IMDb Tomatoes

Add Rotten Tomatoes ratings to IMDb movie and TV show pages

< IMDb Tomatoes 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-07-01
수정: 2021-07-01

I love it. Works well on the new imdb. Thanks.

작성: 2021-07-01


작성: 2021-07-02
수정: 2021-07-02

Something wrong: it just doubles the imdb rating badge, not the rottentomatoes. See screenshot. The movie on the attached screenshot should be 96.

작성: 2021-07-03

Thanks for letting me know. Should be fixed in the latest version (v3.2.0).

작성: 2021-07-11

Works like a charm. Nice job!

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