Yahoo Mail Ad Removal

removes the ads Motty Katan(c) Beta version. 06-02-2006 last updated 23/12/13

< Yahoo Mail Ad Removal 피드백


작성: 2015-09-07

The updated script is on Greasy Fork

This is my script (well two versions ago).

Find the updated script here:

Just transfered it to Greasyfork after MonkeyGuts went down.

작성: 2015-10-05
수정: 2015-10-05

Hey Motty! I'm glad to see that you are maintaining the script! I originally uploaded this in order to preserve and share it after went down, because I admired the scripts simplicity, and found it useful.
I have added a note in the description redirecting them to your script. Thanks for letting me know that you had updated the script!

Edit: Actually, the new script doesn't work for me. Removed note redirecting to your script for the time being.

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