MALFunction - "Fix" ERRORS on MAL + Text AutoSaver

When MAL bugs showing ERROR messages or is blank and don't load the script reloads the page until MAL is successfully loaded... The script also AutoSaves any text that you are writing on MAL so that you will never again lose an UnSubmitted text!

絞り込み: 直近30日 直近365日 全期間





日付 インストール アップデート確認
2024-08-21 0 31
2024-08-22 0 32
2024-08-23 0 32
2024-08-24 0 33
2024-08-25 0 30
2024-08-26 0 36
2024-08-27 0 35
2024-08-28 0 36
2024-08-29 0 37
2024-08-30 0 36
2024-08-31 0 39
2024-09-01 0 32
2024-09-02 0 33
2024-09-03 0 36
2024-09-04 0 40
2024-09-05 0 40
2024-09-06 1 33
2024-09-07 0 36
2024-09-08 2 34
2024-09-09 0 34
2024-09-10 0 37
2024-09-11 0 34
2024-09-12 0 38
2024-09-13 0 30
2024-09-14 0 33
2024-09-15 0 39
2024-09-16 0 42
2024-09-17 0 36
2024-09-18 0 27
2024-09-19 0 0
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