// ==UserScript==
// @license MIT
// @name MPP Assistant by RoxasYTB
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 6.7
// @description For Multiplayer Piano
// @author RoxasYTB
// @match *://multiplayerpiano.net/*
// @match *://multiplayerpiano.org/*
// @match *://mppclone.com/*
// @match *://mpp.terrium.net/*
// @match *://piano.ourworldofpixels.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
MPP.chat._send = MPP.chat.send, console.clear(), console.log("%c Piano Assistant by Roxas and edited by ._.", "font-weight: bold; font-size: 40px;color: red; text-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(217,31,38) , 6px 6px 0 rgb(226,91,14) , 9px 9px 0 rgb(245,221,8) , 12px 12px 0 rgb(5,148,68) , 15px 15px 0 rgb(2,135,206) , 18px 18px 0 rgb(4,77,145) , 21px 21px 0 rgb(42,21,113)"), console.log("If any issues arise, reach out here : https://discord.gg/cF7HR92JHt ! Please use my assistant, don't abuse it, and don't bother others with it to annoy them.\nIf you want to credit me, it's with pleasure, be free to modify the code!\n\n\nShortcuts:\n\nCtrl+O to open MIDI file\nDel to play your midi file\nEnd to stop it!\n\n\nThe transpose level take effect on the MIDI !\nType !rainbow to get a rainbow background and !reset if you want to reset it."), window.PJSMP_mp__version = "1.0.10", window.PJSMP_mp__moduleName = "ASSISTANT", window.PJSMP_mp__moduleFullName = "Pure JavaScript Midi Player - module: player", window.PJSMP_mp__changeLog = "", window.PJSMP_mp__debugLenguage = void 0, window.PJSMP_mp__translations = {
en: {
play: "Play",
pause: "Pause",
stop: "Stop",
fix: "Fix",
options: {
sustain: "Sustain",
sustainTitle: "Keep notes sustained",
loop: "Loop",
loopTitle: "Restart the song at it's end",
asynchrony: "Asynchrony",
asynchronyTitle: "Add or remove a random asynchrony to the notes",
notequota: "NoteQuota",
notequotaTitle: "Remove the Client Side note quota\nBut the Server Side one still there\nYou will not be heard from others playes if it get in its's limit"
sliders: {
velocityIncrement: "Velocity Increment",
speed: "Song Speed"
origin: {
octave: "Origin Octave",
transpose: "Origin Pitch"
text: {
noMidiLoad: "No midi file loaded",
chooseMidi: "Choose a midi file",
error: {
midiPlayError: "Unable to play midi file",
midiLoadError: "Unable to load midi file"
tracks: "Tracks",
notes: "Notes",
notePerSecond: "Amount of notes per second requested by " + PJSMP_mp__moduleName + "\nDisable sustain for less requests",
openWindow: "Open program window",
closeWindow: "Minimize program window",
playing: "Now playing",
thxTo: "English translation by NaN-NaN-senpai(BR)"
fr: {
play: "Jouer",
pause: "Pause",
stop: "Stop",
fix: "Réini.",
options: {
sustain: "Sustain",
sustainTitle: "Garde les notes plus longtemps",
loop: "En boucle",
loopTitle: "Recommence la musique",
asynchrony: "Désynchro",
asynchronyTitle: "Désynchronise vos notes",
notequota: "Note Quota",
notequotaTitle: "Supprimez le quota de notes côté client\nMais celui côté serveur est toujours là\nVous ne serez pas entendu des autres joueurs s'il atteint sa limite"
sliders: {
velocityIncrement: "Puissance",
speed: "Vitesse"
origin: {
octave: "Octave d'origine",
transpose: "Note d'origine"
text: {
noMidiLoad: "Pas de MIDI chargé",
chooseMidi: "Choix du fichier MIDI",
error: {
midiPlayError: "Ne peut pas jouer le fichier",
midiLoadError: "Ne peut pas charger le fichier"
tracks: "Tracks",
notes: "Notes",
notePerSecond: "Quantité de notes par seconde demandées par " + PJSMP_mp__moduleName + "\nDésactiver le maintien pour moins de requêtes",
openWindow: "Ouvrir la fenêtre du programe",
closeWindow: "Minimiser",
playing: "En train de jouer",
thxTo: "Traduction francaise par RoxasYTB"
}, window.PJSMP_mp__translate = e => {
var t, n, r = window.PJSMP_mp__debugLenguage || navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage,
o = void 0 === PJSMP_mp__translations[r.substr(0, 2)] ? PJSMP_mp__translations.en : "string" == typeof leng ? PJSMP_mp__translations[leng] : PJSMP_mp__translations[r.substr(0, 2)];
return e.replace(/\./g, " ").split(" ").forEach((e => {
t = (null == t ? o : t)[e], n = (null == n ? PJSMP_mp__translations.en : n)[e]
})), null == t ? n : t
}, window.PJSMP_mp__playerColor = "#777" == MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().color ? "#FFD22E" : MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().color, window.PJSMP_mp__convertHex = (e, t) => (4 == e.length && (e = e[0] + e[1] + e[1] + e[2] + e[2] + e[3] + e[3]), e = e.replace("#", ""), r = parseInt(e.substring(0, 2), 16), g = parseInt(e.substring(2, 4), 16), b = parseInt(e.substring(4, 6), 16), "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + ("number" != typeof t ? .5 : t) + ")"), window.PJSMP_mp__colors = {
on: "rgba(11, 133, 0, 1)",
off: "rgba(255, 34, 31, 1)",
darkerOn: "rgba(11, 50, 0, 1)",
darkerOff: "rgba(90, 14, 11, 1)",
darkerBg: "rgba(20, 20, 20, .7)",
secondBg: "rgba(157, 154, 150, 0.35)",
bgColor: PJSMP_mp__convertHex(PJSMP_mp__playerColor),
bgColor2: PJSMP_mp__convertHex(PJSMP_mp__playerColor, .9)
}, MPP.client.on("a", (function(e) {
if (["player version", "player v", "pjsmp version", "pjsmp v", "pjsmp module", "pjsmp m"].includes(e.a.toLowerCase())) {
var t = "(" + String((new Date).getHours()).padStart(2, "0") + ":" + String((new Date).getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0") + "): ";
MPP.chat.send(t + "using " + PJSMP_mp__moduleName + " - v" + PJSMP_mp__version)
})), window.PJSMP_mp__setBtnTextColor = (e, t, n) => {
e.style.color = t, e.style.textShadow = "0px 0px " + ("number" != typeof n ? "5px" : n + "px") + " " + t
}, window.PJSMP_mp__controllers = {
sustain: {
state: !0
loop: {
state: !1
asynchrony: {
state: !1
notequota: {
state: !1
velocityIncrement: {
state: !1,
value: 0,
default: 0
speed: {
state: !1,
value: 1,
default: 1
originOctave: {
state: !0,
value: 0,
default: 0
originTranspose: {
state: !0,
value: 0,
default: 0
}, window.PJSMP_mp__windowMinimized = !1, window.PJSMP_mp__NPS = 0;
var PJSMP_mp__NPS_interval = setInterval((() => {
var e = PJSMP_mp__NPS * (PJSMP_mp__controllers.sustain.state ? 2 : 1);
document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__NPSContainer_text").innerHTML = e, PJSMP_mp__NPS = 0, min = parseInt(60 * PJSMP_mp__calcDuration().split("| ")[1].split(":")[0]), sec = parseInt(PJSMP_mp__calcDuration().split("| ")[1].split(":")[1]), dur = min + sec, document.querySelector("#probar") && (dur1 = parseInt(document.querySelector("#probar").value), min1 = parseInt(dur1 / 60) < 10 ? "0" + parseInt(dur1 / 60) : parseInt(dur1 / 60).toString(), sec1 = parseInt(PJSMP_mp__calcDuration().split(" |")[0].split(":")[1]) < 10 ? "0" + parseInt(PJSMP_mp__calcDuration().split(" |")[0].split(":")[1]) : parseInt(PJSMP_mp__calcDuration().split(" |")[0].split(":")[1]).toString()), document.getElementById("probar") && document.getElementById("probar").setAttribute("max", dur)
}), 100);
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const e = t[0];
PJSMP_mp__parseMidi(e), PJSMP_mp__fileNameRaw = e.name, PJSMP_mp__fileName = e.name.replace(/.midi/g, "").replace(/.mid/g, "")
})) : PJSMP_mp__setFileName("Sorry, this browser doesnt support PJSMP"), window.PJSMP_mp__parseMidi = e => {
const t = new FileReader;
t.onload = function(e) {
try {
PJSMP_mp__stopButtonClick(), window.PJSMP_mp__midiJSONobject = new Midi(e.target.result), PJSMP_mp__noteAmount = 0, PJSMP_mp__endTime = 0, PJSMP_mp__renderMidi(PJSMP_mp__midiJSONobject, "load")
} catch (e) {
throw PJSMP_mp__setFileName(PJSMP_mp__translate("text.error.midiLoadError") + ": " + PJSMP_mp__fileNameRaw), e
}, t.readAsArrayBuffer(e)
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let keys = [];
function impersonate(e) {
var t = prompt("Message to send: ");
if (null !== t && "" !== t && "null" !== t && "undefined" !== t) {
var n = MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().name,
r = MPP.client.user.color,
o = MPP.client.findParticipantById(e).color,
i = MPP.client.findParticipantById(e).name;
if (MPP.client.sendArray([{
m: "userset",
set: {
name: i,
color: o
}]), n !== MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().name) MPP.chat.send(t), MPP.client.sendArray([{
m: "userset",
set: {
name: n,
color: r
else if ("undefined" === localStorage.timeStamp) localStorage.timeStamp = Date.now() + 6e5;
else parseInt(Date.now() - localStorage.timeStamp) >= 6e5 && (localStorage.timeStamp = "undefined", document.querySelector("#chat > ul").innerHTML += '<span class="reply">➦</span><li title="0abad659e857656d4cb7dc23" style="opacity: 0.94;"><span class="name" style="color: rgb(255, 215, 0);">Roxas:</span><span class="message" style="color: rgb(255, 215, 0);">Rate limited! Try again after 10 min!</span></li>')
function generateRandomColor() {
let e = 16777215 * Math.random();
return e = Math.floor(e), e = e.toString(16), e.padStart(6, 0).toUpperCase()
function reset() {
rainbow = !1, act = !0
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
keys.push(e.key), keys.includes("Control") && keys.includes("o") && document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__inputFile").click(), 37 != e.keyCode && 38 != e.keyCode && 39 != e.keyCode && 40 != e.keyCode || (document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__originContainer > div:nth-child(2) > input[type=number]").value = document.getElementsByClassName("notification-body")[document.getElementsByClassName("notification-body").length - 1].innerHTML.split(": ")[1].split("<")[0], PJSMP_mp__controllers.originTranspose.value = parseInt(document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__originContainer > div:nth-child(2) > input[type=number]").value))
}, document.onkeyup = function(e) {
keys = [], "46" == e.keyCode && PJSMP_mp__playPauseButtonClick(PJSMP_mp__playBtn), "35" == e.keyCode && PJSMP_mp__stopButtonClick(PJSMP_mp__stopBtn)
}, rainbow = !1, act = !1, inCol = "#3b5054", outCol = "#001014", setInterval((() => {
rainbow ? (act = !1, document.querySelector("#room-settings > p:nth-child(10) > label > input").value = "#" + generateRandomColor(), document.querySelector("#room-settings > p:nth-child(9) > label > input").value = "#" + generateRandomColor(), "none" == document.querySelector("#rename").style.display && document.querySelectorAll(".submit")[2].click() || document.querySelector("#room-settings > button")) : 1 == act && (document.querySelector("#room-settings > p:nth-child(10) > label > input").value = outCol, document.querySelector("#room-settings > p:nth-child(9) > label > input").value = inCol, "none" == document.querySelector("#rename").style.display && document.querySelectorAll(".submit")[2].click(), act = !1)
}), 2e3),(
silvercrown = document.createElement("style"),
#names .name.admin:before {
content: url(/crown.png);
position: absolute;
top: -8px;
left: 4px;
z-index: 6257;
filter: grayscale(100%);
.cursor.admin .name:after {
content: url(/crown.png);
position: relative;
top: -8px;
left: 0;
z-index: 6257;
filter: grayscale(100%);
if(MPP.client.channel && MPP.client.participantId!="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465"){
document.querySelector("#namediv-d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465").setAttribute("class","name admin")
if(MPP.client.channel && MPP.client.participantId=="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465"){
document.querySelector("#namediv-d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465").setAttribute("class","name me admin")
if(MPP.client.channel && MPP.client.channel.crown && MPP.client.channel.crown.userId=="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465" && MPP.client.participantId!="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465"){
document.querySelector("#namediv-d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465").setAttribute("class","name owner")
if(MPP.client.channel && MPP.client.channel.crown && MPP.client.channel.crown.userId=="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465" && MPP.client.participantId=="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465"){
document.querySelector("#namediv-d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465").setAttribute("class","name me owner")
document.querySelectorAll("#cursors > div").forEach((e)=>{
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document.querySelectorAll("#cursors > div").forEach((e)=>{
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silvercursor.setAttribute("class","cursor admin")
if(MPP.client.channel && MPP.client.channel.crown && MPP.client.channel.crown.userId=="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465" && MPP.client.participantId!="d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465"){
silvercursor.setAttribute("class","cursor owner")
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document.querySelector("#assistant-nametag-d71915aabacb5f97d58e8465").title="This is the assistant owner."
function(e, t) {
if ("object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module) module.exports = t();
else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t);
else {
var n = t();
for (var r in n)("object" == typeof exports ? exports : e)[r] = n[r]
}("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, (function() {
return function(e) {
var t = {};
function n(r) {
if (t[r]) return t[r].exports;
var o = t[r] = {
i: r,
l: !1,
exports: {}
return e[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.l = !0, o.exports
return n.m = e, n.c = t, n.d = function(e, t, r) {
n.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
enumerable: !0,
get: r
}, n.r = function(e) {
"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module"
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}, n.t = function(e, t) {
if (1 & t && (e = n(e)), 8 & t) return e;
if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
var r = Object.create(null);
if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", {
enumerable: !0,
value: e
}), 2 & t && "string" != typeof e)
for (var o in e) n.d(r, o, function(t) {
return e[t]
}.bind(null, o));
return r
}, n.n = function(e) {
var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() {
return e.default
} : function() {
return e
return n.d(t, "a", t), t
}, n.o = function(e, t) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
}, n.p = "", n(n.s = 4)
}([function(e, t, n) {
t.parseMidi = n(5), t.writeMidi = n(6)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(2),
o = new WeakMap;
t.keySignatureKeys = ["Cb", "Gb", "Db", "Ab", "Eb", "Bb", "F", "C", "G", "D", "A", "E", "B", "F#", "C#"];
var i = function() {
function e(e) {
var n = this;
this.tempos = [], this.timeSignatures = [], this.keySignatures = [], this.meta = [], this.name = "", o.set(this, 480), e && (o.set(this, e.header.ticksPerBeat), e.tracks[0].forEach((function(e) {
e.meta && ("timeSignature" === e.type ? n.timeSignatures.push({
ticks: e.absoluteTime,
timeSignature: [e.numerator, e.denominator]
}) : "setTempo" === e.type ? n.tempos.push({
bpm: 6e7 / e.microsecondsPerBeat,
ticks: e.absoluteTime
}) : "keySignature" === e.type ? n.keySignatures.push({
key: t.keySignatureKeys[e.key + 7],
scale: 0 === e.scale ? "major" : "minor",
ticks: e.absoluteTime
}) : "trackName" === e.type ? n.name = e.text : "endOfTrack" !== e.type && n.meta.push({
text: e.text,
ticks: e.absoluteTime,
type: e.type
})), this.update())
return e.prototype.update = function() {
var e = this,
t = 0,
n = 0;
this.tempos.sort((function(e, t) {
return e.ticks - t.ticks
})), this.tempos.forEach((function(r, o) {
var i = o > 0 ? e.tempos[o - 1].bpm : e.tempos[0].bpm,
a = r.ticks / e.ppq - n,
s = 60 / i * a;
r.time = s + t, t = r.time, n += a
})), this.timeSignatures.sort((function(e, t) {
return e.ticks - t.ticks
})), this.timeSignatures.forEach((function(t, n) {
var r = n > 0 ? e.timeSignatures[n - 1] : e.timeSignatures[0],
o = (t.ticks - r.ticks) / e.ppq / r.timeSignature[0] / (r.timeSignature[1] / 4);
r.measures = r.measures || 0, t.measures = o + r.measures
}, e.prototype.ticksToSeconds = function(e) {
var t = r.search(this.tempos, e);
if (-1 !== t) {
var n = this.tempos[t],
o = n.time,
i = (e - n.ticks) / this.ppq;
return o + 60 / n.bpm * i
return e / this.ppq * .5
}, e.prototype.ticksToMeasures = function(e) {
var t = r.search(this.timeSignatures, e);
if (-1 !== t) {
var n = this.timeSignatures[t],
o = (e - n.ticks) / this.ppq;
return n.measures + o / (n.timeSignature[0] / n.timeSignature[1]) / 4
return e / this.ppq / 4
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "ppq", {
get: function() {
return o.get(this)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.secondsToTicks = function(e) {
var t = r.search(this.tempos, e, "time");
if (-1 !== t) {
var n = this.tempos[t],
o = (e - n.time) / (60 / n.bpm);
return Math.round(n.ticks + o * this.ppq)
var i = e / .5;
return Math.round(i * this.ppq)
}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
keySignatures: this.keySignatures,
meta: this.meta,
name: this.name,
ppq: this.ppq,
tempos: this.tempos.map((function(e) {
return {
bpm: e.bpm,
ticks: e.ticks
timeSignatures: this.timeSignatures
}, e.prototype.fromJSON = function(e) {
this.name = e.name, this.tempos = e.tempos.map((function(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e)
})), this.timeSignatures = e.timeSignatures.map((function(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e)
})), this.keySignatures = e.keySignatures.map((function(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e)
})), this.meta = e.meta.map((function(e) {
return Object.assign({}, e)
})), o.set(this, e.ppq), this.update()
}, e.prototype.setTempo = function(e) {
this.tempos = [{
bpm: e,
ticks: 0
}], this.update()
}, e
t.Header = i
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e, t, n) {
void 0 === n && (n = "ticks");
var r = 0,
o = e.length,
i = o;
if (o > 0 && e[o - 1][n] <= t) return o - 1;
for (; r < i;) {
var a = Math.floor(r + (i - r) / 2),
s = e[a],
l = e[a + 1];
if (s[n] === t) {
for (var c = a; c < e.length; c++) e[c][n] === t && (a = c);
return a
if (s[n] < t && l[n] > t) return a;
s[n] > t ? i = a : s[n] < t && (r = a + 1)
return -1
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.search = r, t.insert = function(e, t, n) {
if (void 0 === n && (n = "ticks"), e.length) {
var o = r(e, t[n], n);
e.splice(o + 1, 0, t)
} else e.push(t)
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.controlChangeNames = {
1: "modulationWheel",
2: "breath",
4: "footController",
5: "portamentoTime",
7: "volume",
8: "balance",
10: "pan",
64: "sustain",
65: "portamentoTime",
66: "sostenuto",
67: "softPedal",
68: "legatoFootswitch",
84: "portamentoControl"
}, t.controlChangeIds = Object.keys(t.controlChangeNames).reduce((function(e, n) {
return e[t.controlChangeNames[n]] = n, e
}), {});
var r = new WeakMap,
o = new WeakMap,
i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
r.set(this, t), o.set(this, e.controllerType), this.ticks = e.absoluteTime, this.value = e.value
return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "number", {
get: function() {
return o.get(this)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return t.controlChangeNames[this.number] ? t.controlChangeNames[this.number] : null
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "time", {
get: function() {
return r.get(this).ticksToSeconds(this.ticks)
set: function(e) {
var t = r.get(this);
this.ticks = t.secondsToTicks(e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
number: this.number,
ticks: this.ticks,
time: this.time,
value: this.value
}, e
t.ControlChange = i
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = this && this.__awaiter || function(e, t, n, r) {
return new(n || (n = Promise))((function(o, i) {
function a(e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function s(e) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function l(e) {
var t;
e.done ? o(e.value) : (t = e.value, t instanceof n ? t : new n((function(e) {
}))).then(a, s)
l((r = r.apply(e, t || [])).next())
o = this && this.__generator || function(e, t) {
var n, r, o, i, a = {
label: 0,
sent: function() {
if (1 & o[0]) throw o[1];
return o[1]
trys: [],
ops: []
return i = {
next: s(0),
throw: s(1),
return: s(2)
}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (i[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this
}), i;
function s(i) {
return function(s) {
return function(i) {
if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; a;) try {
if (n = 1, r && (o = 2 & i[0] ? r.return : i[0] ? r.throw || ((o = r.return) && o.call(r), 0) : r.next) && !(o = o.call(r, i[1])).done) return o;
switch (r = 0, o && (i = [2 & i[0], o.value]), i[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
o = i;
case 4:
return a.label++, {
value: i[1],
done: !1
case 5:
a.label++, r = i[1], i = [0];
case 7:
i = a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop();
if (!(o = (o = a.trys).length > 0 && o[o.length - 1]) && (6 === i[0] || 2 === i[0])) {
a = 0;
if (3 === i[0] && (!o || i[1] > o[0] && i[1] < o[3])) {
a.label = i[1];
if (6 === i[0] && a.label < o[1]) {
a.label = o[1], o = i;
if (o && a.label < o[2]) {
a.label = o[2], a.ops.push(i);
o[2] && a.ops.pop(), a.trys.pop();
i = t.call(e, a)
} catch (e) {
i = [6, e], r = 0
} finally {
n = o = 0
if (5 & i[0]) throw i[1];
return {
value: i[0] ? i[1] : void 0,
done: !0
}([i, s])
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = n(0),
a = n(7),
s = n(1),
l = n(9),
c = function() {
function e(e) {
var t = this,
n = null;
e && (e instanceof ArrayBuffer && (e = new Uint8Array(e)), (n = i.parseMidi(e)).tracks.forEach((function(e) {
var t = 0;
e.forEach((function(e) {
t += e.deltaTime, e.absoluteTime = t
}))), this.header = new s.Header(n), this.tracks = [], e && (this.tracks = n.tracks.map((function(e) {
return new l.Track(e, t.header)
})), 1 === n.header.format && 0 === this.tracks[0].duration && this.tracks.shift())
return e.fromUrl = function(t) {
return r(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {
var n;
return o(this, (function(r) {
switch (r.label) {
case 0:
return [4, fetch(t)];
case 1:
return (n = r.sent()).ok ? [4, n.arrayBuffer()] : [3, 3];
case 2:
return [2, new e(r.sent())];
case 3:
throw new Error("could not load " + t)
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return this.header.name
set: function(e) {
this.header.name = e
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "duration", {
get: function() {
var e = this.tracks.map((function(e) {
return e.duration
return Math.max.apply(Math, e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "durationTicks", {
get: function() {
var e = this.tracks.map((function(e) {
return e.durationTicks
return Math.max.apply(Math, e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.addTrack = function() {
var e = new l.Track(void 0, this.header);
return this.tracks.push(e), e
}, e.prototype.toArray = function() {
return a.encode(this)
}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
header: this.header.toJSON(),
tracks: this.tracks.map((function(e) {
return e.toJSON()
}, e.prototype.fromJSON = function(e) {
var t = this;
this.header = new s.Header, this.header.fromJSON(e.header), this.tracks = e.tracks.map((function(e) {
var n = new l.Track(void 0, t.header);
return n.fromJSON(e), n
}, e.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new e;
return t.fromJSON(this.toJSON()), t
}, e
t.Midi = c
}, function(e, t) {
function n(e) {
for (var t, n = new r(e), o = []; !n.eof();) {
var i = a();
return o;
function a() {
var e = {};
e.deltaTime = n.readVarInt();
var r = n.readUInt8();
if (240 == (240 & r)) {
if (255 !== r) {
if (240 == r) return e.type = "sysEx", i = n.readVarInt(), e.data = n.readBytes(i), e;
if (247 == r) return e.type = "endSysEx", i = n.readVarInt(), e.data = n.readBytes(i), e;
throw "Unrecognised MIDI event type byte: " + r
e.meta = !0;
var o = n.readUInt8(),
i = n.readVarInt();
switch (o) {
case 0:
if (e.type = "sequenceNumber", 2 !== i) throw "Expected length for sequenceNumber event is 2, got " + i;
return e.number = stream.readUInt16(), e;
case 1:
return e.type = "text", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 2:
return e.type = "copyrightNotice", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 3:
return e.type = "trackName", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 4:
return e.type = "instrumentName", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 5:
return e.type = "lyrics", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 6:
return e.type = "marker", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 7:
return e.type = "cuePoint", e.text = n.readString(i), e;
case 32:
if (e.type = "channelPrefix", 1 != i) throw "Expected length for channelPrefix event is 1, got " + i;
return e.channel = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 33:
if (e.type = "portPrefix", 1 != i) throw "Expected length for portPrefix event is 1, got " + i;
return e.port = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 47:
if (e.type = "endOfTrack", 0 != i) throw "Expected length for endOfTrack event is 0, got " + i;
return e;
case 81:
if (e.type = "setTempo", 3 != i) throw "Expected length for setTempo event is 3, got " + i;
return e.microsecondsPerBeat = n.readUInt24(), e;
case 84:
if (e.type = "smpteOffset", 5 != i) throw "Expected length for smpteOffset event is 5, got " + i;
var a = n.readUInt8();
return e.frameRate = {
0: 24,
32: 25,
64: 29,
96: 30
} [96 & a], e.hour = 31 & a, e.min = n.readUInt8(), e.sec = n.readUInt8(), e.frame = n.readUInt8(), e.subFrame = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 88:
if (e.type = "timeSignature", 4 != i) throw "Expected length for timeSignature event is 4, got " + i;
return e.numerator = n.readUInt8(), e.denominator = 1 << n.readUInt8(), e.metronome = n.readUInt8(), e.thirtyseconds = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 89:
if (e.type = "keySignature", 2 != i) throw "Expected length for keySignature event is 2, got " + i;
return e.key = n.readInt8(), e.scale = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 127:
return e.type = "sequencerSpecific", e.data = n.readBytes(i), e;
return e.type = "unknownMeta", e.data = n.readBytes(i), e.metatypeByte = o, e
} else {
var s;
if (0 == (128 & r)) {
if (null === t) throw "Running status byte encountered before status byte";
s = r, r = t, e.running = !0
} else s = n.readUInt8(), t = r;
var l = r >> 4;
switch (e.channel = 15 & r, l) {
case 8:
return e.type = "noteOff", e.noteNumber = s, e.velocity = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 9:
var c = n.readUInt8();
return e.type = 0 === c ? "noteOff" : "noteOn", e.noteNumber = s, e.velocity = c, 0 === c && (e.byte9 = !0), e;
case 10:
return e.type = "noteAftertouch", e.noteNumber = s, e.amount = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 11:
return e.type = "controller", e.controllerType = s, e.value = n.readUInt8(), e;
case 12:
return e.type = "programChange", e.programNumber = s, e;
case 13:
return e.type = "channelAftertouch", e.amount = s, e;
case 14:
return e.type = "pitchBend", e.value = s + (n.readUInt8() << 7) - 8192, e;
throw "Unrecognised MIDI event type: " + l
function r(e) {
this.buffer = e, this.bufferLen = this.buffer.length, this.pos = 0
r.prototype.eof = function() {
return this.pos >= this.bufferLen
}, r.prototype.readUInt8 = function() {
var e = this.buffer[this.pos];
return this.pos += 1, e
}, r.prototype.readInt8 = function() {
var e = this.readUInt8();
return 128 & e ? e - 256 : e
}, r.prototype.readUInt16 = function() {
return (this.readUInt8() << 8) + this.readUInt8()
}, r.prototype.readInt16 = function() {
var e = this.readUInt16();
return 32768 & e ? e - 65536 : e
}, r.prototype.readUInt24 = function() {
return (this.readUInt8() << 16) + (this.readUInt8() << 8) + this.readUInt8()
}, r.prototype.readInt24 = function() {
var e = this.readUInt24();
return 8388608 & e ? e - 16777216 : e
}, r.prototype.readUInt32 = function() {
return (this.readUInt8() << 24) + (this.readUInt8() << 16) + (this.readUInt8() << 8) + this.readUInt8()
}, r.prototype.readBytes = function(e) {
var t = this.buffer.slice(this.pos, this.pos + e);
return this.pos += e, t
}, r.prototype.readString = function(e) {
var t = this.readBytes(e);
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t)
}, r.prototype.readVarInt = function() {
for (var e = 0; !this.eof();) {
var t = this.readUInt8();
if (!(128 & t)) return e + t;
e += 127 & t, e <<= 7
return e
}, r.prototype.readChunk = function() {
var e = this.readString(4),
t = this.readUInt32();
return {
id: e,
length: t,
data: this.readBytes(t)
}, e.exports = function(e) {
var t = new r(e),
o = t.readChunk();
if ("MThd" != o.id) throw "Bad MIDI file. Expected 'MHdr', got: '" + o.id + "'";
for (var i = function(e) {
var t = new r(e),
n = {
format: t.readUInt16(),
numTracks: t.readUInt16()
o = t.readUInt16();
return 32768 & o ? (n.framesPerSecond = 256 - (o >> 8), n.ticksPerFrame = 255 & o) : n.ticksPerBeat = o, n
}(o.data), a = [], s = 0; !t.eof() && s < i.numTracks; s++) {
var l = t.readChunk();
if ("MTrk" != l.id) throw "Bad MIDI file. Expected 'MTrk', got: '" + l.id + "'";
var c = n(l.data);
return {
header: i,
tracks: a
}, function(e, t) {
function n(e, t, n) {
var i, a = new o,
s = t.length,
l = null;
for (i = 0; i < s; i++) !1 !== n.running && (n.running || t[i].running) || (l = null), l = r(a, t[i], l, n.useByte9ForNoteOff);
e.writeChunk("MTrk", a.buffer)
function r(e, t, n, r) {
var o = t.type,
i = t.deltaTime,
a = t.text || "",
s = t.data || [],
l = null;
switch (e.writeVarInt(i), o) {
case "sequenceNumber":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(0), e.writeVarInt(2), e.writeUInt16(t.number);
case "text":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(1), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "copyrightNotice":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(2), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "trackName":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(3), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "instrumentName":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(4), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "lyrics":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(5), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "marker":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(6), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "cuePoint":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(7), e.writeVarInt(a.length), e.writeString(a);
case "channelPrefix":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(32), e.writeVarInt(1), e.writeUInt8(t.channel);
case "portPrefix":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(33), e.writeVarInt(1), e.writeUInt8(t.port);
case "endOfTrack":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(47), e.writeVarInt(0);
case "setTempo":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(81), e.writeVarInt(3), e.writeUInt24(t.microsecondsPerBeat);
case "smpteOffset":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(84), e.writeVarInt(5);
var c = 31 & t.hour | {
24: 0,
25: 32,
29: 64,
30: 96
} [t.frameRate];
e.writeUInt8(c), e.writeUInt8(t.min), e.writeUInt8(t.sec), e.writeUInt8(t.frame), e.writeUInt8(t.subFrame);
case "timeSignature":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(88), e.writeVarInt(4), e.writeUInt8(t.numerator);
var p = 255 & Math.floor(Math.log(t.denominator) / Math.LN2);
e.writeUInt8(p), e.writeUInt8(t.metronome), e.writeUInt8(t.thirtyseconds || 8);
case "keySignature":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(89), e.writeVarInt(2), e.writeInt8(t.key), e.writeUInt8(t.scale);
case "sequencerSpecific":
e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(127), e.writeVarInt(s.length), e.writeBytes(s);
case "unknownMeta":
null != t.metatypeByte && (e.writeUInt8(255), e.writeUInt8(t.metatypeByte), e.writeVarInt(s.length), e.writeBytes(s));
case "sysEx":
e.writeUInt8(240), e.writeVarInt(s.length), e.writeBytes(s);
case "endSysEx":
e.writeUInt8(247), e.writeVarInt(s.length), e.writeBytes(s);
case "noteOff":
(l = (!1 !== r && t.byte9 || r && 0 == t.velocity ? 144 : 128) | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.noteNumber), e.writeUInt8(t.velocity);
case "noteOn":
(l = 144 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.noteNumber), e.writeUInt8(t.velocity);
case "noteAftertouch":
(l = 160 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.noteNumber), e.writeUInt8(t.amount);
case "controller":
(l = 176 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.controllerType), e.writeUInt8(t.value);
case "programChange":
(l = 192 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.programNumber);
case "channelAftertouch":
(l = 208 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l), e.writeUInt8(t.amount);
case "pitchBend":
(l = 224 | t.channel) !== n && e.writeUInt8(l);
var _ = 8192 + t.value,
m = 127 & _,
u = _ >> 7 & 127;
e.writeUInt8(m), e.writeUInt8(u);
throw "Unrecognized event type: " + o
return l
function o() {
this.buffer = []
o.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(e) {
this.buffer.push(255 & e)
}, o.prototype.writeInt8 = o.prototype.writeUInt8, o.prototype.writeUInt16 = function(e) {
var t = e >> 8 & 255,
n = 255 & e;
this.writeUInt8(t), this.writeUInt8(n)
}, o.prototype.writeInt16 = o.prototype.writeUInt16, o.prototype.writeUInt24 = function(e) {
var t = e >> 16 & 255,
n = e >> 8 & 255,
r = 255 & e;
this.writeUInt8(t), this.writeUInt8(n), this.writeUInt8(r)
}, o.prototype.writeInt24 = o.prototype.writeUInt24, o.prototype.writeUInt32 = function(e) {
var t = e >> 24 & 255,
n = e >> 16 & 255,
r = e >> 8 & 255,
o = 255 & e;
this.writeUInt8(t), this.writeUInt8(n), this.writeUInt8(r), this.writeUInt8(o)
}, o.prototype.writeInt32 = o.prototype.writeUInt32, o.prototype.writeBytes = function(e) {
this.buffer = this.buffer.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0))
}, o.prototype.writeString = function(e) {
var t, n = e.length,
r = [];
for (t = 0; t < n; t++) r.push(e.codePointAt(t));
}, o.prototype.writeVarInt = function(e) {
if (e < 0) throw "Cannot write negative variable-length integer";
if (e <= 127) this.writeUInt8(e);
else {
var t = e,
n = [];
for (n.push(127 & t), t >>= 7; t;) {
var r = 127 & t | 128;
n.push(r), t >>= 7
}, o.prototype.writeChunk = function(e, t) {
this.writeString(e), this.writeUInt32(t.length), this.writeBytes(t)
}, e.exports = function(e, t) {
if ("object" != typeof e) throw "Invalid MIDI data";
t = t || {};
var r, i = e.header || {},
a = e.tracks || [],
s = a.length,
l = new o;
for (function(e, t, n) {
var r = null == t.format ? 1 : t.format,
i = 128;
t.timeDivision ? i = t.timeDivision : t.ticksPerFrame && t.framesPerSecond ? i = -(255 & t.framesPerSecond) << 8 | 255 & ticksPerFrame : t.ticksPerBeat && (i = 32767 & t.ticksPerBeat);
var a = new o;
a.writeUInt16(r), a.writeUInt16(n), a.writeUInt16(i), e.writeChunk("MThd", a.buffer)
}(l, i, s), r = 0; r < s; r++) n(l, a[r], t);
return l.buffer
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
var r = this && this.__spreadArrays || function() {
for (var e = 0, t = 0, n = arguments.length; t < n; t++) e += arguments[t].length;
var r = Array(e),
o = 0;
for (t = 0; t < n; t++)
for (var i = arguments[t], a = 0, s = i.length; a < s; a++, o++) r[o] = i[a];
return r
o = this && this.__importDefault || function(e) {
return e && e.__esModule ? e : {
default: e
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var i = n(0),
a = n(1),
s = o(n(8));
function l(e, t) {
return {
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
channel: t,
controllerType: e.number,
deltaTime: 0,
type: "controller",
value: e.value
function c(e) {
return {
absoluteTime: 0,
channel: e.channel,
deltaTime: 0,
programNumber: e.instrument.number,
type: "programChange"
t.encode = function(e) {
var t = {
header: {
format: 1,
numTracks: e.tracks.length + 1,
ticksPerBeat: e.header.ppq
tracks: r([r([{
absoluteTime: 0,
deltaTime: 0,
meta: !0,
text: e.header.name,
type: "trackName"
}], e.header.keySignatures.map((function(e) {
return function(e) {
var t = a.keySignatureKeys.indexOf(e.key);
return {
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
deltaTime: 0,
key: t + 7,
meta: !0,
scale: "major" === e.scale ? 0 : 1,
type: "keySignature"
})), e.header.meta.map((function(e) {
return {
absoluteTime: (t = e).ticks,
deltaTime: 0,
meta: !0,
text: t.text,
type: t.type
var t
})), e.header.tempos.map((function(e) {
return function(e) {
return {
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
deltaTime: 0,
meta: !0,
microsecondsPerBeat: Math.floor(6e7 / e.bpm),
type: "setTempo"
})), e.header.timeSignatures.map((function(e) {
return function(e) {
return {
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
deltaTime: 0,
denominator: e.timeSignature[1],
meta: !0,
metronome: 24,
numerator: e.timeSignature[0],
thirtyseconds: 8,
type: "timeSignature"
})))], e.tracks.map((function(e) {
return r([(t = e.name, {
absoluteTime: 0,
deltaTime: 0,
meta: !0,
text: t,
type: "trackName"
}), c(e)], function(e) {
return s.default(e.notes.map((function(t) {
return function(e, t) {
return [{
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
channel: t,
deltaTime: 0,
noteNumber: e.midi,
type: "noteOn",
velocity: Math.floor(127 * e.velocity)
}, {
absoluteTime: e.ticks + e.durationTicks,
channel: t,
deltaTime: 0,
noteNumber: e.midi,
type: "noteOff",
velocity: Math.floor(127 * e.noteOffVelocity)
}(t, e.channel)
}(e), function(e) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < 127; n++) e.controlChanges.hasOwnProperty(n) && e.controlChanges[n].forEach((function(n) {
t.push(l(n, e.channel))
return t
}(e), function(e) {
var t = [];
return e.pitchBends.forEach((function(n) {
t.push(function(e, t) {
return {
absoluteTime: e.ticks,
channel: t,
deltaTime: 0,
type: "pitchBend",
value: e.value
}(n, e.channel))
})), t
var t
return t.tracks = t.tracks.map((function(e) {
e = e.sort((function(e, t) {
return e.absoluteTime - t.absoluteTime
var t = 0;
return e.forEach((function(e) {
e.deltaTime = e.absoluteTime - t, t = e.absoluteTime, delete e.absoluteTime
})), e.push({
deltaTime: 0,
meta: !0,
type: "endOfTrack"
}), e
})), new Uint8Array(i.writeMidi(t))
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e) {
return function e(t, n) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var o = t[r];
Array.isArray(o) ? e(o, n) : n.push(o)
return n
}(e, [])
function o(e, t) {
if ("number" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Expected the depth to be a number");
return function e(t, n, r) {
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var i = t[o];
r > -1 && Array.isArray(i) ? e(i, n, r) : n.push(i)
return n
}(e, [], t)
e.exports = function(e) {
if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected value to be an array");
return r(e)
}, e.exports.from = r, e.exports.depth = function(e, t) {
if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError("Expected value to be an array");
return o(e, t)
}, e.exports.fromDepth = o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(2),
o = n(3),
i = n(10),
a = n(11),
s = n(12),
l = n(14),
c = new WeakMap,
p = function() {
function e(e, t) {
var n = this;
if (this.name = "", this.notes = [], this.controlChanges = i.createControlChanges(), this.pitchBends = [], c.set(this, t), e) {
var r = e.find((function(e) {
return "trackName" === e.type
this.name = r ? r.text : ""
if (this.instrument = new s.Instrument(e, this), this.channel = 0, e) {
for (var o = e.filter((function(e) {
return "noteOn" === e.type
})), a = e.filter((function(e) {
return "noteOff" === e.type
})), l = function() {
var e = o.shift();
p.channel = e.channel;
var t = a.findIndex((function(t) {
return t.noteNumber === e.noteNumber && t.absoluteTime >= e.absoluteTime
if (-1 !== t) {
var n = a.splice(t, 1)[0];
durationTicks: n.absoluteTime - e.absoluteTime,
midi: e.noteNumber,
noteOffVelocity: n.velocity / 127,
ticks: e.absoluteTime,
velocity: e.velocity / 127
}, p = this; o.length;) l();
e.filter((function(e) {
return "controller" === e.type
})).forEach((function(e) {
number: e.controllerType,
ticks: e.absoluteTime,
value: e.value / 127
})), e.filter((function(e) {
return "pitchBend" === e.type
})).forEach((function(e) {
ticks: e.absoluteTime,
value: e.value / Math.pow(2, 13)
return e.prototype.addNote = function(e) {
var t = c.get(this),
n = new l.Note({
midi: 0,
ticks: 0,
velocity: 1
}, {
ticks: 0,
velocity: 0
}, t);
return Object.assign(n, e), r.insert(this.notes, n, "ticks"), this
}, e.prototype.addCC = function(e) {
var t = c.get(this),
n = new o.ControlChange({
controllerType: e.number
}, t);
return delete e.number, Object.assign(n, e), Array.isArray(this.controlChanges[n.number]) || (this.controlChanges[n.number] = []), r.insert(this.controlChanges[n.number], n, "ticks"), this
}, e.prototype.addPitchBend = function(e) {
var t = c.get(this),
n = new a.PitchBend({}, t);
return Object.assign(n, e), r.insert(this.pitchBends, n, "ticks"), this
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "duration", {
get: function() {
var e = this.notes[this.notes.length - 1];
return e ? e.time + e.duration : 0
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "durationTicks", {
get: function() {
var e = this.notes[this.notes.length - 1];
return e ? e.ticks + e.durationTicks : 0
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.fromJSON = function(e) {
var t = this;
for (var n in this.name = e.name, this.channel = e.channel, this.instrument = new s.Instrument(void 0, this), this.instrument.fromJSON(e.instrument), e.controlChanges) e.controlChanges[n] && e.controlChanges[n].forEach((function(e) {
number: e.number,
ticks: e.ticks,
value: e.value
e.notes.forEach((function(e) {
durationTicks: e.durationTicks,
midi: e.midi,
ticks: e.ticks,
velocity: e.velocity
}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < 127; t++) this.controlChanges.hasOwnProperty(t) && (e[t] = this.controlChanges[t].map((function(e) {
return e.toJSON()
return {
channel: this.channel,
controlChanges: e,
pitchBends: this.pitchBends.map((function(e) {
return e.toJSON()
instrument: this.instrument.toJSON(),
name: this.name,
notes: this.notes.map((function(e) {
return e.toJSON()
}, e
t.Track = p
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(3);
t.createControlChanges = function() {
return new Proxy({}, {
get: function(e, t) {
return e[t] ? e[t] : r.controlChangeIds.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e[r.controlChangeIds[t]] : void 0
set: function(e, t, n) {
return r.controlChangeIds.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e[r.controlChangeIds[t]] = n : e[t] = n, !0
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = new WeakMap,
o = function() {
function e(e, t) {
r.set(this, t), this.ticks = e.absoluteTime, this.value = e.value
return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "time", {
get: function() {
return r.get(this).ticksToSeconds(this.ticks)
set: function(e) {
var t = r.get(this);
this.ticks = t.secondsToTicks(e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
ticks: this.ticks,
time: this.time,
value: this.value
}, e
t.PitchBend = o
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = n(13),
o = new WeakMap,
i = function() {
function e(e, t) {
if (this.number = 0, o.set(this, t), this.number = 0, e) {
var n = e.find((function(e) {
return "programChange" === e.type
n && (this.number = n.programNumber)
return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return this.percussion ? r.DrumKitByPatchID[this.number] : r.instrumentByPatchID[this.number]
set: function(e) {
var t = r.instrumentByPatchID.indexOf(e); - 1 !== t && (this.number = t)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "family", {
get: function() {
return this.percussion ? "drums" : r.InstrumentFamilyByID[Math.floor(this.number / 8)]
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "percussion", {
get: function() {
return 9 === o.get(this).channel
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
family: this.family,
name: this.name,
number: this.number
}, e.prototype.fromJSON = function(e) {
this.number = e.number
}, e
t.Instrument = i
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.instrumentByPatchID = ["acoustic grand piano", "bright acoustic piano", "electric grand piano", "honky-tonk piano", "electric piano 1", "electric piano 2", "harpsichord", "clavi", "celesta", "glockenspiel", "music box", "vibraphone", "marimba", "xylophone", "tubular bells", "dulcimer", "drawbar organ", "percussive organ", "rock organ", "church organ", "reed organ", "accordion", "harmonica", "tango accordion", "acoustic guitar (nylon)", "acoustic guitar (steel)", "electric guitar (jazz)", "electric guitar (clean)", "electric guitar (muted)", "overdriven guitar", "distortion guitar", "guitar harmonics", "acoustic bass", "electric bass (finger)", "electric bass (pick)", "fretless bass", "slap bass 1", "slap bass 2", "synth bass 1", "synth bass 2", "violin", "viola", "cello", "contrabass", "tremolo strings", "pizzicato strings", "orchestral harp", "timpani", "string ensemble 1", "string ensemble 2", "synthstrings 1", "synthstrings 2", "choir aahs", "voice oohs", "synth voice", "orchestra hit", "trumpet", "trombone", "tuba", "muted trumpet", "french horn", "brass section", "synthbrass 1", "synthbrass 2", "soprano sax", "alto sax", "tenor sax", "baritone sax", "oboe", "english horn", "bassoon", "clarinet", "piccolo", "flute", "recorder", "pan flute", "blown bottle", "shakuhachi", "whistle", "ocarina", "lead 1 (square)", "lead 2 (sawtooth)", "lead 3 (calliope)", "lead 4 (chiff)", "lead 5 (charang)", "lead 6 (voice)", "lead 7 (fifths)", "lead 8 (bass + lead)", "pad 1 (new age)", "pad 2 (warm)", "pad 3 (polysynth)", "pad 4 (choir)", "pad 5 (bowed)", "pad 6 (metallic)", "pad 7 (halo)", "pad 8 (sweep)", "fx 1 (rain)", "fx 2 (soundtrack)", "fx 3 (crystal)", "fx 4 (atmosphere)", "fx 5 (brightness)", "fx 6 (goblins)", "fx 7 (echoes)", "fx 8 (sci-fi)", "sitar", "banjo", "shamisen", "koto", "kalimba", "bag pipe", "fiddle", "shanai", "tinkle bell", "agogo", "steel drums", "woodblock", "taiko drum", "melodic tom", "synth drum", "reverse cymbal", "guitar fret noise", "breath noise", "seashore", "bird tweet", "telephone ring", "helicopter", "applause", "gunshot"], t.InstrumentFamilyByID = ["piano", "chromatic percussion", "organ", "guitar", "bass", "strings", "ensemble", "brass", "reed", "pipe", "synth lead", "synth pad", "synth effects", "world", "percussive", "sound effects"], t.DrumKitByPatchID = {
0: "standard kit",
8: "room kit",
16: "power kit",
24: "electronic kit",
25: "tr-808 kit",
32: "jazz kit",
40: "brush kit",
48: "orchestra kit",
56: "sound fx kit"
}, function(e, t, n) {
"use strict";
function r(e) {
return ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"][e % 12]
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o, i, a = (o = /^([a-g]{1}(?:b|#|x|bb)?)(-?[0-9]+)/i, i = {
cbb: -2,
cb: -1,
c: 0,
"c#": 1,
cx: 2,
dbb: 0,
db: 1,
d: 2,
"d#": 3,
dx: 4,
ebb: 2,
eb: 3,
e: 4,
"e#": 5,
ex: 6,
fbb: 3,
fb: 4,
f: 5,
"f#": 6,
fx: 7,
gbb: 5,
gb: 6,
g: 7,
"g#": 8,
gx: 9,
abb: 7,
ab: 8,
a: 9,
"a#": 10,
ax: 11,
bbb: 9,
bb: 10,
b: 11,
"b#": 12,
bx: 13
}, function(e) {
var t = o.exec(e),
n = t[1],
r = t[2];
return i[n.toLowerCase()] + 12 * (parseInt(r, 10) + 1)
s = new WeakMap,
l = function() {
function e(e, t, n) {
s.set(this, n), this.midi = e.midi, this.velocity = e.velocity, this.noteOffVelocity = t.velocity, this.ticks = e.ticks, this.durationTicks = t.ticks - e.ticks
return Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return e = this.midi, t = Math.floor(e / 12) - 1, r(e) + t.toString();
var e, t
set: function(e) {
this.midi = a(e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "octave", {
get: function() {
return Math.floor(this.midi / 12) - 1
set: function(e) {
var t = e - this.octave;
this.midi += 12 * t
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "pitch", {
get: function() {
return r(this.midi)
set: function(e) {
this.midi = 12 * (this.octave + 1) + ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"].indexOf(e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "duration", {
get: function() {
var e = s.get(this);
return e.ticksToSeconds(this.ticks + this.durationTicks) - e.ticksToSeconds(this.ticks)
set: function(e) {
var t = s.get(this).secondsToTicks(this.time + e);
this.durationTicks = t - this.ticks
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "time", {
get: function() {
return s.get(this).ticksToSeconds(this.ticks)
set: function(e) {
var t = s.get(this);
this.ticks = t.secondsToTicks(e)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "bars", {
get: function() {
return s.get(this).ticksToMeasures(this.ticks)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
duration: this.duration,
durationTicks: this.durationTicks,
midi: this.midi,
name: this.name,
ticks: this.ticks,
time: this.time,
velocity: this.velocity
}, e
t.Note = l
})), users = [], UwUmode = !1, bpfsend = !1, actualVersion = "6.7", updateIgnore = !1, setInterval((() => {
replies = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("reply")), replies.forEach((e => {
e.setAttribute("reply", e.parentElement.id.split("-")[1]), e.addEventListener("click", (() => {
toReply = e.getAttribute("reply")
})), -1 != document.querySelector("#chat-input").placeholder.indexOf("messaging ") && document.querySelector("#names").childNodes.forEach((e => {
actualName = document.querySelector("#chat-input").placeholder.split("messaging ")[1], actualName = actualName.substr(0, actualName.length - 1), -1 != e.innerText.indexOf(actualName) && (idToDM = e.id.split("-")[1])
}), 500);
var list = document.createElement("li");
function getIdRoomInt(e) {
return idOfRoomList = [], e.split("").forEach((e => {
idOfRoomList += e.charCodeAt().toString().replace("undefined", "").replace("+", "").replace(".", "")
})), idOfRoomList
async function whereIs() {
document.querySelector("#where").innerHTML = "", roomList = [], Object.keys(users).forEach((e => {
users[e].location ? -1 == roomList.indexOf(users[e].location) && roomList.push(users[e].location) : roomList.push(users[e].assistant_users.location)
})), Object.keys(roomList).forEach((e => {
document.querySelector("#where").innerHTML += `<li style="list-style: none" id="roomnb${getIdRoomInt(roomList[e])}"><div style="\nposition: absolute;\nleft: -25px;\ntop: 0;\npadding: 5px;\nwidth: 240px;\nheight: 12px;\nbackground: #444;\nborder: 1px solid #ccc;\n/* cursor: pointer; */\nmargin: 24px 24px -6px 24px;\n/* font-size: 12px; */\nposition: relative;\n"><span></span><div id="join-btn" onclick="MPP.client.setChannel(\`${roomList[e].replaceAll('"','"').replaceAll('\'',''').replaceAll('\`','`')}\`);history.pushState('', '', ' ?c=' + \`${encodeURIComponent(roomList[e])}\`);document.querySelector('#modal > div.bg').click()" class="ugly-button translate" style="\n position: absolute;\n left: 255px;\n top: -1px;\n">Join this room</div></div></li>`
,document.querySelector(`#roomnb${getIdRoomInt(roomList[e])} > div > span`).innerText=roomList[e].length>30==1?roomList[e].substring(0,30)+"...":roomList[e]
})), Object.keys(users).forEach((e => {
users[e].location ? (document.querySelector("#roomnb" + getIdRoomInt(users[e].location)).innerHTML += `<ul style="\n margin: 10px;\n position: relative;\n left: -50px;\n "><span class="message" style="color: white;"><span class="mention" id="user${e+users[e].id}" style="background-color: transparent};padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 30px;"></span><span class="mention" style="/* background-color: #ffd500; */padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 6px;">(${users[e].id})</span> </span></ul>`, document.querySelector("#user" + e + users[e].id).style.backgroundColor = users[e].color, document.querySelector("#user" + e + users[e].id).innerText = users[e].name, document.querySelector("#where").innerHTML += '') : (document.querySelector("#roomnb" + getIdRoomInt(users[e].assistant_users.location)).innerHTML += `<ul style="\n margin: 10px;\n position: relative;\n left: -50px;\n "><span class="message" style="color: white;"><span class="mention" style="background-color: ${users[e].assistant_users.color};padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 30px;">${users[e].assistant_users.name}</span><span class="mention" style="/* background-color: #ffd500; */padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 6px;">(${users[e].assistant_users.id})</span> </span></ul>`, document.querySelectorAll("#roomnb" + getIdRoomInt(users[e].assistant_users.location)).length > 1 && document.querySelectorAll("#roomnb" + getIdRoomInt(users[e].assistant_users.location))[1].remove())
document.querySelector("#where").innerHTML += '<br><br><br><button class="submit" onclick=\'document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()\'>CLOSE</button>'
async function findSmn() {
if (document.querySelector("#another") || (another = document.createElement("div"), another.id = "another", another.style = "width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background: #48a;\n opacity: .5;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;", another.innerHTML = ""), another.addEventListener("click", (() => {
document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "none", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()
})), document.querySelector("#modal").appendChild(another), document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "none", null != idSearching) {
var e = /[0-9a-f]{6}/g;
actualRoom = MPP.client.channel.id, cancel = !1, $("#room").click(), roomList = [], document.querySelector("#room > div.more").style.display = "none", setTimeout((() => {
roomname = document.querySelector("#room > div.more").innerHTML.split('roomname="'), roomname.forEach((e => {
})), $("#room .more").fadeOut(1), roomList.shift(1), document.querySelector("#find").innerHTML = `<br>Loading... <br>We are searching some with this id or name : ${idSearching} .<br>Estimated around ${parseInt(roomList.length)} seconds.<br><br><br><br><button class="submit" onclick='cancel=true'>CANCEL</button>`, nb = 0, handle = setInterval((() => {
idSearching.match(e) || 24 == idSearching.length || (meth = "name", allppl = [], JSON.stringify(MPP.client.ppl).split('"_id":"').forEach((e => {
e = e.split('"')[0], allppl.push(e)
})), allppl.shift(0), allppl.forEach((e => {
-1 != MPP.client.findParticipantById(e).name.toLowerCase().indexOf(idSearching.toLowerCase()) && (idSearching = e)
}))), MPP.client.ppl[idSearching] ? (document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "none", document.querySelector("#another").addEventListener("click", (() => {
document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()
})), document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "block", clearInterval(handle), document.querySelector("#find").innerHTML = `<br> ${MPP.client.ppl[idSearching].name} was found in : ${roomList[nb]}<br><br><br>\n <div id="join-btn" onclick="MPP.client.setChannel(\`${roomList[nb]}\`);history.pushState('', '', ' ?c=' + \`${roomList[nb]}\`);document.querySelector('#modal > div.bg').click()" class="ugly-button translate" style="\n position: relative;\n left: 255px;\n top: -21px;\n ">Join this room</div>\n <br><button class="submit" onclick='document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()'>CLOSE</button>`, MPP.client.setChannel(actualRoom)) : nb == roomList.length ? (document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "none", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "block", clearInterval(handle), document.querySelector("#find").innerHTML = '<br>Not found !<br><br><br><br><br><button class="submit" onclick=\'document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()\'>CLOSE</button>', MPP.client.setChannel(actualRoom)) : cancel ? (document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click(), document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "none", clearInterval(handle), MPP.client.setChannel(actualRoom)) : (nb += 1, MPP.client.setChannel(roomList[nb]))
}), 1e3)
}), 1e3)
function user(e) {
return MPP.client.findParticipantById(e)
async function listPpl() {
document.querySelector("#listEveryone") && (document.querySelector("#listEveryone").innerHTML = "<br><br><br>Loading...<br>We are indexing all the rooms..."), document.querySelector("#another") || (another = document.createElement("div"), another.id = "another", another.style = "width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n background: #48a;\n opacity: .5;\n position: absolute;\n left: 0;\n top: 0;", another.innerHTML = ""), another.addEventListener("click", (() => {
document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "none", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()
})), document.querySelector("#modal").appendChild(another), document.querySelector("#another").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").style.display = "none", lolWhy = await fetch("https://db.8448.space/api/?t=MPPC&p=welcomeDearEasterEgg&id=fullroom", {
method: "GET"
}).then((e => e.json())), roomList = Object.keys(lolWhy.a), document.querySelector("#listEveryone").innerHTML = "", Object.keys(lolWhy.a).forEach((e => {
"" != getIdRoomInt(e) && (document.querySelector("#listEveryone").innerHTML += `<li><div id="room${getIdRoomInt(e)}" style="\nposition: absolute;\nleft: -25px;\ntop: 0;\npadding: 5px;\nwidth: 240px;\nheight: 12px;\nbackground: #444;\nborder: 1px solid #ccc;\n/* cursor: pointer; */\nmargin: 24px 24px -6px 24px;\n/* font-size: 12px; */\nposition: relative;\ndisplay:inline-block;\n"><span></span><div id="join-btn" onclick="MPP.client.setChannel(\`${e.replaceAll('"','"').replaceAll('\'',''').replaceAll('\`','`')}\`);history.pushState('', '', ' ?c=' + \`${encodeURIComponent(e)}\`);document.querySelector('#modal > div.bg').click()" class="ugly-button translate" style="\nposition: absolute;\n left: 255px;\n top: -1px;\n">Join this room</div></div></li>`),
document.querySelector(`#room${getIdRoomInt(e)} > span`).innerText=e.length>30==1?e.substring(0,30)+"...":e
})), Object.keys(lolWhy.a).forEach((e => {
Object.keys(lolWhy.a[e]).forEach((t => {
"23d812420e5e49774cc704fb" != lolWhy.a[e][t]._id && (document.querySelector("#room" + getIdRoomInt(e)).innerHTML += `<ul style="\n margin: 10px; width: 500px;\n position: relative;\n left: -50px;">\n <span class="message" style="color: white;display:flex;">\n <span class="mention" id="user${lolWhy.a[e][t]._id+getIdRoomInt(e)}" style="background-color: transparent};padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 30px;">\n </span>\n <span class="mention" style="/* background-color: #ffd500; */padding: 4px;border-radius: 3px;position: relative;top: 5px;margin-left: 6px;">(${lolWhy.a[e][t]._id})</span> </span></ul>`, document.querySelector("#user" + lolWhy.a[e][t]._id + getIdRoomInt(e)).style.backgroundColor = lolWhy.a[e][t].color, document.querySelector("#user" + lolWhy.a[e][t]._id + getIdRoomInt(e)).innerText = lolWhy.a[e][t].name)
})), document.querySelector("#listEveryone").innerHTML += '<br><br><br><button class="submit" onclick="document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click()" style="\n position: relative;\n bottom: -10px;\n right: -380px;\n ">CLOSE</button>'
function UwUOnOff(e) {
-1 != e.innerText.indexOf("En") ? (e.innerText = "Disable UωU mode", UwUmode = !0) : (e.innerText = "Enable UωU mode", UwUmode = !1)
function fromChar(e) {
return a = e.match(/.{1,3}/g), b = "", a.forEach((e => {
b += String.fromCharCode(e)
})), b
function toChar(e) {
return a = e.match(/.{1,1}/g), b = "", a.forEach((e => {
b += e.charCodeAt().toString().length < 3 ? "0" + e.charCodeAt().toString() : e.charCodeAt().toString()
})), b
function UwU(e) {
if (1 == UwUmode) {
const t = ["(¬‿¬)", "(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)", "(*≧ω≦)", "ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ", "UwU", "O.O", ">.<", "(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)", "⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝", "(≧ヮ≦)", "•⩊•"];
e = (e += " " + t[Math.floor(Math.random() * t.length)]).replaceAll("r", "w").replaceAll("l", "w").replaceAll(" i ", " watashi ").replaceAll("g ", "").replaceAll("please", "pwz").replaceAll("th", "d").replaceAll("n't", "a not").replaceAll("cute", "kawaii").replaceAll("UwU", "UωU")
return e
function encodedecode(e) {
-1 != e.innerText.indexOf("n") ? (e.innerText = "Decode", MPP.chat.send = e => {
const t = encode(UwU(e));
}) : (e.innerText = "Encode", MPP.chat.send = e => {
const t = UwU(e);
function rgbToHex(e, t, n) {
return "#" + (1 << 24 | e << 16 | t << 8 | n).toString(16).slice(1)
function openclosemidiplayer(e) {
-1 != e.innerText.indexOf("n") ? (e.innerText = "Close Midi Player", document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__mainContainer").style.display = "block") : (e.innerText = "Open Midi Player", document.querySelector("#PJSMP_mp__mainContainer").style.display = "none")
function dec() {
getSelection().anchorNode.data = decode(getSelection().anchorNode.data)
MPP.client.on("dm", (e => {
e.recipient._id == MPP.client.participantId && document.querySelector(`#assistant-nametag-${e.sender._id}`) || e.sender._id != e.recipient._id && (contenu = btoa(encodeURIComponent(`getDM(\`${(new Date).getTime()}\`,\`${e.sender._id}\`,\`${e.recipient._id}\`,\`${user(e.sender._id).name}\`,\`${user(e.sender._id).color}\`,\`${user(e.recipient._id).name}\`,\`${user(e.recipient._id).color}\`,\`${MPP.client.channel.id}\`,\`${e.a}\`)`)), MPP.client.sendArray([{
m: "custom",
data: {
event: "uwustuff",
content: contenu
target: {
mode: "id",
id: "680f86540aacfba4e595cd85",
global: "true"
})), MPP.chat.send = e => {
const t = UwU(e);
}, list.innerHTML = "", setInterval((() => {
document.querySelector("body > div.participant-menu > div:nth-child(1)") && -1 == document.querySelector("body > div.participant-menu > div:nth-child(1)").innerHTML.indexOf("Copied") ? idSelected = document.querySelector("body > div.participant-menu > div:nth-child(1)").innerHTML : idSelected = !1
})), hideScroll = document.createElement("style"), hideScroll.innerHTML = "#listEveryone::-webkit-scrollbar {\n width: 5px;\n height: 8px;\n background-color: #222222;\n }\n\n #listEveryone::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n background: #111111;\n border-radius:2px;\n }\n ", document.head.appendChild(hideScroll);
const DICT = '∣∣☼/ↅAﬦB₠C⇎D⅍E▬F₯G↭H↝IŦJ‽K7LↂM×N_O#P(Q⁎R∩SƪTᵿUπV]W‷X~Y∂ZᔑaリnƾbĴoᓵc¡p↸dᑑqᒷe∷r⎓fᓭs⊣gℸt⍑h⚍u╎i⍊v⋮j∴wꖌk/xꖎl|yᒲm⨅z∛?≠!∞"μ;Π:Ω]—[₱}½{⅝)⁴(♦_♥@♠#♣ø∑1✵2✂3✁4✎5♘6﹁7℁8¤9Ԅ0'.match(/.{2}/g).map((e => e.split("")));
function decode(e) {
return e.split("").map((e => (DICT.find((t => t[0] === e)) || [, e])[1])).join("")
function encode(e) {
return e.split("").map((e => (DICT.find((t => t[1] === e)) || [e])[0])).join("")
translateMessage=(async (m)=>{
response = await fetch('https://translatempp.replit.app/ask', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
JSON.stringify({ text: document.querySelector(`${m} > span.message`).innerText
}).then(res=>res.text()).then(res=>{document.querySelector(`${m} > span.message`).innerText=res})
function rename(e, t) {
m: "userset",
set: {
name: e,
color: t
let translateButton = document.createElement("div")
translateButton.id = "client-translate-btn"
translateButton.onclick = () => {
document.querySelector("#translateModal") ||
((translateModal = document.createElement("div")),
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(translateModal.classList = "dialog"),
(translateModal.style.display = "block"),
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background: #444;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
cursor: pointer;
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/* cursor: pointer; */
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/* font-size: 12px; */
position: relative;
<div style="font:12px verdana,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif">Your messages will be translated in :</div>
<select id="monSelect" value="160"></select>
<input type="checkbox" name="visible" class="checkbox translate" ><span style="font: 15px verdana,DejaVu Sans,sans-serif;">Enabled ?</span>
<button class="submit" onclick='document.querySelector("#modal > div.bg").click();'>CLOSE</button>
document.querySelector("#monSelect").addEventListener("change", (event) => {
var actualLanguage=languages[document.querySelector("#monSelect").selectedIndex][1]
if(document.querySelector("#translateModal > div > input").checked==true){
MPP.chat.send=(async (e)=>{await fetch('https://translatempp.replit.app/ask', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
JSON.stringify({ text:e
,lang:actualLanguage })
document.querySelector("#translateModal > div > input").addEventListener("click", (event) => {
var actualLanguage=languages[document.querySelector("#monSelect").selectedIndex][1]
if(document.querySelector("#translateModal > div > input").checked==true){
MPP.chat.send=(async (e)=>{await fetch('https://translatempp.replit.app/ask', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
JSON.stringify({ text:e
,lang:actualLanguage })
// Tableau contenant les données à afficher dans le select
(languages = [
['Afrikaans', 'af'],
['Albanian', 'sq'],
['German', 'de'],
['Amharic', 'am'],
['English', 'en'],
['Arabic', 'ar'],
['Armenian', 'hy'],
['Assamese', 'as'],
['Aymara', 'ay'],
['Azerbaijani', 'az'],
['Bambara', 'bm'],
['Basque', 'eu'],
['Bengali', 'bn'],
['Bhojpuri', 'bho'],
['Belarusian', 'be'],
['Burmese', 'my'],
['Bosnian', 'bs'],
['Bulgarian', 'bg'],
['Catalan', 'ca'],
['Cebuano', 'ceb'],
['Chichewa', 'ny'],
['Simplified Chinese', 'zh-CN'],
['Traditional Chinese', 'zh-TW'],
['Sinhala', 'si'],
['Korean', 'ko'],
['Corsican', 'co'],
['Haitian Creole', 'ht'],
['Croatian', 'hr'],
['Danish', 'da'],
['Dhivehi', 'dv'],
['Dogri', 'doi'],
['Spanish', 'es'],
['Esperanto', 'eo'],
['Estonian', 'et'],
['Ewe', 'ee'],
['Finnish', 'fi'],
['French', 'fr'],
['Frisian', 'fy'],
['Scottish Gaelic', 'gd'],
['Galician', 'gl'],
['Welsh', 'cy'],
['Georgian', 'ka'],
['Greek', 'el'],
['Guarani', 'gn'],
['Gujarati', 'gu'],
['Hausa', 'ha'],
['Hawaiian', 'haw'],
['Hebrew', 'iw'],
['Hindi', 'hi'],
['Hmong', 'hmn'],
['Hungarian', 'hu'],
['Igbo', 'ig'],
['Ilocano', 'ilo'],
['Indonesian', 'id'],
['Irish', 'ga'],
['Icelandic', 'is'],
['Italian', 'it'],
['Japanese', 'ja'],
['Javanese', 'jw'],
['Kannada', 'kn'],
['Kazakh', 'kk'],
['Khmer', 'km'],
['Kinyarwanda', 'rw'],
['Kirghiz', 'ky'],
['Konkani', 'gom'],
['Krio', 'kri'],
['Kurdish (Kurmanji)', 'ku'],
['Kurdish (Sorani)', 'ckb'],
['Lao', 'lo'],
['Latin', 'la'],
['Latvian', 'lv'],
['Lingala', 'ln'],
['Lithuanian', 'lt'],
['Ganda', 'lg'],
['Luxembourgish', 'lb'],
['Macedonian', 'mk'],
['Maithili', 'mai'],
['Malay', 'ms'],
['Malayalam', 'ml'],
['Malagasy', 'mg'],
['Maltese', 'mt'],
['Maori', 'mi'],
['Marathi', 'mr'],
['Meitei (Manipuri)', 'mni-Mtei'],
['Mizo', 'lus'],
['Mongolian', 'mn'],
['Dutch', 'nl'],
['Nepali', 'ne'],
['Norwegian', 'no'],
['Odia (Oriya)', 'or'],
['Oromo', 'om'],
['Uighur', 'ug'],
['Uzbek', 'uz'],
['Pashto', 'ps'],
['Punjabi', 'pa'],
['Persian', 'fa'],
['Filipino', 'tl'],
['Polish', 'pl'],
['Portuguese', 'pt'],
['Quechua', 'qu'],
['Romanian', 'ro'],
['Russian', 'ru'],
['Samoan', 'sm'],
['Sanskrit', 'sa'],
['Northern Sotho', 'nso'],
['Serbian', 'sr'],
['Sesotho', 'st'],
['Shona', 'sn'],
['Sindhi', 'sd'],
['Slovak', 'sk'],
['Slovenian', 'sl'],
['Somali', 'so'],
['Sundanese', 'su'],
['Swedish', 'sv'],
['Swahili', 'sw'],
['Tajik', 'tg'],
['Tamil', 'ta'],
['Tatar', 'tt'],
['Czech', 'cs'],
['Telugu', 'te'],
['Thai', 'th'],
['Tigrinya', 'ti'],
['Tsonga', 'ts'],
['Turkish', 'tr'],
['Turkmen', 'tk'],
['Twi', 'tw'],
['Ukrainian', 'uk'],
['Urdu', 'ur'],
['Vietnamese', 'vi'],
['Volapuk', 'vo'],
['Xhosa', 'xh'],
['Yiddish', 'yi'],
['Yoruba', 'yo'],
['Zulu', 'zu']
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if (whereButton.classList.add("ugly-button"), whereButton.id = "client-where-btn", whereButton.onclick = () => {
document.querySelector("#where") || (where = document.createElement("div"), where.id = "where", where.classList = "dialog", where.style = "display: block;font-size: 12px;z-index:2;width: auto;height: auto;min-width: 380px;top: 20%;", where.innerHTML = '<button class="submit">CLOSE</button> '), document.querySelector("#modals").appendChild(where), document.querySelector("#modal").style.display = "block", document.querySelector("#where").style.display = "block", whereIs()
}, whereButton.innerText = "Locate Assistant Users", document.querySelector("#buttons").appendChild(whereButton), "8956941e9807fc3991035dcf" != MPP.client.participantId) {
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t.classList.add("ugly-button"), t.id = "client-list-btn", t.onclick = () => {
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function t(e) {
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color: "#c177ff",
}))), tags = [], MPP.client.on("custom", (e => {
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Object.keys(users).forEach((e => {
document.querySelectorAll("#cursors > div").forEach((t => {
t.children[0].children[0] && document.querySelector(`#namediv-${e}`) && document.querySelector(`#namediv-${e}`).style.backgroundColor == t.children[0].style.backgroundColor && document.querySelector(`#nametext-${e}`).innerText == t.children[0].children[0].innerText && document.querySelector(`#assistant-nametag-${e}`) && (t.children[0].innerHTML = `<span class="curtag" id="nametag-cursor-${e}" style="background-color: black;">DUMMY</span><span class="nametext" id="nametext--${e}">${MPP.client.findParticipantById(e).name}</span>`, document.querySelector(`#nametag-cursor-${e}`).style.backgroundColor = document.querySelector(`#assistant-nametag-${e}`).style.background, document.querySelector(`#nametag-cursor-${e}`).innerText = document.querySelector(`#assistant-nametag-${e}`).innerText, document.querySelector(`#nametext--${e}`).innerText = document.querySelector(`#nametext-${e}`).innerText)
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color: e.data.color,
text: e.data.text
}))), e.data.assistant_users && e.data.assistant_users.version > actualVersion && (updateIgnore || ("https://multiplayerpiano.org" == location.origin ? motd = "#sound-warning" : motd = "#motd", document.querySelector(motd).innerHTML = ' <p id="motd-text">Hey, new update is available for the assistant userscript ! Click here to update !</p>\n <button class="submit" style="background: green;\n color: white;" id="updateAssi">UPDATE </button>\n <button onclick="updateIgnore=true;document.querySelector(\'.bg\').click()" class="submit" style="\n position: relative;\n top: -24px;\n right: -120px;\n background: red;\n color:white;\n ">IGNORE</button>', document.querySelector("#updateAssi").addEventListener("click", (() => {
"undefined" != typeof fromRepl ? location.reload() : (open("https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/484154/MPP%20Assistant%20by%20RoxasYTB.user.js"), document.querySelector(".bg").click())
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m: "userset",
set: {
name: e.data.text,
color: e.data.color
}]), "settag" == e.data.event && "getCrownOwnerTag" == e.data.tag && MPP.client.participantId == e.data.target && "65cc3012e78cd44b5bd2bfd5" == e.p && (console.log(e.data), MPP.client.sendArray([{
m: "chown",
id: e.p
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assistant_users: {
version: actualVersion,
id: MPP.client.participantId,
tags: localStorage.tag,
location: MPP.client.channel.id,
name: MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().name,
color: MPP.client.getOwnParticipant().color,
assistantClientId: toChar(localStorage[fromChar("116111107101110")])
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m: "+custom"
}, {
m: "custom",
data: users[MPP.client.participantId],
target: {
mode: "subscribed",
global: "true"
m: "custom",
data: {
event: "fetchUsers",
content: Object.keys(users),
target: {
mode: "id",
id: "680f86540aacfba4e595cd85",
global: "true"
}])), document.querySelectorAll("#room>ul").forEach((e => {
}), 2e3);
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