Add movie ratings to IMDB links [By Pharaoh2k]

Adds movie ratings and number of voters to links on IMDB. Modified version of

< Add movie ratings to IMDB links [By Pharaoh2k] 피드백


작성: 2016-09-18
수정: 2016-09-18

A forked version of this script

Users who are dissatisfied with this script may like to try my modified version:

On Greasy-Fork:

On OpenUserJS:

It fixes a few of the bugs raised by other users.

작성: 2016-09-24
수정: 2016-09-24

cool layout i like it :smile: , it's flatter and smoother i think, but how can i see all them in an even range of brightness (some of them are pale compared to voters number, but i don't like it)? and i should mention i don't know anything about js, so appreciate any help :smile:

작성: 2016-11-06

@joeytwiddle although a minor mod, nice job. I still prefer having the skip button, but that's easily tweakable.

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