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Router auto-login (Actiontec C1000A)

작성: 2015-10-07

Router auto-login (Actiontec C1000A)


Would it be possible to create a script that autologins the Admin user on the ActionTec C1000A status page (

I fully understand this might create a security issue on the user's end; however it would be up to me to manage this.
The purpose of this script would be to bypass having to enter the password every single time, as it apparently cannot be remembered by Firefox's password manager, and the router has a ridiculously short session expiration timer.

Thanks for any information!

작성: 2015-10-07

Unless it is using Basic Authentication (which script can't handle), I think it's possible to auto-fill and submit.

Any example source file of your router login page? i.e. the element class/id of the username, password and submit button(or the form it self).

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