GBookDown - Download Google Books

Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs

< GBookDown - Download Google Books 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2018-02-07
수정: 2018-02-07

Saving not started after clicking 'ok' button

Saving not happend after clicking 'ok' button. I tried different plug-ins (greasemonkey, tampermonkey, violentmonkey) and different browsers.

SOLVED: Tor 5.5.5 and Greasemonkey 3.11 working

작성: 2019-02-26

Used Tor 5.5.5 and Greasemonkey 3.11 and it worked like a charm, the problem was the book had non viewable pages and it didn't download them all. But that's just how it is

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