Greasy Fork is available in English. - Price filter & more

Filtering by min/max price, allow hidding nsfw products, see reviews

すべてのバージョンを表示しています。 コードが変更されたバージョンのみを表示

  • v5.4 2020/11/29
  • v5.4 2018/11/11
  • v5.4 2018/09/09 fixed filtering
  • v5.3 2018/09/09 updated for new site
  • v5.2 2018/07/24 bring back transaction screen cleaning
  • v5.1 2018/07/24 fixed search data getting
  • v5.0 2018/07/24 Updated to work with latest WIsh website version :p
  • v4.0 2018/05/24
  • v4.0 2018/05/24 now works with wish v2 & other pages than search
  • v3.6 2018/05/22 better transaction hiding
  • v3.5 2018/04/25 now detect currency
  • v3.4 2018/04/20
  • v3.4 2018/04/12 rolled back title
  • v3.3 2018/04/11 added nsfw filter & optimized performances
  • v3.2 2018/04/09 auto load on scroll
  • v3.1 2018/04/09 added min stars filter
  • v3.0 2018/04/08 added real price & reviews
  • v2.3 2018/03/29 -.-
  • v2.2 2018/03/29 hide products that can't be rated
  • v2.1 2018/03/14 Added min price filter + Fixed free filter + Save free filter choice
  • v2.0 2018/03/06
  • v1.9 2018/03/06 fixed selector
  • v1.8 2018/03/06 hide already rated products in order hsitory
  • v1.7 2018/02/07
  • v1.6 2018/02/04
  • v1.5 2018/02/04
  • v1.4 2018/02/02