OpenWeatherMap JSON Formatter JS - Improve the readability of JSON data from OpenWeatherMap API
Filter keywords on Azure JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
OpenWeatherMap JSON Formatter (table) JS - Improve the readability of JSON data from OpenWeatherMap API
TradeMe Real Estate Filter - Modified JS - Hide listings without a specified price on TradeMe Real Estate listings.
Shopping and payment reminder script JS - Reminder tooltip for shopping sites
Keep Outlook/Teams/Sharepoint Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
Better Change Request Format for Spark NZ ServiceNow JS - Improve the format of change request descriptions on Spark NZ ServiceNow page
Enlarge Images on HTTP File Server JS - Enlarge images on the webpage with adjustable size and preview option (retained across refresh)
Auto unmute Instagram stories and keyboard shortcut for fullscreen video JS - Automatically unmute stories / turn story audio on with fullscreen toggle for video
- Checkbox Ticker JS - Tick specific checkboxes on after 2 seconds of page load
Enhanced O365 Unread Email Highlighter - Adjusted JS - Attempt to more reliably highlight unread emails in Outlook Web App.
Keep ServiceNow alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
Show information tooltips on various sites JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
(Show IP) - Show information tooltips on various sites JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
(Show IP) - Show information tooltips on various sites (mutation observer) JS - 1/16/2024, 8:12:42 PM
Add Text to Search Field in ADO and jump to lines with specific keywords. Untick pipeline stages. JS - Adds text to the search field on Azure DevOps pages
Remove Blur from Meetup Images, Popup, and Increase Image Size JS - Removes the blur effect from images on Meetup, hides popups like Meetup+, and increases the size of static images.