Greasy Fork is available in English.

how long ago

replaces all dates with the time from that date

// ==UserScript==
// @name         how long ago
// @version      3
// @description  replaces all dates with the time from that date
// @run-at       document-end
// @author       You
// @license      GPLv3
// @match        *://*/*
// @exclude      /\/files\/ffopen\/index.html$/
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==
const a = loadlib("allfuncs")
const newelem = loadlib("newelem")
a(function (elem) {
  if (elem.title && !elem.title.includes("\u202e\u202d")) {
    let x = elem.title && getdate(elem.title)
    if (x) elem.title = elem.title.replace(x.string, getstr(x))
  if (elem.tagName.toLowerCase() == "relative-time") {
    if (!elem.shadowRoot || elem.shadowRoot.innerHTML.includes("\u202e\u202d"))
    elem = elem.shadowRoot
    let x = getdate(elem.innerHTML)
    if (!x) return
      new RegExp(regescape(x.string)),
      (e) =>
        newelem("timediff", {
          innerHTML: getstr(x),
      ["script", "style", "timediff", "input", "textarea"]

  if (!elem.innerHTML.includes("\u202e\u202d")) {
    let x = getdate(elem.innerHTML)
    if (!x) return
      new RegExp(regescape(x.string)),
      (e) =>
        newelem("timediff", {
          innerHTML: getstr(x),
      ["script", "style", "timediff", "input", "textarea"]
  function getstr(x) {
    return `[${howlongago(,
    )} ${howlongago(, -3, true) == "today" ? "" : x.isago ? "ago" : "until"} ${x.string}\u202e\u202d]`
function regescape(reg) {
  return reg.replaceAll(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")
function replaceall(regex, getelem, node = document.body, ignores = []) {
  var search, newelement, splitnode, splittext, i, childnode
  if (node.nodeType == 3) {
    search =
    if (search >= 0) {
      splitnode = node.splitText(search)
      splittext = splitnode.splitText(RegExp.lastMatch.length)
      newelement = getelem(
      if (!ignores.includes(newelement.tagName.toLowerCase()))
      splitnode.innerHTML = splitnode.textContent = ""
      splittext.parentNode.insertBefore(newelement, splittext)
  } else if (
    node.nodeType == 11 ||
    (node.tagName && !ignores.includes(node.tagName.toLowerCase()))
    for (i = 0; (childnode = node.childNodes[i]); ++i)
      replaceall(regex, getelem, childnode, ignores)

function howlongago(ms, remove = 0, showweeks) {
  var time = ["year", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "milisecond"]
  var x = Object.values(a(ms).fromms().val)
  x = x.slice(0, remove)
  if (x.find((e) => e !== 0)) {
    time.splice(0, x.indexOf(x.find((e) => e !== 0)))
    x.splice(0, x.indexOf(x.find((e) => e !== 0)))
    var temp =, i) => `${e} ${time[i]}${e == 1 ? "" : "s"}`).join(" ")
    if (showweeks)
      temp = temp.replace(
        /(\d+) days?/,
        (_, days) =>
            Math.floor(days / 7)
              ? `${Math.floor(days / 7)} week${days >= 14 ? "s" : ""}`
              : ""
            days / 7 == Math.floor(days / 7)
              ? ""
              : ` ${days % 7} day${days % 7 == 1 ? "" : "s"}`
    return temp
  window.x = [...x]
  return (
    //`0 ${time[x.length - 1]}s` ||
function getdate(date) {
  const tonum = {
    january: 1,
    february: 2,
    march: 3,
    april: 4,
    may: 5,
    june: 6,
    july: 7,
    august: 8,
    september: 9,
    october: 10,
    november: 11,
    december: 12,
    jan: 1,
    feb: 2,
    mar: 3,
    apr: 4,
    jun: 6,
    jul: 7,
    aug: 8,
    sep: 9,
    oct: 10,
    nov: 11,
    dec: 12,

  function f(reg) {
    reg = String(reg).replaceAll(/^\/|\/[gimsueyx]*$/g, "")
      ["d2", "\\d{2}(?:rd|th|nd|st)?"],
      ["d4", "\\d{4}(?:rd|th|nd|st)?"],
      ["d12", "\\d{1,2}(?:rd|th|nd|st)?"],
      ["space", "[^a-z0-9.]"],
      ["start", "(?<![\\d\\w/])"],
      ["end", "(?![\\d\\w])"],
    ].forEach(([a, s]) => {
      reg = reg.replaceAll(a, s)
    return new RegExp(reg, "i")

  function d({ day, month, year, string }) {
    day = Number(day.match(/\d+/)[0])
    month = tonum[month?.toLowerCase?.()] || Number(month)
    if (!month) return
    if (day > 31) return
    year = Number(
      year.length == 2
        ? String(new Date().getFullYear()).substring(0, 2) + year
        : year
    var today = new Date()
    today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
    var ms = today - new Date(year, month - 1, day)
    return {
      ms: Math.abs(ms),
      isago: ms > 0,
  var temp
  if (
    (temp = date.match(f(/start(monthname|d12)space+(d12)sapce*'(d4|d2)end/)))
    return d({
      day: temp[2],
      month: temp[1],
      year: temp[3],
      string: temp[0],
  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d12)([\/\-])(d12)\2(d4|d2)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[3],
      month: temp[1],
      year: temp[4],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d12)([\/\-])(d12)\2(d4|d2)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[3],
      month: temp[1],
      year: temp[4],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d4)([\/\-])(d12)\2(d12)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[4],
      month: temp[3],
      year: temp[1],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(monthname)space*(d12)space+(d4)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[2],
      month: temp[1],
      year: temp[3],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(monthname)(d12)(d4)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[2],
      month: temp[1],
      year: temp[3],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d12)(monthname)(d4)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[1],
      month: temp[2],
      year: temp[3],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d4)(monthname)(d12)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[3],
      month: temp[2],
      year: temp[1],
      string: temp[0],

  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d12)space*(monthname)space*(d4)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[1],
      month: temp[2],
      year: temp[3],
      string: temp[0],
  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(d4)space*(monthname)space*(d12)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[3],
      month: temp[2],
      year: temp[1],
      string: temp[0],
  if ((temp = date.match(f(/start(monthname)space*(d12)end/))))
    return d({
      day: temp[2],
      month: temp[1],
      year: new Date().getFullYear(),
      string: temp[0],