eTools in two columns for widescreen desktop PC

eTools search engine in two columns for widescreen desktop PC - works best with a DuckDuckGo menu pass-through and an URL that gives 16 results.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          eTools in two columns for widescreen desktop PC
// @description   eTools search engine in two columns for widescreen desktop PC - works best with a DuckDuckGo menu pass-through and an URL that gives 16 results.
// @author        dhaden
// @homepage
// @include       https://**
// @version       
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
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"    columns: auto;",
"    columns: 2;",
"    vertical-align: middle;",
"    width: 80%;",
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"    display: inline-block;",
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"    text-align: left;",
"    padding-right: 5px;",
"    color: #ffffff;",
"    font-size: 16px;",
"    font-weight: bold;",
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"    margin-bottom: 3px;",
"var {",
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"em {",
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"    border: 1px solid #ffffff;",
"    position: absolute;",
"    width: 5px;",
"    height: 30px;",
"    margin: 3px 0 0 2px;",
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"    background-color: #ffffff;",
"    position: absolute;",
"    width: 5px;",
"    bottom: 0;",
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