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Urgent Appeal for Fair Moderation Practices and Reinstatement of Unjustly Banned Accounts

작성: 2024-06-03

It has come to my attention, and to the attention of many members of our community, that there has been a significant increase in the number of account bans which appear to be the result of power misuse. As a dedicated member of this community, I feel compelled to speak out and request a review of these actions, alongside the immediate unbanning of accounts that have been unjustly targeted.

Firstly, let me acknowledge the difficult task that comes with being a moderator. Maintaining the integrity of an online community, ensuring respectful interactions, and upholding community guidelines is no small feat. Your role is crucial in fostering a healthy, vibrant environment where all members can engage positively. However, the power vested in moderators comes with a great responsibility to wield it judiciously, transparently, and equitably. It is with this understanding that I raise my concerns.

Over the past few weeks, there has been a noticeable pattern of account suspensions and bans that appear to lack sufficient justification. The affected users often report that they were not given clear reasons for their bans, nor were they offered a chance to rectify any alleged misconduct. This lack of transparency and due process is troubling and undermines the trust that community members place in the moderation team.

One of the core principles of any fair moderation system is transparency. Community members should have a clear understanding of what constitutes a violation of guidelines and the consequences of such actions. When bans are handed out without detailed explanations or opportunities for dialogue, it breeds a culture of fear and uncertainty. Users begin to second-guess their interactions, worried that any minor infraction could result in an irrevocable ban. This atmosphere is antithetical to the open and collaborative spirit we strive to nurture.

Additionally, the absence of a fair appeal process exacerbates the issue. A robust appeal mechanism allows users to present their side of the story, provides a platform for constructive feedback, and ensures that moderators are held accountable for their decisions. Without such a system, the moderation process can easily become opaque and arbitrary. This is why I am advocating not only for the immediate unbanning of accounts that have been unfairly targeted but also for the establishment of a transparent and accessible appeals process.

Moreover, it is essential to address the perception of bias in the enforcement of community guidelines. Consistent and fair application of rules is vital for maintaining the legitimacy of any moderation system. When certain users feel they are being singled out while others are given leeway for similar infractions, it erodes the community's faith in the impartiality of the moderators. Ensuring that all users are held to the same standards, regardless of their status or popularity within the community, is fundamental to building a just and inclusive environment.

It is also important to consider the broader implications of overzealous moderation. Banning active and engaged members without substantial cause can lead to a decrease in community participation and morale. Members may become disillusioned, feeling that their contributions are undervalued and that their presence is not welcome. This can result in a significant loss of valuable content, diverse perspectives, and overall community engagement.

To address these concerns, I propose the following actions:

1. Review Recent Bans:Conduct a thorough review of the recent bans to ensure they were warranted and based on clear violations of community guidelines. Where bans were issued unjustly, reinstate the affected accounts immediately.

2. Enhance Transparency:Provide detailed explanations for all moderation actions. When a user is banned, they should receive a comprehensive account of the reasons behind the decision, along with references to the specific guidelines they violated.

3. Implement an Appeals Process:Establish a formal, transparent appeals process that allows users to contest moderation decisions. This process should be easily accessible and provide a fair opportunity for users to present their case.

4. Ensure Consistent Rule Enforcement:Apply community guidelines uniformly across all members. Regularly review moderation practices to ensure that no user is unfairly targeted or given preferential treatment.

5. Engage the Community:Foster open communication with the community regarding moderation policies and decisions. Regularly solicit feedback and be willing to adapt policies to better serve the community’s needs.

작성: 2024-06-03
수정: 2024-06-03

As far as I can see all those accounts were automatically generated fakes who posted fake reviews within minutes in batches of 10-20 reviews:

  • random names like jhfgjsdhjd and other typically generated names
  • the text in the reviews was automatically copied from older existing valid reviews
  • the reviews were not about the script
  • explicit claims that bad reviews should be given to retaliate against the author
  • harassing the author in the review

If some legitimate account was banned I'm sorry about that. Please provide a link to one and I'll unban it.

Furthermore, after I've banned these accounts I became a target myself: dozens of fake users already made hundreds of random fake reports on my scripts using a random justification copied from the existing reports. This alone tells me that there's a troll or a group of trolls that has been targeting authors on this site. One of these authors confirmed to me being a target of a similar harassment campaign in the past.

작성: 2024-06-03

Actually the post made by AuroraSky looks to be AI-generated as it fails to address the previous discussions on this topic in the forum, so I'll probably start considering such posts yet another deception campaign by the same group of trolls that harasses me by generating fake reports on my scripts.

작성: 2024-06-03

Actually the post made by AuroraSky looks to be AI-generated as it fails to address the previous discussions on this topic in the forum, so I'll probably start considering such posts yet another deception campaign by the same group of trolls that harasses me by generating fake reports on my scripts.

Your claim that his posts are AI generated and are spoofing activity is completely baseless. It seems you are making baseless accusations without any evidence.

작성: 2024-06-03

It was substantiated, literally citing the reason, so apparently your comment is a further demonstration of this AI tool which lacks the ability to actually understand texts.

작성: 2024-06-03

Just banned yet another such active and engaged member who posted ~10 disruptive and nonconstructive comments on other reviews that were exactly the same as those in the ~200 accounts I've banned previously. The only rational explanation for such insane behavior is that someone decided to counter the allegedly fake positive reviews by harassing the author and everyone in the feedback section. This is not acceptable. Find a way to provide a substantiated proof that the good reviews are fake and that the script doesn't work as advertised.

The continued harassment of authors, including myself, via reports with random justification made by newly registered accounts as well as the corporate-friendly jargon typical for AI-generated text in these "urgent appeals" betray the use of automated or AI-powered tools, which inherently lack context cohesion.

작성: 2024-06-03

Just banned yet another such active and engaged member who posted ~10 disruptive and nonconstructive comments on other reviews that were exactly the same as those in the ~200 accounts I've banned previously. The only rational explanation for such insane behavior is that someone decided to counter the allegedly fake positive reviews by harassing the author and everyone in the feedback section. This is not acceptable. Find a way to provide a substantiated proof that the good reviews are fake and that the script doesn't work as advertised.

The continued harassment of authors, including myself, via reports with random justification made by newly registered accounts as well as the corporate-friendly jargon typical for AI-generated text in these "urgent appeals" betray the use of automated or AI-powered tools, which inherently lack context cohesion.

That's a load of nonsense. Your baseless accusations and conspiracy theories don't hold water. The fact that you’ve banned 200 accounts for the same reason without concrete evidence shows a complete disregard for fairness. Instead of playing the victim and making up stories, focus on addressing the real issues and stop silencing legitimate criticism.

작성: 2024-06-03

Oh, that's another generated comment that ignores the fact that the evidence is present in the previous comments.

작성: 2024-06-03

Oh, that's another generated comment that ignores the fact that the evidence is present in the previous comments.

That's not evidence. That's just your word.

작성: 2024-06-03

Oh hey, that even looks like a dialogue. That's interesting, not a single account in these appeals did that before. What specifically is? I've listed multiple things.

작성: 2024-06-03

Oh hey, that even looks like a dialogue. That's interesting, not a single account in these appeals did that before. What specifically is? I've listed multiple things.

What you've listed is a completely trumped up offence.

작성: 2024-06-03

Oh hey, that even looks like a dialogue. That's interesting, not a single account in these appeals did that before. What specifically is? I've listed multiple things.

Can you please provide corroborating human and physical evidence to support your claims?

작성: 2024-06-03

Since you're a newly registered account that so far only demonstrates standard automated responses it's you who should demonstrate you're human. I asked what specifically is baseless? I've listed multiple things, most of which can be verified even by those who doesn't have access to the moderation tools of the site.

작성: 2024-06-03

Since you're a newly registered account that so far only demonstrates standard automated responses it's you who should demonstrate you're human. I asked what specifically is baseless? I've listed multiple things, most of which can be verified even by those who doesn't have access to the moderation tools of the site.

If I am not human, then there are no humans in this world. There's no use pretending to be stupid.

작성: 2024-06-03

Looks like we have a confirmation it's an automated tool.

작성: 2024-06-04
수정: 2024-06-04

The comments from banned accounts in https://greasyfork.org/en/discussions/greasyfork/246550-let-me-give-you-a-reminder exemplify harassment performed by this group of trolls toward many authors on GreasyFork.

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