Whirlpool - has anyone responded to me?

Script that adds a button to your user page to check if anyone has responded to you in the threads that are displayed on your user page.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Whirlpool - has anyone responded to me?
// @namespace   whirlpool
// @description Script that adds a button to your user page to check if anyone has responded to you in the threads that are displayed on your user page.
// @include     https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/user/*
// @version     0.1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

window.$ = document.querySelector.bind(document)
window.$$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)