Hacks, and color mod v1 by Vaakir with the colod mod v2 from nitrogem35
< Gats.io - Vaakir's hack pack GUIについてのフィードバック
1. No. Without access to the server code, it's impossible, and hacking into the server to change it would probably land you in jail.
2. Check line 225.
im kind of new to coding and what do i need to remove to be able to have no aimbot just tracers, and i did check line 225 but idrk what to change bc im kind of new to coding ive only been introduced 2 years ago
To have just tracers, u need to have the gats server code. Yes Nitrogem is right u will get fined, maybe arrested for unauthorized access. I think.
To clarify - I meant changing the server code to send data of all players, no matter how far away they are. Tracers on their own can be done on the client side^
Is There Any Way To Code This To Trace Anyone Around The Map No Matter The Proximity? I Learned To Disable Aimbot And Still Have Tracers But I Want To Know Where Everyone Is, If You Cant Help Ill Figure It Out But Overall This Script Is Good. Also I Wanted To Ask If There Is A Way To Change The Aimbot Toggle To Key E But Idk Where You Put The Code For The Double Click