SteamGifts comment formatting

Adds buttons to help you with formatting your comments and managing pictures and emoticons.

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.7.1 10.09.2016 Synced from GitHub - fixed adding non-image to list after pasting url + fixed showing list off screen on higher zoom
  • v0.7.0 03.09.2016 Synced from GitHub - added emoji management (add/remove) + some new default emojis + some visual bugfixes for firefox
  • v0.6.1 21.08.2016 Synced from GitHub - added few new emojis
  • v0.6 15.08.2016 Synced from GitHub - removed updateUrl and set homepage to greasyfork profile
  • v0.5 14.08.2016 Synced from GitHub - added update url and homepage
  • v0.4 07.08.2016 Synced from GitHub - custom images can now be removed by user
  • v0.3 27.07.2016 Synced from GitHub - added images and text emoticons
  • v0.2 23.07.2016 Imported from URL