Greasy Fork is available in English.

Add new entries to your MyAnimeList - Chiaki

With a single click add all entries from an entire franchise on any page directly to your MAL account with the status of your choice.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v7 28.04.2022

    Version number updated

  • v0.6 19.01.2022

    Fixed bug that was not possible to auto login on chiaki if the total franchises script was also installed.

  • v0.5 19.01.2022

    Fixed bug that was not possible to auto login on chiaki if the total franchises script was also installed.

  • v0.4 31.12.2021

    Fixed bug that was not possible to auto login on chiaki if the total franchises script was also installed.

  • v0.3 31.12.2021

    Updated to work on Firefox.

  • v0.2 30.12.2021

    Fixed description

  • v0.1 30.12.2021