
Webページを自動で読み込み継ぎ足し表示を行うブラウザ拡張です、次のページ付けされた Web ページの自動読み込みと現在のページへの挿入 ルールなしで何千もの Web サイトをサポートします。

< 東方永頁機についてのフィードバック

レート:良 – スクリプトは良好に動作する

投稿日: 2022/04/03

Love this script.
I tried following your custom rules guide and used one of your examples to see if I could make a rule for gog.com
I'm more interested in learning how to make one than one being made. Does this look correct


I know we need to inspect page to see element and tried looking for the element around the titles.
I really wish there there was some better info on creating rules maybe even a video

anyhow great work and appreciate your help

投稿日: 2022/04/04

Try this :)

    "pageAction":"[].forEach.call(eles, ele=>{[].forEach.call(ele.querySelectorAll('source[lazyload]'), source=>{source.setAttribute('srcset',source.getAttribute('lazyload'))})})"

First of all, you should correct the regexp for url from "(.*/)(\\d+)$" to "(.*=)(\\d+)$".
Then you'll use pageAction to change real srcset with the attribute "lazyload".

