Direct download from Nokia Ovi Store (WaybackMachine Backup)

Replaces the Download Button on the Nokia Ovi Store to allow direct downloads from the backup version of the website.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Direct download from Nokia Ovi Store (WaybackMachine Backup)
// @namespace   StephenP
// @description Replaces the Download Button on the Nokia Ovi Store to allow direct downloads from the backup version of the website.
// @include*/*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var dlButton = document.getElementById('sendViaSuiteBtn');
var price = document.getElementById('price_pricerange');
if (price.innerHTML.trim().localeCompare('Free') === 0) {
  var link = window.location.href.toString();
  var qmpos ='clickSource');
  link = link.substring(0, qmpos - 1) + '/download';
  dlButton.parentElement.innerHTML = '<button style="border-radius: 8px;" id="sendViaSuiteBtn" onClick="\'' + link + '\',\'_self\')">Download Now!</button>';
else {
  dlButton.parentElement.innerHTML = '<button class="disabled" style="border-radius: 8px;" id="sendViaSuiteBtn">Download not available.</button>';