmoke;border:1px solid;} ' +
'#scienceLegendInner {z-index:5;position:fixed;left:4vw;top:51vh;width:45vw;height:45vh;overflow-y:auto;} ' +
'#scienceLegendTitle {text-align:center;margin-top:8px;font-size:140%;} ' +
'#scienceLegendPrice td, #scienceLegendUnlock td {padding-right: 16px;vertical-align: top;} ' +
'#scienceLegendUnlock {font-size: 90%;} ' +
'.btn.nosel.modern.disabled.nochance {border-color: red;} ' +
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'#wikiPopup iframe {border: none; width: 100%; height: 90vh;} ' +
'#wikiPopup a {display: inline-block; padding: 5px 6px; margin: 0 8px 4px 0;border: 1px solid} ' +
'.radio-group input[type=radio] {position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none;}' +
'.radio-group label {display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; padding: 4px 8px;}' +
'.radio-group input[type=radio]:checked + label{background: #999}' +
'.radio-group label + input[type=radio] + label {border-left: solid 1px;}' +
'.radio-group {border: solid 1px; display: inline-block; border-radius: 10px; overflow: hidden;}' +
addColorsToBuildingsButtons: function() {
var $buttons = $('.bldGroupContainer .btn.modern');
if ($buttons.length) {
var gatherMintCaption = $I('buildings.gatherCatnip.label');
var pressMintCaption = $I('buildings.refineCatnip.label');
for (var i = 0; i < $buttons.length; i++) {
var $btn = $buttons[i];
var isDisabled = $btn.className.indexOf('disabled') >= 0;
if (isDisabled) {
var btnText = $btn.innerText;
var isSpecial = btnText.indexOf(gatherMintCaption) === 0 || btnText.indexOf(pressMintCaption) === 0;
if (!isSpecial) {
var idx = btnText.indexOf(' (');
if (idx <= 0) {
var bldName = btnText;
} else {
bldName = btnText.substr(0, idx);
var building_type = _BotUI.buildingsTranslations[bldName];
if (typeof building_type !== 'undefined') {
var canBuild = _Helpers.canBuildNow(building_type);
if (!canBuild) {
} else {
addColorsToBuildingsButtonsWithTimeout: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 700);
addBotButton: function () {
var $a = $('<a href="#" id="botbutton">Bot (' + (_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted ? 'on' : 'off') + ')</a>');
$a.on('click', function() {
_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted = !_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted;
_Logs.mainLog((_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted ? 'Started' : 'Stopped') + ' version ' + _Core.getBotVersion());
$('#botbutton').text(_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted ? 'Bot (on)' : 'Bot (off)');
$('#headerLinks .links-block').append(' | ').append($a);
initSettingsLink: function () {
$('a.chatLink').text('Bot settings').attr('onclick', 'KittenTools.UI.onSettingsButtonClick()');
initSettingsPage: function () {
if (_BotUI.currentPage !== 'settings') return;
var inner = _BotSettingsPage.getHtml();
initInfoButton: function () {
$('.right-tab-header').append(' | <a href="#" id="botinfobtn" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onInfoButtonClick()">Info</a>');
initCustomLogButton: function(logName, buttonTitle) {
$('.right-tab-header').append(' | <a href="#" id="_log' + logName + '" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onCustomLogButtonClick(\'' + logName + '\')">' + buttonTitle + '</a>');
initCustomLogPage: function(logName) {
var inner = '';
inner += '<a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onClearCustonLogClick(\'' + logName + '\')">Clear log</a>';
if (logName === 'trade') {
inner += ' | <a href="#" onclick="KittenTools.UI.onGetTitaniumClick()">Trade max Titan</a>';
inner += '<hr/>';
var lastLogIndex = _Logs.getCustomLogSize(logName) - 1;
for (var i = lastLogIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
inner += '<span class="msg">' + _Logs.getCustomLogItem(logName, i) + '</span>';
init: function () {
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('log2', 'Log2');
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('trade', 'Trade');
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('hunt', 'Hunts');
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('wrkshp', 'Workshop');
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('build', 'Build');
_BotUI.initCustomLogButton('craft', 'Craft');
initInfoUpdateTimer: function() {
setInterval(function () {
if (_BotUI.currentPage === 'info') {
}, 1000);
onInfoButtonClick: function () {
_BotUI.currentPage = 'info';
switchToChatAndMakeLinkActive: function(linkId) {
if (typeof linkId !== 'undefined') {
$('.right-tab-header a.active').removeClass('active');
$('#' + linkId).addClass('active');
onSettingsButtonClick: function () {
_BotUI.currentPage = 'settings';
onCustomLogButtonClick: function(logName) {
_BotUI.currentPage = logName;
_BotUI.switchToChatAndMakeLinkActive('_log' + logName);
initLogLink: function () {
$('#logLink').attr('onclick', 'KittenTools.UI.onLogButtonClick()');
onLogButtonClick: function () {
_BotUI.currentPage = 'log';
$('.right-tab-header a.active').removeClass('active');
onClearCustonLogClick: function(logName) {
onChangeSettingIdxClick: function (newIndex) {
newIndex = parseInt(newIndex);
if (_BotSettings.settingIdx !== newIndex) {
_BotSettings.settingIdx = newIndex;
_BotSettings.store('settingsIdx', _BotSettings.settingIdx);
initStatsPage: function () {
for (var i in game.stats.statGroups) {
if (game.stats.statGroups.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var grp = game.stats.statGroups[i];
if (grp.title === _Statistics._statTitle) {
game.stats.statGroups[i] = _Statistics.getStatsGroup();
onChangeCraftLevel: function (newLevel) {
onChangeBotSpeed: function (newSpeed) {
newSpeed = parseInt(newSpeed);
if (newSpeed !== _BotSettings.speed) {
_BotSettings.speed = newSpeed;
_BotLogic.tAutoLogic = setInterval(_BotLogic.autoLogic, _BotSettings.speed);
_BotSettings.store('speed', _BotSettings.speed);
_Logs.mainLog('New Bot Timeout: ' + _BotSettings.speed);
_Logs.console('BOT: KittenTools new timeout ' + _BotSettings.speed);
checkVoidIncome: function () {
if (game.bld.get('chronosphere').on) {
if (typeof _BotUI.voidBeforeParadox === 'undefined' && parseInt(game.calendar.futureSeasonTemporalParadox) <= 0 && game.calendar.day > 90) {
_BotUI.voidBeforeParadox = game.resPool.get('void').value;
} else if (typeof _BotUI.voidBeforeParadox !== 'undefined' && game.calendar.day < 10 && game.calendar.day > 0) {
var curVoid = game.resPool.get('void').value;
_BotUI.lastVoidGain = curVoid - _BotUI.voidBeforeParadox;
_Logs.mainLog('Void gained ' + _BotUI.lastVoidGain);
_BotUI.voidBeforeParadox = undefined;
onGetTitaniumClick: function () {
var titanPerTrade = _Helpers.getZebraTitanium().value;
if (titanPerTrade > 0) {
var maxTrades_gold = Math.floor(game.resPool.get('gold').value / 15);
var maxTrades_slab = Math.floor(game.resPool.get('slab').value / 50);
var maxTrades_manpower = Math.floor(game.resPool.get('manpower').value / 50);
var maxTrades = Math.min(maxTrades_gold, maxTrades_manpower, maxTrades_slab);
var titanium = game.resPool.get('titanium');
var needTrades = Math.ceil((titanium.maxValue - titanium.value) / titanPerTrade);
var tradesCanDo = Math.min(needTrades, maxTrades) | 0;
var zebras = game.diplomacy.get('zebras');
_Logs.logTrade('[Zebra trade] x ' + tradesCanDo);
game.diplomacy.tradeMultiple(zebras, tradesCanDo);
_Statistics.addStatistics('diplomacyCount', 'zebras', tradesCanDo);
var _BotLogic = {
tAutoLogic: undefined,
isAutoLogicStarted: true,
cryptoPriceOld: undefined,
autoTradeBcoins: function() {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('TradeBcoins') && game.science.get('blackchain').researched) {
if (game.resPool.get('blackcoin').value > 0) {
var bcoinPerSec = _Helpers.getMaxBcoinPriceChangePerSecond();
if (game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax - game.calendar.cryptoPrice < 10 * bcoinPerSec) {
if (game.resPool.get('relic').value > 0) {
var isPriceDecreased = _BotLogic.cryptoPriceOld > game.calendar.cryptoPrice;
var isNewPriceLow = game.calendar.cryptoPrice <= game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax * 0.8;
var isOldPriceHigh = _BotLogic.cryptoPriceOld > game.calendar.cryptoPriceMax * 0.9;
if (isPriceDecreased && isNewPriceLow && isOldPriceHigh) {
_BotLogic.cryptoPriceOld = game.calendar.cryptoPrice;
autoBuyItem: function(bldName) {
var bld = game.bld.get(bldName);
if (bld.unlocked && _Helpers.canBuyBuilding(bldName)) {
var itemName = bld.stages && bld.stages.length > 0 ? bld.stages[bld.stage].label : bld.label;
autoBuyAll: function() {
if (!_BotSettings.isAuto('Buy')) return;
var currentSettingBuys = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].buys;
for (var x in currentSettingBuys) {
if (currentSettingBuys.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if (currentSettingBuys[x] === true) {
autoBuySpace: function(bldName) {
var bld = game.space.getBuilding(bldName);
if (bld.unlocked) {
_BotActions.buyModelBuilding(bld, false, true);
autoBuyAllSpace: function() {
if (!_BotSettings.isAuto('BuySpace')) return;
var currentSettingBuysSpace = _BotSettings.settings[_BotSettings.settingIdx].space;
for (var x in currentSettingBuysSpace) {
if (currentSettingBuysSpace.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
if (currentSettingBuysSpace[x] === true) {
autoClick: function() {
var field = game.bld.get('field');
if (field.on < 5) {
} else {
var hut = game.bld.get('hut');
var wood = game.resPool.get('wood');
if (!hut.unlocked || wood.value < 10) {
var catnip = game.resPool.get('catnip');
if (catnip.value >= 100) {
autoLogic: function() {
if (!_BotLogic.isAutoLogicStarted) return;
feedElders: function() {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('FeedElders')) _BotActions.feedElders();
turnOffBuildings: function() {
turnOffMoonOutpost: function() {
var uranium = game.resPool.get('uranium');
if (uranium.unlocked && uranium.value <= 0 && game.getResourcePerTick('uranium', true) <= 0) {
var bld = game.space.getBuilding('moonOutpost');
if (bld.val > 0 && bld.on > 0) {
autoTrade: function() {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('Trade')) {
promoteKittens: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('PromoteKittens')) _BotActions.promoteKittens();
collectFaith: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CollectFaith')) _BotActions.collectFaith();
ironToSteelOrPlates: function() {
var iron = game.resPool.get('iron');
var coal = game.resPool.get('coal');
if (iron.value >= iron.maxValue || coal.value >= coal.maxValue) {
var minPlate = _Helpers.getMinCraft('plate');
if (coal.value >= coal.maxValue && coal.value >= 100 && iron.value >= 100 && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('steel')) {
} else if (iron.value >= iron.maxValue && iron.value >= (125 * minPlate) && _Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('plate')) {
oilToKerosene: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateKerosene')) _BotActions.oilToKerosene();
unobtainiumToEludium: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateEludium')) {
if (_Helpers.isResourceUnlocked('eludium')) {
var unobtainium = game.resPool.get('unobtainium');
if (unobtainium.value >= unobtainium.maxValue && unobtainium.value >= 1000) {
_BotActions.craftResource('alloy', 2500);
uraniumToThorium: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateThorium')) _BotActions.uraniumToThorium();
titaniumToAlloy: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateAlloy')) _BotActions.titaniumToAlloy();
ironToSteel: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateSteel')) _BotActions.ironToSteel();
ironToPlates: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreatePlates')) _BotActions.ironToPlates();
sendAllHunters: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('SendHunters')) _BotActions.sendAllHunters();
cultureToManuscript: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateManuscript')) {
var maxScienceResources = _Helpers.getMaximumScienceResourcesToKeep();
var parchments = game.resPool.get('parchment');
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('manuscript');
if (maxScienceResources.maxParchment === 0) {
var maxParchmentsForBuildings = _Helpers.getMaximumScienceResourcesForBuildings();
if (maxParchmentsForBuildings.maxParchment === 0) {
} else if ((parchments.value - 25 * minVal) >= maxParchmentsForBuildings.maxParchment) {
} else {
if ((parchments.value - 25 * minVal) >= maxScienceResources.maxParchment) {
catnipToWood: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateWood')) _BotActions.catnipToWood();
woodToBeams: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateBeams')) _BotActions.woodToBeams();
mineralsToSlabs: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateSlabs')) _BotActions.mineralsToSlabs();
spendScience: function() {
var maxScienceResources = _Helpers.getMaximumScienceResourcesToKeep();
var compediums = game.resPool.get('compedium');
var minBlueprintCanCraft = _Helpers.getMinCraft('blueprint');
if ((maxScienceResources.maxCompediums > 0 && compediums.value < maxScienceResources.maxCompediums) || (compediums.value < (25 * minBlueprintCanCraft))) {
} else {
scienceToCompedium: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateCompedium')) {
var maxManuscriptForBuildings = _Helpers.getMaximumScienceResourcesForBuildings();
if (maxManuscriptForBuildings.maxManuscript === 0) {
} else {
var minVal = _Helpers.getMinCraft('compedium');
var manuscripts = game.resPool.get('manuscript');
if ((manuscripts.value - 50 * minVal) >= maxManuscriptForBuildings.maxManuscript) {
scienceToBlueprints: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('CreateBlueprints')) _BotActions.scienceToBlueprints();
buyReligion: function () {
if (_BotSettings.isAuto('BuyReligion')) _BotActions.buyReligion();
var _BotInjections = {
game: {
_oldMsg: undefined,
msg: function (message, type, tag, noBullet) {
if (tag === 'astronomicalEvent' || tag === 'meteor') {
} else if (tag === 'trade') {
} else if (tag === 'hunt') {
_Logs.logCustom('hunt', message);
} else if (tag === 'craft') {
} else if (tag === 'workshopAutomation') {
_Logs.logCustom('wrkshp', message);
} else {
_BotInjections.game._oldMsg.call(game, message, type, tag, noBullet);
tabs: {
_oldRenderActiveGroup: undefined,
renderActiveGroup: function (groupContainer) {
_BotInjections.game.tabs._oldRenderActiveGroup.call(game.tabs[0], groupContainer);
init: function () {
if (game && game.msg) {
_BotInjections.game._oldMsg = game.msg;
game.msg = _BotInjections.game.msg;
/*if (game && game.tabs && game.tabs[0] && game.tabs[0].__proto__.renderActiveGroup) {
_BotInjections.game.tabs._oldRenderActiveGroup = game.tabs[0].__proto__.renderActiveGroup;
game.tabs[0].__proto__.renderActiveGroup = _BotInjections.game.tabs.renderActiveGroup;
var KittenTools = {
Helpers: _Helpers,
Actions: _BotActions,
UI: _BotUI,
CY: _Cytoscape,
Settings: _BotSettings,
Logic: _BotLogic,
Logs: _Logs,
Wiki: _Wiki
var _starter = function() {
if (typeof game.KittenTools === 'undefined') {
game.KittenTools = KittenTools;
if (typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined') {
unsafeWindow.KittenTools = KittenTools;
unsafeWindow.cytoscape = cytoscape;
_BotLogic.tAutoLogic = setInterval(_BotLogic.autoLogic, _BotSettings.speed);
_Logs.mainLog('Started version ' + _Core.getBotVersion());
_Logs.console('BOT: KittenTools version ' + _Core.getBotVersion() + ' started');
_Logs.mainLog('Timeout: ' + _BotSettings.speed);
_Logs.console('BOT: KittenTools timeout ' + _BotSettings.speed);
var _waiter = function() {
if (_Helpers.isGameReady()) {
} else {
setTimeout(_waiter, 1000);