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Better Stocktwits

Adds links to various financial outlets to stocktwit stock pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Better Stocktwits
// @description Adds links to various financial outlets to stocktwit stock pages
// @author
// @version     0.1
// @include     http*://*
// @include     http*://**
// @namespace   DividendNoob    
// ==/UserScript==

//Link Location URL's
var NASDAQ = "";
var GOOGLE = "";
var YAHOO = "";
var FINVIZ = "";
var SALPHA = "";

//Get the div tag where we want to add our links. This will not work with IE 8 or before.
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("ticker-container");

//Parse the stock symbol from the URL
var symbol = window.location.pathname.match(/\/symbol\/(.*)/)[1];

//Add the Links
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    x[i].innerHTML = x[i].innerHTML + "<b>Financials:</b>&nbsp;" + 
        "<a href='" + NASDAQ + symbol +"' target='_blank'>Nasdaq</a>" + "&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
        "<a href='" + GOOGLE + symbol +"' target='_blank'>Google Finance</a>" + "&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
        "<a href='" + YAHOO + symbol + "' target='_blank'>Yahoo Finance</a>" + "&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
        "<a href='" + FINVIZ + symbol +"' target='_blank'>Finviz</a>" + "&nbsp;|&nbsp;" +
         "<a href='" + SALPHA + symbol +"' target='_blank'>Seeking Alpha</a>";