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YouTube - Mute Ads

Automatically mutes VideoAds

< YouTube - Mute Ads 피드백

리뷰: 보통 - 동작하나 버그 있음

작성: 2021-04-05

Issues with script loading and page load/ad(mute button) detection(?).

As another Feedback already mentions. YT doesn't do hard page loads when changing page.

To keep it small, it only mutes ads on* which is 99% of all videos you'll be watching

So this whole thing is not a good idea, since the script won't load if going from a non-video page to a video page.

Also, When opening a video in a new tab, the ad detection seems to come in too late(?). Sometimes, maybe half the time or so, the first ad is not muted. Maybe because the script is waiting for the document ready state? Maybe the ads sometimes start playing even before that?

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