Vimeo Embed Download

Adds a download button to the embed Vimeo video player. This is a fork of "Vimeo Download" originally created by schwarztee (

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Vimeo Embed Download
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @description Adds a download button to the embed Vimeo video player. This is a fork of "Vimeo Download" originally created by schwarztee (
// @match*
// @author      AleixDev
// @copyright   2015, schwarztee
// @license     MIT
// @version     0.2.7
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// Not working on GreaseMonkey cause of a bug with iframes (,
// so I recommend Violentmonkey instead.


    'use strict';

    // helper: find DOM element
    function find( selector ) { return document.querySelector( selector ); }

    // wait for player to be ready and set up periodic video check
    function setup()
      // Variable to find in the script
      var strMatch = "var config = ";
      // Get the script where is the video metadata saved
      var scriptCode = document.body.children[1].innerHTML;
      // Find the metadata script variable
      var strConfig = scriptCode.match(new RegExp(strMatch + ".+", "g"));

      // controller object in DOM and video element available?
      if ( find( '.player video' ) && strConfig !== null)

        // try to get video metadata
        // (this can easily break if Vimeo updates their object tree)
          // Parse the metadata variable
          var strJsonConfig = strConfig[0].replace(strMatch, "").replace(/\}\;.*$/, "}");
          var videoInfo = JSON.parse(strJsonConfig);

          // save title
          var title  =;

          // get streams
          var streams =;

          // sort streams descending by video resolution
          streams.sort( function compare( streamA, streamB )
              // compare width property
              return streamB.width - streamA.width;

          // get video file info
          // - just take the first one with the highest quality
          // - this will be replaced when I got more time
          var file = streams[0];

          // make download button
          var button = makeButton( file.url, title, file.quality );

          // regularly check that button is in control bar
          // yes, that's dirty, but Vimeo replaces the player UI somewhen after loading
          setInterval( function()

            // find control bar
            var playBar = find( '.player .play-bar' );

            // remove any old button if existing
            var oldButton = find( '.button.dwnld' );
            oldButton && oldButton.remove();

            // add new button
            playBar.appendChild( button );

          }, 500 );
        catch ( error )
            // log the error
            console.error( "[Vimeo Download] Error retrieving video meta data:", error );
          // try again later
          setTimeout( setup, 500 );

    // create download button
    function makeButton( url, title, quality )
        // make valid filename from title
        var filename = title.replace( /[<>:"\/\\|?*]/g, '' ) + '.mp4';

        // create new button
        var button = document.createElement( 'a' );
        button.href = url; = '_blank'; = filename;
        button.innerHTML = "⥥";
        button.title = "Download " + quality;
        button.setAttribute( 'class', "button dwnld" );
        button.setAttribute( 'style', 'display: inline-block; font-size: 1.75em; margin: -0.25em 0 0 0.3em; color: #fff' );

        // apply mouseover effect
        button.onmouseenter = function() { = 'rgb(68,187,255)'; };
        button.onmouseleave = function() { = '#fff'; };

        // return DOM object
        return button;

    // start looking for video player
