ウェブ規制解除: .ioゲームMOD(MooMoo.io/Krunker.io/...)、広告リンク回避、Adblock、その他多数!

何百ものウェブサイトを修正し、ウェブにMOD、ハック、新機能、クオリティ・オブ・ライフを追加する巨大なユーザースクリプトです! (ベータ版) 注目の機能:自動リダイレクトとのバイパス、フル機能のMooMoo.ioハック、Google Classroomダークモード、discordメッセージの大量削除、baidu上の広告の削除、Google Analyticsの無効化、Facebookの広告ブロッカー!(ベータ版)

すべてのバージョンを表示しています。 コードが変更されたバージョンのみを表示

  • v13 2024/03/01

    removed the stuff

  • v13 2023/05/05


  • v12.9 2023/02/01 ok yea fixing
  • v12.8 2022/12/17
  • v12.8 2022/12/17


  • v12.7 2022/11/24 changed locale code
  • v12.7 2022/11/24 vietnamese localization (thanks sope!)
  • v12.7 2022/11/24 tests
  • v12.7 2022/11/24 more locales
  • v12.7 2022/11/24 localization test
  • v12.7 2022/11/23
  • v12.7 2022/11/19
  • v12.7 2022/11/19 Imported from URL
  • v12.5 2022/11/18 Imported from URL
  • v12.6 2022/11/17

    disabled global match

  • v12.5 2022/11/15 Imported from URL
  • v12.6 2022/11/15
  • v12.5 2022/11/13

    Facebook Adblocker

  • v12.4.1 2022/11/12

    fixed bug

  • v12.4.0 2022/11/12

    disabled GA

  • v12.3 2022/11/12

    removing ads on baidu

  • v12.2 2022/11/12

    YouTube FPS Booster added

  • v12.1.0 2022/11/12

    undiscord is working now, permission acquired to use script

  • v12.0.0 2022/11/11

    LWR port

  • v11.5.3 2022/10/15

    compliance, removed 3rd party code

  • v11.5.2 2022/09/17

    disabled eval temporarily while script is being rewritten, compliant now

  • v11.5.1 2022/09/14


  • v11.5 2022/08/16

    rule compliance

  • v11.4 2022/03/05

    emergency fix

  • v11.3 2022/03/05

    library for future use

  • v11.2.01 2022/02/27

    added a video for the previous update

  • v11.2 2022/02/27
  • v11.1 2022/02/02

    attempted to write a new compliant script for GreasyFork, messaged owner about this case (will revert if still noncompliant)

  • v11.0.3 2022/02/01

    changed some things in an emergency to be compliant to GreasyFork rules, a better solution will be uploaded very soon, but this is a temporary precaution.

  • v11.0.2 2022/01/29

    added a brand new plugin, nextgen mod!

  • v11.0.1 2022/01/10

    added a new video onto the supermod display pre-game (demo video of the new update)

  • v11.0.0 2022/01/10

    added external mod compatibility "plugins" with Quasar, X-Ware, and JustMod while preserving the original hack.

  • v10.9.6 2021/07/04

    fixed arras.io stuff

  • v10.9.5.1 2021/06/20

    small botcount hotfix

  • v10.9.5 2021/06/20

    anti invis builds, fixed weapon ranges

  • v10.9.3 2021/06/16

    weapon ranges for player, added dev.moomoo.io match

  • v10.9.2 2021/06/14
  • v10.9.1 2021/06/12

    changed videoid for displayer

  • v10.9 2021/06/12

    added reload indicators in health bar

  • v10.7 2021/05/22

    gold bots updates, check it out https://youtu.be/7T63gaRThr0

  • v10.6.73 2021/05/11

    small moomoo.io bug fix

  • v10.6.72 2021/05/08

    changed another one thing in the menu, last one i promise

  • v10.6.71 2021/05/08

    changed 1 thing in description

  • v10.6.7 2021/05/08

    arras.io fov hacks, diep.io multibox and predator stacking, and advanced moomoo.io gold bots with autobreak and autoheal

  • v10.6.5 2021/05/02

