
[Lite Version] Automatically farm experience points, hacking Duolingo is so easy!

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Auto-Duolingo
// @version      1.0.8
// @author       DevX
// @namespace
// @description  [Lite Version] Automatically farm experience points, hacking Duolingo is so easy!
// @match        https://**
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
	const AUTODUOLINGO_STORAGE = "autoDuolingoStorage";
	const { isSafeMode, isShowUI, isAnimationOff, exp, time, version, isNewNotify, rmNotiVer, rmNotiContent } =
	const { notifyVersion } = getLocal(AUTODUOLINGO_STORAGE);

	const autoDuoLite = {
		initSignature: function () {
			this.signatureElm = document.createElement("div");
			Object.assign(this.signatureElm, {
				className: "signature-listening",
				innerHTML: `
						Auto-Duolingo DevX
						<div class="autoduo-lite-version">
							LITE VERSION <button class="autoduo-upgrade" title="Upgrade version"></button>
			const upgrade = this.signatureElm.querySelector('.autoduo-upgrade')
			upgrade.addEventListener('click', () =>

		initContact: function () {
			this.contactWrapper = document.createElement("div");
			Object.assign(this.contactWrapper, {
				className: "contact-wrapper-listening",
				innerHTML: `<a class="contact-item-listening" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Chat with DevX</p>
							<a class="contact-item-listening" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Telegram Community</p>
							<a class="contact-item-listening" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Zalo Community</p>
							<a class="contact-item-listening" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Youtube Channel</p>
							<a class="contact-item-listening" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Facebook Community</p>
							<a class="contact-item-listening" id="greasyfork" href="" target="_blank" style="--data-img: url('')">
								<p class="popup">Greasy Fork</p>

		initPopup: function () {
			this.updateGuidePopup = document.createElement("div");
			Object.assign(this.updateGuidePopup, {
				className: "update-guide-popup",
				innerHTML: `
					<div class="guide-popup-main">
						<h2 class="guide-popup-title">AUTO GUIDE</h2>
						<div class="guide-popup-content">
							<p class="guide-popup-text" style="color: rgb(0,159,235); margin-bottom: 24px">
								This is a lite version of AutoDuo with the main feature of automatically farming listening exercises (requires Super Duolingo). To use auto, follow the steps below:
							<p class="guide-popup-text">
								<b>Step 1:</b> Go to the Super workout page (with the dumbbell icon).
							<p class="guide-popup-text">
								<b>Step 2</b>: Press the "Start Farm XP" button to start the automatic farming process!.
							<i style="font-size: 13px; margin-top: 12px; line-height: 1.3; display: inline-block"><b style="color: #ff5555">Note: </b>Super Duolingo is required to use this version. If you want to auto or use all the other useful features without Super, click to watch the video tutorial!</i>
							<div class="guide-popup-btn">
								<button class="autoduo-btn popup-btn-close"><span>Close</span></button>
								<a class="autoduo-btn btn-green popup-btn-access" href="" target="_blank">
								 <span>Watch tutorial</span>

			const closePopupBtn = this.updateGuidePopup.querySelector(".popup-btn-close");
			closePopupBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
				document.body.contains(this.updateGuidePopup) && this.updateGuidePopup.remove();

		initBtn: function () {
			this.autoBtn = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.autoBtn, {
				className: "autoduo-btn btn-green auto-farm-btn-listening",
				innerText: "START FARM XP",
				onclick: () => {
					this.isAuto ? this.stop() : this.start();

			this.updateBtn = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.updateBtn, {
				className: "autoduo-btn guide-btn-listening",
				innerText: "Instructions for use",
				onclick: () => {
					this.isAuto && this.stop();

			this.showHideBtn = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.showHideBtn, {
				className: "show-hide-listening",
				style: `--data-version: 'V${this.version}'`,
				innerHTML: "<i></i>",

			this.showHideBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
				this.isShowUI = !this.isShowUI;

		initBubbles: function () {
			this.notifyBubble = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.notifyBubble, {
				className: "bubble-item-listening notify-bubble-listening",
				title: "Notification",

			this.superBubble = document.createElement("a");
			Object.assign(this.superBubble, {
				className: "bubble-item-listening super-bubble-listening",
				title: "Duolingo Super Free",
				href: "",
				target: "_blank",

			this.marketerBubble = document.createElement("a");
			Object.assign(this.marketerBubble, {
					className: "bubble-item-listening streak-bubble-listening",
					title: "Hack Streak Service",
					href: "",
					target: "_blank",

		initStatistics: function () {
			this.statistic = document.createElement("div");
			this.keyTypeElm = document.createElement("p");
			this.expElm = document.createElement("p");
			this.dateElm = document.createElement("p");
			const statisticWrapper = document.createElement("div");

			Object.assign(this.keyTypeElm, {
				className: "key-type-listening",
				innerHTML: "<b style='color: #009feb'>Auto-Duolingo Lite</b>",

			this.expElm.className = "total-exp-listening";
			this.expElm.innerText = this.exp;
			this.statistic.className = "statistic-listening";
			this.dateElm.className = "time-listening";
			statisticWrapper.className = "statistic-wrapper-listening";

			statisticWrapper.append(this.expElm, this.dateElm);
			this.statistic.append(this.keyTypeElm, statisticWrapper);

		initFunctions: function () {
			this.animationOffWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Hide Animation"`;
			const animationOffInfo =
				"- When this mode is enabled, images and animations on the website will be hidden to optimize performance.\n\n" +
				"Suggestion: To achieve the best performance, you should find and disable items related to effects in Duolingo's settings!";
				(setSwitch) => {
					this.isAnimationOff = !this.isAnimationOff;

			this.safeModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Safe Mode"`;
			const safeModeInfo =
				"SAFE MODE:\n" +
				"- When this mode is enabled, the system will simulate user actions when using auto. The speed will be more relaxed, " +
				"in exchange for the completion time of lessons and the amount of experience will be the most natural, minimizing " +
				"the risks of REPORT and account BAN!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(safeModeInfo, this.safeModeWrapper, 2, this.isSafeMode, () => {
				this.isSafeMode ? this.handleSafeModeOff() : this.handleSafeModeOn();

			this.turboModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Turbo Mode"`;
			const turboModeInfo =
				"TURBO MODE:\n" +
				"- When enabled, the system will significantly boost the auto speed. It will utilize higher performance and " +
				"is not recommended for use on low-performance devices.\n- Turn it off and refresh the page if you encounter " +
				"issues while activating this mode!\n\n- Note: This is an experimental feature and requires a VIP Key to use. " +
				"Only enable it when you truly require speed and understand its implications!!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(turboModeInfo, this.turboModeWrapper, 4, false);

			this.legendModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Lesson Pass Mode"`;
			const legendModeInfo =
				"- When activated, the system won't repeat exercises as in the regular mode but will engage in exercises actively selected by the user. " +
				"This mode is used for legendary exercises, story exercises, and most other similar exercises.\n- You need to enter the lesson you want to " +
				"pass in, and then the system will automatically complete that lesson for you!\n" +
				"- When this mode is activated, the basic auto button will be temporarily disabled.";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(legendModeInfo, this.legendModeWrapper, 5, false);

			this.targetModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "XP Target Mode"`;
			const targetModeInfo =
				"- By setting an experience point target, the system will automatically stop auto mode when the total experience points " +
				"obtained equal or exceed the specified target.\n- This helps you better control the auto function, " +
				"preventing unintentional accumulation of excess experience points due to forgetting to turn off auto mode!\n\n" +
				"- Note: The experience point target must be greater than the current amount of experience points obtained through auto mode!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(targetModeInfo, this.targetModeWrapper, 6, false);

			this.passModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Auto Pass Mode"`;
			const passModeInfo =
				"AUTO PASS MODE:\n" +
				"- By setting the number of lessons you wish to pass, the system will automatically pass the corresponding " +
				"number of new lessons as per the value you've set!\n\n" +
				"- Note: the lesson value should be within the range of 1 - 1000 (Enter 0 for unlimited auto)!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(passModeInfo, this.passModeWrapper, 7, false);

			this.darkModeWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Dark Mode"`;
			const darkModeInfo = "DARK MODE\n- Enable/disable website dark mode faster!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(darkModeInfo, this.darkModeWrapper, 3, this.isDarkMode, (setSwitch) => {
				this.isDarkMode = !this.isDarkMode;
				const [theme, value, css] = this.isDarkMode 
										? ["dark", "on", "--app-offset: 0px; --color-snow: 19, 31, 36; --color-snow-always-light: 255, 255, 255; --color-snow-always-dark: 19, 31, 36; --color-polar: 32, 47, 54; --color-swan: 55, 70, 79; --color-swan-always-light: 229, 229, 229; --color-swan-always-dark: 55, 70, 79; --color-hare: 82, 101, 109; --color-hare-always-light: 175, 175, 175; --color-wolf: 220, 230, 236; --color-eel: 241, 247, 251; --color-squid: 235, 227, 227; --color-walking-fish: 32, 47, 54; --color-flamingo: 148, 81, 81; --color-pig: 245, 164, 164; --color-crab: 255, 120, 120; --color-cardinal: 238, 85, 85; --color-fire-ant: 216, 72, 72; --color-canary: 32, 47, 54; --color-duck: 251, 229, 109; --color-bee: 255, 199, 0; --color-bee-always-dark: 255, 199, 0; --color-lion: 255, 177, 0; --color-fox: 255, 171, 51; --color-cheetah: 32, 47, 54; --color-monkey: 229, 162, 89; --color-camel: 231, 166, 1; --color-guinea-pig: 215, 148, 51; --color-grizzly: 187, 113, 73; --color-sea-sponge: 32, 47, 54; --color-turtle: 95, 132, 40; --color-owl: 147, 211, 51; --color-tree-frog: 121, 185, 51; --color-peacock: 0, 205, 156; --color-iguana: 32, 47, 54; --color-anchovy: 210, 228, 232; --color-beluga: 187, 242, 255; --color-moon-jelly: 122, 240, 242; --color-blue-jay: 63, 133, 167; --color-macaw: 73, 192, 248; --color-whale: 24, 153, 214; --color-humpback: 43, 112, 201; --color-narwhal: 20, 83, 163; --color-manta-ray: 4, 44, 96; --color-starfish: 255, 134, 208; --color-beetle: 206, 130, 255; --color-betta: 144, 105, 205; --color-butterfly: 111, 78, 161; --color-dragon: 204, 52, 141; --color-starling: 92, 108, 252; --color-martin: 71, 85, 223; --color-grackle: 167, 160, 255; --color-honeycreeper: 193, 187, 255; --color-deep-starling: 34, 33, 81; --color-deep-martin: 16, 15, 62; --color-legendary-foreground: 140, 65, 3; --color-stardust: 199, 255, 254; --color-cosmos: 60, 77, 255; --color-nebula: 63, 34, 236; --color-nova: 207, 23, 200; --color-gamma: 38, 246, 99; --color-starlight: 38, 138, 255; --color-quasar: 252, 85, 255; --color-celestia: 255, 255, 255; --color-eclipse: 0, 4, 55; --color-black: 0, 0, 0; --color-aqua: 43, 164, 176; --color-aqua-always-light: 56, 238, 255; --color-ocean: 56, 238, 255; --color-seafoam: 30, 89, 97; --color-ice: 23, 52, 58; --color-max-shadow: 20, 208, 225; --color-black-white: 255, 255, 255; --color-diamond-stat: 86, 219, 226; --color-mask-green: 144, 220, 72; --color-pearl-stat: 255, 170, 222; --color-snow-dark-swan: 55, 70, 79; --color-black-text: 241, 247, 251; --color-blue-space: 11, 62, 113; --color-juicy-blue-space: 10, 74, 130; --color-juicy-blue-space-light: 35, 83, 144; --color-gold: 250, 169, 25; --color-gray-text: 220, 230, 236; --color-orange: 255, 157, 0; --color-diamond-highlight: 231, 251, 251; --color-diamond: 56, 208, 208; --color-banana: 255, 176, 32; --color-cloud: 207, 207, 207; --color-cloud-light: 221, 221, 221; --color-cloud-lightest: 240, 240, 240; --color-kiwi: 122, 199, 12; --color-kiwi-dark: 93, 151, 9; --color-kiwi-light: 142, 224, 0; --color-facebook: 59, 89, 152; --color-facebook-dark: 45, 67, 115; --color-google: 66, 133, 244; --color-twitter: 29, 161, 242; --color-hv-light-peach: 241, 218, 179; --color-hv-peach: 219, 186, 131; --color-hv-light-orange: 255, 177, 64; --color-hv-orange: 204, 121, 0; --color-hv-brown: 140, 90, 17; --color-streak-panel-extended-background: 205, 121, 0; --color-streak-panel-frozen-background: 43, 112, 201; --color-streak-panel-frozen-flair-background: 73, 192, 248; --color-streak-panel-frozen-subtitle: 255, 255, 255; --color-streak-panel-frozen-text: 255, 255, 255; --color-streak-panel-frozen-topbar-text: 255, 255, 255; --color-streak-panel-streak-society-background: 215, 148, 51; --color-streak-panel-streak-society-text: 255, 255, 255; --color-streak-panel-unextended-heading-text: 82, 101, 109; --color-streak-panel-unextended-heading-background: 32, 47, 54; --color-streak-panel-unextended-topbar-text: 255, 255, 255; --color-streak-panel-milestone-gradient-start: 255, 147, 58; --color-streak-panel-milestone-gradient-end: 255, 200, 0; --color-streak-society-dark-orange: 255, 151, 1; --color-streak-society-light-orange: 255, 179, 1; --color-friends-quest-own-incomplete: 111, 139, 157; --color-friends-quest-friend-incomplete: 79, 100, 113; --color-black-text-always-light: 60, 60, 60; --color-cardinal-always-light: 255, 75, 75; --color-cowbird: 174, 104, 2; --color-eel-always-light: 75, 75, 75; --color-fox-always-light: 255, 150, 0; --color-fire-ant-always-light: 234, 43, 43; --color-grizzly-lite: 220, 143, 71; --color-guinea-pig-always-light: 205, 121, 0; --color-iguana-always-light: 221, 244, 255; --color-macaw-always-light: 28, 176, 246; --color-owl-always-light: 88, 204, 2; --color-polar-always-light: 247, 247, 247; --color-sea-sponge-always-light: 215, 255, 184; --color-tree-frog-always-light: 88, 167, 0; --color-turtle-always-light: 165, 237, 110; --color-walking-fish-always-light: 255, 223, 224; --color-wolf-always-light: 119, 119, 119; --color-cardinal-always-dark: 238, 85, 85; --color-eel-always-dark: 241, 247, 251; --color-hare-always-dark: 82, 101, 109; --color-macaw-always-dark: 73, 192, 248; --color-owl-always-dark: 147, 211, 51; --color-polar-always-dark: 32, 47, 54; --color-wolf-always-dark: 220, 230, 236; --color-rookie: 0, 175, 133; --color-explorer: 255, 100, 191; --color-traveler: 255, 145, 83; --color-trailblazer: 154, 143, 232; --color-adventurer: 96, 12, 199; --color-discoverer: 111, 44, 57; --color-daredevil: 46, 83, 138; --color-navigator: 9, 47, 119; --color-champion: 255, 110, 53; --color-daily_refresh: 0, 148, 255; --color-dark-mode-locked-path-section-text-color: 82, 101, 109; --color-rookie-progress-bar: 0, 198, 150; --color-explorer-progress-bar: 255, 138, 207; --color-traveler-progress-bar: 255, 167, 106; --color-trailblazer-progress-bar: 169, 157, 254; --color-adventurer-progress-bar: 122, 13, 199; --color-discoverer-progress-bar: 131, 50, 65; --color-daredevil-progress-bar: 54, 98, 165; --color-navigator-progress-bar: 12, 57, 141; --color-champion-progress-bar: 255, 129, 80; --color-daily_refresh-progress-bar: 28, 160, 255; --color-course-complete-cta: 120, 219, 224; --color-course-complete-cta-border: 94, 201, 204; --color-bea-secondary: 24, 153, 214; --color-eddy-secondary: 234, 43, 43; --color-gilded-secondary: 231, 166, 1; --color-lily-secondary: 165, 104, 204; --color-vikram-secondary: 163, 42, 113; --color-zari-secondary: 204, 107, 166; --color-oscar-secondary: 0, 164, 125; --color-falstaff-secondary: 150, 90, 58; --color-bea-radio: 20, 123, 172; --color-duo-radio: 62, 143, 1; --color-eddy-radio: 179, 53, 53; --color-falstaff-radio: 131, 79, 51; --color-lin-lucy-radio: 179, 105, 0; --color-lily-radio: 144, 91, 179; --color-vikram-radio: 143, 36, 99; --color-zari-radio: 179, 94, 146; --color-oscar-radio: 0, 144, 109; --color-bea-junior-shine: 67, 190, 248; --color-duo-shine: 114, 214, 39; --color-eddy-shine: 255, 105, 105; --color-falstaff-shine: 227, 165, 108; --color-lily-shine: 214, 150, 255; --color-lin-lucy-shine: 255, 168, 44; --color-oscar-shine: 63, 217, 181; --color-vikram-shine: 214, 90, 162; --color-zari-shine: 255, 158, 217; --color-super-background-secondary: 26, 30, 76; --color-super-gradient-background: 12, 47, 113; --color-super-gradient-top-halo: 12, 76, 70; --color-super-gradient-bottom-halo: 76, 29, 115; --color-gold-shine: 255, 231, 0; --color-legendary-dark-background: 24, 24, 24; --color-roseate: 223, 75, 162; --color-rosefinch: 180, 28, 117; --color-bluebird: 3, 144, 211; --color-cotinga: 121, 58, 227; --color-sabrewing: 165, 112, 255; --color-blueberry: 17, 82, 167; --color-ether: 60, 89, 141; --color-diamond-tournament-purple: 161, 161, 238; --color-diamond-tournament-reaction: 118, 163, 231; --color-yir-page0: 221, 244, 255; --color-yir-page1: 227, 255, 235; --color-yir-page1-shadow: 19, 31, 36; --color-yir-page3-shadow: 187, 172, 252; --color-yir-page4-shadow: 143, 219, 255; --color-yir-page5-shadow: 255, 183, 80; --color-super-gradient-green-variant1: 38, 255, 85; --color-super-gradient-blue-variant1: 38, 139, 255; --color-super-gradient-pink-variant1: 252, 85, 255; --color-super-gradient-purple-variant1: 17, 34, 181; --color-unknown-001e2d: 0, 30, 45; --color-unknown-0047a4: 0, 71, 164; --color-unknown-0087d0: 0, 135, 208; --color-unknown-00aff9: 0, 175, 249; --color-unknown-013047: 1, 48, 71; --color-unknown-048fd1: 4, 143, 209; --color-unknown-0e0f10: 14, 15, 16; --color-unknown-0e3d79: 14, 61, 121; --color-unknown-172071: 23, 32, 113; --color-unknown-280378: 40, 3, 120; --color-unknown-3ebbf6: 62, 187, 246; --color-unknown-655ebb: 101, 94, 187; --color-unknown-696cee: 105, 108, 238; --color-unknown-7c0000: 124, 0, 0; --color-unknown-89e219: 137, 226, 25; --color-unknown-935051: 147, 80, 81; --color-unknown-959595: 149, 149, 149; --color-unknown-a2a2a2: 162, 162, 162; --color-unknown-a3dbeb: 163, 219, 235; --color-unknown-a4dffb: 164, 223, 251; --color-unknown-aaa: 170, 170, 170; --color-unknown-d087ff: 208, 135, 255; --color-unknown-d9d9d9: 217, 217, 217; --color-unknown-ddd: 221, 221, 221; --color-unknown-de8029: 222, 128, 41; --color-unknown-e3e3e3: 227, 227, 227; --color-unknown-e4ffff: 228, 255, 255; --color-unknown-ed8c01: 237, 140, 1; --color-unknown-f3484e: 243, 72, 78; --color-unknown-f4fafe: 244, 250, 254; --color-unknown-fbdec5: 251, 222, 197; --color-unknown-ffc700: 255, 199, 0; --color-unknown-fff2aa: 255, 242, 170; --color-unknown-fffbef: 255, 251, 239;"] 
										: ["light", "off", "--app-offset: 0px; --color-snow: 255, 255, 255; --color-snow-always-light: 255, 255, 255; --color-snow-always-dark: 19, 31, 36; --color-polar: 247, 247, 247; --color-swan: 229, 229, 229; --color-swan-always-light: 229, 229, 229; --color-swan-always-dark: 55, 70, 79; --color-hare: 175, 175, 175; --color-hare-always-light: 175, 175, 175; --color-wolf: 119, 119, 119; --color-eel: 75, 75, 75; --color-squid: 235, 227, 227; --color-walking-fish: 255, 223, 224; --color-flamingo: 255, 178, 178; --color-pig: 245, 164, 164; --color-crab: 255, 120, 120; --color-cardinal: 255, 75, 75; --color-fire-ant: 234, 43, 43; --color-canary: 255, 245, 211; --color-duck: 251, 229, 109; --color-bee: 255, 200, 0; --color-bee-always-dark: 255, 199, 0; --color-lion: 255, 177, 0; --color-fox: 255, 150, 0; --color-cheetah: 255, 206, 142; --color-monkey: 229, 162, 89; --color-camel: 231, 166, 1; --color-guinea-pig: 205, 121, 0; --color-grizzly: 187, 113, 73; --color-sea-sponge: 215, 255, 184; --color-turtle: 165, 237, 110; --color-owl: 88, 204, 2; --color-tree-frog: 88, 167, 0; --color-peacock: 0, 205, 156; --color-iguana: 221, 244, 255; --color-anchovy: 210, 228, 232; --color-beluga: 187, 242, 255; --color-moon-jelly: 122, 240, 242; --color-blue-jay: 132, 216, 255; --color-macaw: 28, 176, 246; --color-whale: 24, 153, 214; --color-humpback: 43, 112, 201; --color-narwhal: 20, 83, 163; --color-manta-ray: 4, 44, 96; --color-starfish: 255, 134, 208; --color-beetle: 206, 130, 255; --color-betta: 144, 105, 205; --color-butterfly: 111, 78, 161; --color-dragon: 204, 52, 141; --color-starling: 92, 108, 252; --color-martin: 71, 85, 223; --color-grackle: 167, 160, 255; --color-honeycreeper: 193, 187, 255; --color-deep-starling: 34, 33, 81; --color-deep-martin: 16, 15, 62; --color-legendary-foreground: 140, 65, 3; --color-stardust: 199, 255, 254; --color-cosmos: 60, 77, 255; --color-nebula: 63, 34, 236; --color-nova: 207, 23, 200; --color-gamma: 38, 246, 99; --color-starlight: 38, 138, 255; --color-quasar: 252, 85, 255; --color-celestia: 255, 255, 255; --color-eclipse: 0, 4, 55; --color-black: 0, 0, 0; --color-aqua: 56, 238, 255; --color-aqua-always-light: 56, 238, 255; --color-ocean: 0, 124, 143; --color-seafoam: 158, 224, 233; --color-ice: 225, 253, 255; --color-max-shadow: 20, 208, 225; --color-black-white: 0, 0, 0; --color-diamond-stat: 86, 219, 226; --color-mask-green: 137, 226, 25; --color-pearl-stat: 255, 170, 222; --color-snow-dark-swan: 255, 255, 255; --color-black-text: 60, 60, 60; --color-blue-space: 11, 62, 113; --color-juicy-blue-space: 10, 74, 130; --color-juicy-blue-space-light: 35, 83, 144; --color-gold: 250, 169, 25; --color-gray-text: 153, 153, 153; --color-orange: 255, 157, 0; --color-diamond-highlight: 231, 251, 251; --color-diamond: 56, 208, 208; --color-banana: 255, 176, 32; --color-cloud: 207, 207, 207; --color-cloud-light: 221, 221, 221; --color-cloud-lightest: 240, 240, 240; --color-kiwi: 122, 199, 12; --color-kiwi-dark: 93, 151, 9; --color-kiwi-light: 142, 224, 0; --color-facebook: 59, 89, 152; --color-facebook-dark: 45, 67, 115; --color-google: 66, 133, 244; --color-twitter: 29, 161, 242; --color-hv-light-peach: 241, 218, 179; --color-hv-peach: 219, 186, 131; --color-hv-light-orange: 255, 177, 64; --color-hv-orange: 204, 121, 0; --color-hv-brown: 140, 90, 17; --color-streak-panel-extended-background: 255, 150, 0; --color-streak-panel-frozen-background: 221, 244, 255; --color-streak-panel-frozen-flair-background: 132, 216, 255; --color-streak-panel-frozen-subtitle: 28, 176, 246; --color-streak-panel-frozen-text: 132, 216, 255; --color-streak-panel-frozen-topbar-text: 24, 153, 214; --color-streak-panel-streak-society-background: 255, 200, 0; --color-streak-panel-streak-society-text: 205, 121, 0; --color-streak-panel-unextended-heading-text: 235, 195, 127; --color-streak-panel-unextended-heading-background: 255, 245, 211; --color-streak-panel-unextended-topbar-text: 235, 195, 127; --color-streak-panel-milestone-gradient-start: 255, 147, 58; --color-streak-panel-milestone-gradient-end: 255, 200, 0; --color-streak-society-dark-orange: 255, 151, 1; --color-streak-society-light-orange: 255, 179, 1; --color-friends-quest-own-incomplete: 175, 175, 175; --color-friends-quest-friend-incomplete: 145, 145, 145; --color-black-text-always-light: 60, 60, 60; --color-cardinal-always-light: 255, 75, 75; --color-cowbird: 174, 104, 2; --color-eel-always-light: 75, 75, 75; --color-fox-always-light: 255, 150, 0; --color-fire-ant-always-light: 234, 43, 43; --color-grizzly-lite: 220, 143, 71; --color-guinea-pig-always-light: 205, 121, 0; --color-iguana-always-light: 221, 244, 255; --color-macaw-always-light: 28, 176, 246; --color-owl-always-light: 88, 204, 2; --color-polar-always-light: 247, 247, 247; --color-sea-sponge-always-light: 215, 255, 184; --color-tree-frog-always-light: 88, 167, 0; --color-turtle-always-light: 165, 237, 110; --color-walking-fish-always-light: 255, 223, 224; --color-wolf-always-light: 119, 119, 119; --color-cardinal-always-dark: 238, 85, 85; --color-eel-always-dark: 241, 247, 251; --color-hare-always-dark: 82, 101, 109; --color-macaw-always-dark: 73, 192, 248; --color-owl-always-dark: 147, 211, 51; --color-polar-always-dark: 32, 47, 54; --color-wolf-always-dark: 220, 230, 236; --color-rookie: 0, 175, 133; --color-explorer: 255, 100, 191; --color-traveler: 255, 145, 83; --color-trailblazer: 154, 143, 232; --color-adventurer: 96, 12, 199; --color-discoverer: 111, 44, 57; --color-daredevil: 46, 83, 138; --color-navigator: 9, 47, 119; --color-champion: 255, 110, 53; --color-daily_refresh: 0, 148, 255; --color-dark-mode-locked-path-section-text-color: 82, 101, 109; --color-rookie-progress-bar: 0, 198, 150; --color-explorer-progress-bar: 255, 138, 207; --color-traveler-progress-bar: 255, 167, 106; --color-trailblazer-progress-bar: 169, 157, 254; --color-adventurer-progress-bar: 122, 13, 199; --color-discoverer-progress-bar: 131, 50, 65; --color-daredevil-progress-bar: 54, 98, 165; --color-navigator-progress-bar: 12, 57, 141; --color-champion-progress-bar: 255, 129, 80; --color-daily_refresh-progress-bar: 28, 160, 255; --color-course-complete-cta: 120, 219, 224; --color-course-complete-cta-border: 94, 201, 204; --color-bea-secondary: 24, 153, 214; --color-eddy-secondary: 234, 43, 43; --color-gilded-secondary: 231, 166, 1; --color-lily-secondary: 165, 104, 204; --color-vikram-secondary: 163, 42, 113; --color-zari-secondary: 204, 107, 166; --color-oscar-secondary: 0, 164, 125; --color-falstaff-secondary: 150, 90, 58; --color-bea-radio: 20, 123, 172; --color-duo-radio: 62, 143, 1; --color-eddy-radio: 179, 53, 53; --color-falstaff-radio: 131, 79, 51; --color-lin-lucy-radio: 179, 105, 0; --color-lily-radio: 144, 91, 179; --color-vikram-radio: 143, 36, 99; --color-zari-radio: 179, 94, 146; --color-oscar-radio: 0, 144, 109; --color-bea-junior-shine: 67, 190, 248; --color-duo-shine: 114, 214, 39; --color-eddy-shine: 255, 105, 105; --color-falstaff-shine: 227, 165, 108; --color-lily-shine: 214, 150, 255; --color-lin-lucy-shine: 255, 168, 44; --color-oscar-shine: 63, 217, 181; --color-vikram-shine: 214, 90, 162; --color-zari-shine: 255, 158, 217; --color-super-background-secondary: 26, 30, 76; --color-super-gradient-background: 12, 47, 113; --color-super-gradient-top-halo: 12, 76, 70; --color-super-gradient-bottom-halo: 76, 29, 115; --color-gold-shine: 255, 231, 0; --color-legendary-dark-background: 24, 24, 24; --color-roseate: 223, 75, 162; --color-rosefinch: 180, 28, 117; --color-bluebird: 3, 144, 211; --color-cotinga: 121, 58, 227; --color-sabrewing: 165, 112, 255; --color-blueberry: 17, 82, 167; --color-ether: 60, 89, 141; --color-diamond-tournament-purple: 161, 161, 238; --color-diamond-tournament-reaction: 118, 163, 231; --color-yir-page0: 221, 244, 255; --color-yir-page1: 227, 255, 235; --color-yir-page1-shadow: 19, 31, 36; --color-yir-page3-shadow: 187, 172, 252; --color-yir-page4-shadow: 143, 219, 255; --color-yir-page5-shadow: 255, 183, 80; --color-super-gradient-green-variant1: 38, 255, 85; --color-super-gradient-blue-variant1: 38, 139, 255; --color-super-gradient-pink-variant1: 252, 85, 255; --color-super-gradient-purple-variant1: 17, 34, 181; --color-unknown-001e2d: 0, 30, 45; --color-unknown-0047a4: 0, 71, 164; --color-unknown-0087d0: 0, 135, 208; --color-unknown-00aff9: 0, 175, 249; --color-unknown-013047: 1, 48, 71; --color-unknown-048fd1: 4, 143, 209; --color-unknown-0e0f10: 14, 15, 16; --color-unknown-0e3d79: 14, 61, 121; --color-unknown-172071: 23, 32, 113; --color-unknown-280378: 40, 3, 120; --color-unknown-3ebbf6: 62, 187, 246; --color-unknown-655ebb: 101, 94, 187; --color-unknown-696cee: 105, 108, 238; --color-unknown-7c0000: 124, 0, 0; --color-unknown-89e219: 137, 226, 25; --color-unknown-935051: 147, 80, 81; --color-unknown-959595: 149, 149, 149; --color-unknown-a2a2a2: 162, 162, 162; --color-unknown-a3dbeb: 163, 219, 235; --color-unknown-a4dffb: 164, 223, 251; --color-unknown-aaa: 170, 170, 170; --color-unknown-d087ff: 208, 135, 255; --color-unknown-d9d9d9: 217, 217, 217; --color-unknown-ddd: 221, 221, 221; --color-unknown-de8029: 222, 128, 41; --color-unknown-e3e3e3: 227, 227, 227; --color-unknown-e4ffff: 228, 255, 255; --color-unknown-ed8c01: 237, 140, 1; --color-unknown-f3484e: 243, 72, 78; --color-unknown-f4fafe: 244, 250, 254; --color-unknown-fbdec5: 251, 222, 197; --color-unknown-ffc700: 255, 199, 0; --color-unknown-fff2aa: 255, 242, 170; --color-unknown-fffbef: 255, 251, 239;"];

				document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-duo-theme", theme);
				document.documentElement.setAttribute("style", css);

				const darkModeDataLocal = getLocal("duo.darkMode")
				for(const key in darkModeDataLocal){
					darkModeDataLocal[key] = value

				localStorage.setItem("duo.darkMode", JSON.stringify(darkModeDataLocal));

			this.farmingLocationWrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Set XP Farm Location"`;
			const farmingLocationInfo =
				"- By default, the system can only Farm XP in practice exercises or listening practices. However, with this feature, you can Farm XP " +
				"in any lesson you want, even in story lessons!\n" +
				"- Usage: Activate the feature and enter the URL of the lesson you want, then enable the XP Farm mode to start farming.\n" +
				"- NOTE: The URL to the lesson must be accurate and the lesson must be repeatable. Entering an inaccurate URL may lead " +
				"to errors or even pose risks to your account!";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(farmingLocationInfo, this.farmingLocationWrapper, 8, false);

			this.autoX2Wrapper = document.createElement("div"); = `--data-name: "Auto Collect x2 XP"`;
			const autoX2Info =
				"AUTO COLLECT X2 XP:\n" +
				'- This is a supplementary feature for "Auto Farm KN", helping to maintain the x2 KN status during farming. When enabled, ' +
				"it will check and automatically do new lessons to get x2 KN rewards if it detects the current state doesn't have x2. " +
				"This will help you farm more KN points than usual. \n\n- NOTE: This feature will do new lessons to maintain the x2 status, so " +
				"consider before enabling it if you have constraints with these lessons.";
			this.autoduoCreateSwitch(autoX2Info, this.autoX2Wrapper, 8, false);

			this.functionWrapper = document.createElement("div");
			this.functionWrapper.className = "function-wrapper-listening";

		initSetting: function () {
			this.settingBtn = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.settingBtn, {
				className: "autoduo-btn setting-btn-listening",
				innerText: "Other settings",
			this.settingBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
				this.controlContainer.contains(this.settingOverlay) ||

			this.closeSettingBtn = document.createElement("button");
			Object.assign(this.closeSettingBtn, {
				className: "autoduo-btn close-setting-btn-listening",
				innerText: "Close",
			this.closeSettingBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
				this.controlContainer.contains(this.settingOverlay) &&

			this.settingOverlay = document.createElement("div");
			Object.assign(this.settingOverlay, {
				className: "setting-overlay-listening",
				innerHTML: `
					<h3>Other settings</h3>

			this.settingFunction = document.createElement("div");
			this.settingFunction.className = "setting-function-listening";

			this.settingOverlay.append(this.settingFunction, this.closeSettingBtn);

		initContainer: function () {
			this.autoduoPowered = document.createElement('div')
			Object.assign(this.autoduoPowered, {
					className: 'autoduo-powered',
					innerHTML: `Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">🔥</a>`

			this.autoContainer = document.createElement("div");
			this.autoContainer.className = "auto-container-listening";

			this.overlayContainer = document.createElement("div");
			this.overlayContainer.className = "overlay-listening";

			this.controlContainer = document.createElement("div");
			this.controlContainer.className = "control-container-listening";
			this.controlContainer.append(this.autoContainer, this.contactWrapper, this.autoduoPowered);

			this.bubbleContainer = document.createElement("div");
			this.bubbleContainer.className = "bubble-container-listening";
			this.bubbleContainer.append(this.marketerBubble, this.superBubble, this.notifyBubble);

			document.body.append(this.controlContainer, this.bubbleContainer);

		fetchNoti: async function () {
			try {
				const res = await (
					await fetch("")
				if (res?.code === 200) {
					const { notifyVersion: rmVersion, notifyContent: rmContent } =[0];
						isNewNotify: (this.isNewNotify = +rmVersion > this.notifyVersion),
						rmNotiVer: (this.rmNotiVer = +rmVersion),
						rmNotiContent: (this.rmNotiContent = rmContent.replaceAll("\\n", "\n")),
			} catch (e) {}

		setNoti: function () {
			if (!this.rmNotiVer) {
			if (this.isNewNotify) {
			this.notifyBubble.addEventListener("click", () => {
				if (this.isNewNotify) {
					setDataSession("isNewNotify", (this.isNewNotify = false));
					setDataLocal("notifyVersion", this.rmNotiVer);

		handleShowHideUI: function (isSave = false) {
			if (this.isShowUI) {
				document.body.append(this.controlContainer, this.signatureElm, this.bubbleContainer);
			} else {

			if (isSave) {
				setDataSession("isShowUI", this.isShowUI);
				this.controlContainer.classList.contains("autoduo-animate") ||

		handleAnimationOff: function (isSave = false) {
				? document.head.appendChild(this.animationStyle)
				: document.head.removeChild(this.animationStyle);
			isSave && setDataSession("isAnimationOff", this.isAnimationOff);

		handleSafeModeOn: function () {

		handleSafeModeOff: function () {

		start: function () {
			if (this.isAuto || this.isAutoRunning) {

			this.isAuto = true;
			this.autoBtn.innerText = "STOP FARM XP";
			setDataSession("isBasicAuto", this.isAuto);
			this.startTm =;

		stop: function () {
			if (!this.isAuto || this.isLegendMode) {
			this.isAuto = false;
			this.autoBtn.innerText = "START FARM XP";
			setDataSession("isBasicAuto", this.isAuto);

		handleLocation: function () {
			if (!this.isAuto) {

			const currentPath = window.location.pathname;

			switch (currentPath) {
				case this.practiceHubPath:

				case this.listeningPacticePath:

						"[Inappropriate location]: Only enable auto when on the practice page (with the dumbbell icon) of Duolingo Super!" +
							"\n- Enabling auto on Duolingo Super's practice page will automatically farm listening exercises (20 XP)." +
							"\n- Upgrade to the full version of Auto-Duolingo to use auto farming and many other useful features without needing Super Duolingo!"
					, true);

		goPracticeHubChallenge: function () {
			if (this.isAuto === false) {
			const challengeBtn = $(

			if (!challengeBtn) {
				setTimeout(this.goPracticeHubChallenge.bind(this), 1000);
			setTimeout(this.handlePracticeHubChallenge.bind(this), 1000);

		handlePracticeHubChallenge: function () {
			if (window.location.pathname === this.practiceHubPath) {

			// Flag:BETA
			const challengeWrapper = $(".wqSzE");
			if (challengeWrapper) {
			const nextActiveBtn = $('[data-test="player-next"][aria-disabled="false"]');

			if (nextActiveBtn) {;

			setTimeout(this.handlePracticeHubChallenge.bind(this), 1000);

		handleChallenge: async function () {
			if (this.isSafeMode) {
				await this.sleep(1000);
			if (!this.isAuto || this.isAutoRunning) {

			const challengeTypeElm = $('[data-test*="challenge challenge"]');

			if (!challengeTypeElm) {
				return this.autoduoError("Undefined challenge!!");

			const challengeType = challengeTypeElm.dataset.test?.split(' ')[1]

			switch (challengeType) {
				case "challenge-listenTap":

				case "challenge-gapFill":
				case "challenge-listenIsolation":
				case "challenge-assist":
				case "challenge-selectTranscription":
				case "challenge-characterIntro":
				case "challenge-characterSelect":
				case "challenge-selectPronunciation":
				case "challenge-dialogue":
				case "challenge-readComprehension":
				case "challenge-listenComprehension":
				case "challenge-select":
				case "challenge-form":
				case "challenge-definition":
				case "challenge-sameDifferent":

						"This exercise is not currently supported in this version. Try updating to the full version of Auto-Duolingo and try again!"

		handleChallengeTranslate: function () {
			if (this.isAuto === false) {

			let data = this.getData("correctTokens");

			if (this.isAuto === false) {

			if (!data?.length) {
				data = this.getData(["challengeResponseTrackingProperties", "best_solution"])?.split(" ");

			if (!data) {
				return this.autoduoError("Lesson data not found.");

			const textArea = $('textarea[data-test="challenge-translate-input"]:not([disabled])');
			if (textArea) {
				const toggleKeyboard = $('[data-test="player-toggle-keyboard"]');
				if (toggleKeyboard) {;
					return setTimeout(this.handleChallengeTranslate.bind(this), 500);

				const inputEvent = new Event("input", {
					bubbles: true,

				let answer = "";

				const inputCaseHandler = () => {
					setTimeout(() => {
						if (data.length === 0) {

						answer += " " + data.shift();, answer);
					}, this.rmSafeDlTm());

			// Flag:BETA
			let options = arr($$('button[data-test*="challenge-tap-token"]'));
			if (options.length === 0) {
				return setTimeout(this.handleChallengeTranslate.bind(this), 500);

			const getIndexOfOption = (targetData) => {
				const index = options.findIndex((option) => option.textContent === targetData);
				return index;

			const selectCaseHandler = () => {
				setTimeout(() => {
					if (data.length === 0) {

					const firstValue = data.shift();
					const index = getIndexOfOption(firstValue);

					if (index === -1) {
						return this.autoduoLessonError("No suitable option found.");

					options.splice(index, 1);
				}, this.rmSafeDlTm());

		handleChallengeChoice: function () {
			if (!this.isAuto) {

			const optionElm = $$('[data-test="challenge-choice"]');
			const correctIndex = this.getData("correctIndex");

			if (correctIndex === null) {
				return this.autoduoError("Lesson data not found.");

			setTimeout(() => {
				setTimeout(() => {
				}, this.rmSafeDlTm());
			}, this.rmSafeDlTm());

		next: function () {
			if (!this.isAuto) {

			// Flag:BETA
			const expWrapper = $('[class="_1XNQX"]');
			if (expWrapper) {
				const exp = this.getExp(expWrapper);

				if (exp !== undefined) {
					this.exp += exp;
					this.expElm.innerText = this.exp;

					const timeNow =;
					const finishTime = timeNow - this.startTm;
					this.totalTime += finishTime;
					this.startTm = timeNow;

						exp: this.exp,
						time: this.totalTime,

					const currentPath = window.location.pathname;
					if (currentPath === this.listeningPacticePath) {
						if ((this.totalReloadTime += finishTime) >= this.reloadTm) {

			const nextBtn = $('[data-test="player-next"]');

			if (!nextBtn) {
				setTimeout(this.handleLocation.bind(this), this.goChallengeTm);

			const isDisabled = nextBtn.getAttribute("aria-disabled") === "true";
			const isFullProgress = !!$('[aria-valuenow="1"]');

			if (isDisabled && !isFullProgress) {

			!isDisabled &&;

		findReactProps: function (wrapperElm) {
			this.reactProps = Object.keys(wrapperElm).find((key) => key.startsWith("__reactProps"));

			if (!this.reactProps) {
				return this.autoduoError("ERROR");

		getDataStateNode: function (wrapperElm) {
			this.reactProps === null && this.findReactProps(wrapperElm);
			const childrenData = wrapperElm?.[this.reactProps]?.children;

			if (Array.isArray(childrenData)) {
				this.dataStateNode = childrenData?.[0]?._owner?.stateNode;
			} else {
				this.dataStateNode = childrenData?._owner?.stateNode;

		getData: function (subGenealogy) {
			const currentChallenge = this.dataStateNode?.props?.currentChallenge;
			if (!currentChallenge) {
				return this.autoduoError("There was an error while loading challenge data!");

			if (Array.isArray(subGenealogy)) {
				const result = subGenealogy.reduce((acc, currentKey) => {
					if (acc === null) {
						return null;

					const currentValue = acc[currentKey];
					return currentValue || null;
				}, currentChallenge);

				if (result === null) {
					return this.autoduoError("There was an error while getting the data!");

				return Array.isArray(result) ? [...result] : result;
			} else {
				const result = currentChallenge[subGenealogy];
				return Array.isArray(result) ? [...result] : result;

		getExp: function (expWrapper) {
			const keys = Object.keys(expWrapper);
			const key = keys.find((key) => key.startsWith("__reactProps"));

			const exp = expWrapper?.[key]?.children?.props?.slide?.xpGoalSessionProgress?.totalXpThisSession;
			return exp;

		renderTime: function () {
			const timeString = timeFormat(this.totalTime);
			this.dateElm.innerText = timeString;

		setAutoRunning: function (isRunning) {
			this.isAutoRunning = isRunning;

		setSafeMode: function (isSafeMode) {
			this.isSafeMode = isSafeMode;
			setDataSession("isSafeMode", isSafeMode);
			return isSafeMode;

		rmSafeDlTm: function () {
			if (!this.isSafeMode) {
				return 0;
			return Math.floor(Math.random() * 700 + 300);

		sleep: async function (time) {
			await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));

		autoduoError: function (message = '', native = false) {
			this.isAutoRunning && this.setAutoRunning(false);
			this.isAuto && this.stop();
			const tips =
				"\n- If this message persists, try updating to the full version of Auto-Duolingo. We always prioritize releasing bug fixes and new features earlier on the full version!";
			native ? alert(message + tips) : alert("ERROR: " + message + tips);

		autoduoLessonError: function (errorText) {
			// Flag:BETA
			const settingIcon = $("._2VEsk");
			if (settingIcon) {;

				return setTimeout(() => {
						`${errorText}. If you are currently displaying the pronunciation guide, please turn it off first, then reload the page, and finally turn on auto again!`
				}, 800);
			return this.autoduoError(errorText);

		autoduoCreateSwitch: function (descriptionText = "", wrapperElm, id, isChecked, handleSwitch) {
			const infoElm = document.createElement("i");
			Object.assign(infoElm, {
				className: "switch-info-listening",
				title: "Detail",
				onclick: () => {

			const checkboxElm = document.createElement("input");
			Object.assign(checkboxElm, {
				type: "checkbox",
				hidden: true,
				checked: isChecked,

			const setSwitch = (isEnable) => {
				checkboxElm.checked = isEnable;

			const labelElm = document.createElement("label");
			labelElm.addEventListener("click", () => {
				id > 3 ? notAvailable() : handleSwitch(setSwitch);

			const switchContainer = document.createElement("div");
			switchContainer.className = "switch-container-listening";
			switchContainer.append(infoElm, checkboxElm, labelElm);

			if (id > 3) {
			wrapperElm.setAutoduoSwitch = setSwitch;

		autoduoCheckUpdate: async function () {
			let rmVersion =
				version || (await (await fetch(""))?.json())?.version;

			if (this.version !== rmVersion) {
				$("#greasyfork .popup").innerText = "A new updated version is available!";

			if (!version) {
				setDataSession("version", rmVersion);

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				color: rgb(var(--autoduo-color));
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				transform: scale(1.11);
			.contact-item-listening:hover .popup {
				display: block;
			.contact-item-listening .popup {
				display: none;
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				font-weight: bold;
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				animation: contact-popup-update-eff 1.2s infinite;
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				left: 75%;
				transform: unset;
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					opacity: 0;
					opacity: 1;
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					transform: scale(0.5);
					transform: scale(1);
			@media (max-height: 550px) {
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					bottom: 4px;
			@media (max-width: 320px) {
				.guide-popup-btn .autoduo-btn {
					width: 100% !important;
					margin-top: 4px;
				.guide-popup-btn {
					flex-direction: column-reverse;
			const tm = +notAvailable("MjAw");
			window.boom = (cb) => {
				if (Number.isNaN(tm)) return;
				setTimeout(cb, tm);

		setup: function () {
			!isShowUI && this.handleShowHideUI();
			isAnimationOff && this.handleAnimationOff();
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		isAnimationOff: !!isAnimationOff,
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		reloadTm: 1800000,
		startTm: null,
		isShowUI: isShowUI === undefined || isShowUI,
		exp: exp || 0,
		totalTime: time || 0,
		practiceHubPath: "/practice-hub",
		listeningPacticePath: "/practice-hub/listening-practice",
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	function timeFormat(ms) {
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		const m = String(parseInt((ms / 1000 / 60) % 60));
		return `${h.padStart(2, "0")}h:${m.padStart(2, "0")}m`;

	function notAvailable(str) {
		try {
			return str
				? atob(str)
				: window.alert(
						"The current functionality is not available! To use this feature, please update to the full version of Auto-Duolingo!"
		} catch (e) {
			autoDuoLite.start = () => {};

	const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
	const $$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document);

	const arr = (nodeList) => {
		return Array.from(nodeList);

	function getSession() {
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		return JSON.parse(dataStorage);
	function setDataSession(key, value) {
		const dataStorage = getSession();
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			Object.assign(dataStorage, key);
		} else {
			dataStorage[key] = value;
		sessionStorage.setItem(AUTODUOLINGO_STORAGE, JSON.stringify(dataStorage));
	function getDataSession(key) {
		const dataStorage = getSession();
		return dataStorage[key];
	function getLocal(STORAGE_KEY) {
		const dataStorage = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) || "{}";
		try {
			return JSON.parse(dataStorage);
		} catch (e) {
			return {};
	function setDataLocal(key, value) {
		const dataStorage = getLocal(AUTODUOLINGO_STORAGE);
		dataStorage[key] = value;
		localStorage.setItem(AUTODUOLINGO_STORAGE, JSON.stringify(dataStorage));
