議論 » 作成依頼

How to get this info

投稿日: 2022/03/08

Hello! I want to search on a set number of items for it's data-tooltip information.

I don't know how to programme on this langage, so I'm trying to fuse some scripts.

This is the way I get the info whem it's simple text/button:
variable.textContent.includes('Hello world')

But how could I do the same to get that?

投稿日: 2022/03/09
編集日: 2022/03/09
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button[data-tooltip]'); // query all buttons that contains 'data-tooltip' attribute
// var button = document.querySelector('button[data-tooltip="BLUE"]'); // query a button which has attribute data-tooltip="BLUE"
for (var i in buttons) {
    var button = buttons[i];
    concole.log(button.dataset.tooltip); // this work only for attribute which start with 'data-'
投稿日: 2022/03/11
編集日: 2022/03/11

Awesome! Thank you very much <3

