WME Switch Uturns JS - Switches U-turns for selected node or segment. Forked and improved "WME Add Uturn from node" script.
WME LevelReset + JS - Fork of the original script. The WME LevelReset tool, to make re-locking segments and POI to their appropriate lock level easy & quick. Supports major road types and custom locking rules for specific cities.
WME Assist UA JS - Check and fix street names for POI and segments. UA fork of original WME Assist
WME Address Point Helper JS - Creates point with same address
WME PlaceNames PLUS JS - Show area and point place names in WME, color and highlight places by type and properties (waze-ua fork)
WME AZ-Checker - UI Addons JS - Скрипт создает кнопки Open All и Hide All для всех пермалинков, расположенных на одной странице ошибок, в отдельных вкладках.
WME Beta forwarder JS - Forward to beta WME
WME Clean permalink JS - Script removes S-parameters from a URL. Layer settings from PL do not change your own