DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot, velocità, punteggio, immortalità...)

Usa funzionalità fantastiche per avere un dino senza limiti!

// ==UserScript==
// @name            DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot,rapide,score,imortel...)
// @name:es         DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot, velocidad, puntaje, inmortalidad...)
// @name:en         DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot,speed,score,imortality...)
// @name:ja         DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (ボット、速度、スコア、不死身...)
// @name:it         DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot, velocità, punteggio, immortalità...)
// @namespace       http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version         2024-11-23-1.5.0
// @icon            https://github.com/DREwX-code/DINOcheat/blob/main/D%E2%84%9D%E2%88%83wX_image/D%E2%84%9D%E2%88%83wX_img.png?raw=true
// @description     Utilisez les super fonctions pour avoir un dino sans limites !
// @description:en  Use great features to have a dino without limits!
// @description:es  ¡Utiliza grandes características para tener un dino sin límites!
// @description:ja  特別な機能を駆使して、制限のないディノを手に入れよう!
// @description:it  Usa funzionalità fantastiche per avere un dino senza limiti!
// @author       Dℝ∃wX
// @match        *://chromedino.com/*
// @match        *://tuckercraig.com/dino/*
// @match        *://trex-runner.com/*
// @match        *://dino-chrome.com/*
// @match        *://dinorunner.com/*
// @match        *://googledino.com/*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @license      Apache-2.0
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {

    let currentLang = 'en';
    const savedLang = localStorage.getItem('selectedLang');
    if(savedLang) {
        currentLang = savedLang;

    function translate(key) {
        const translations = {
            'welcome': {
                'fr': '(Dℝ∃wX) Bonjour, merci d\'avoir choisi mon script. Amusez-vous bien ! ;)',
                'en': '(Dℝ∃wX) Hello, thank you for choosing my script. Have fun! ;)',
                'it': '(Dℝ∃wX) Ciao, grazie per aver scelto il mio script. Divertiti! ;)',
                'es': '(Dℝ∃wX) Hola, gracias por elegir mi script. ¡Diviértete! ;)',
                'de': '(Dℝ∃wX) Hallo, danke, dass du mein Skript ausgewählt hast. Viel Spaß! ;)'
            'shortcutsTitle': {
                'fr': 'Liste des raccourcis',
                'en': 'List of shortcuts',
                'es': 'Lista de atajos',
                'it': 'Elenco delle scorciatoie',
                'de': 'Liste der Verknüpfungen'
            'jumpDescription': {
                'fr': 'Ajuster la hauteur de saut du dino. La hauteur normale est 10.',
                'en': 'Adjust jump height of the dino. The normal jump height is 10.',
                'es': 'Ajustar la altura de salto del dino. La altura normal es 10.',
                'it': 'Regola l\'altezza del salto del dino. L\'altezza normale è 10.',
                'de': 'Passen Sie die Sprunghöhe des Dinos an. Die normale Sprunghöhe beträgt 10.'
            'jumpText': {
                'fr': 'Ajustement du saut',
                'en': 'Jump adjustment',
                'es': 'Ajuste de salto',
                'it': 'Regolazione del salto',
                'de': 'Sprunganpassung'
            'speedDescription': {
                'fr': 'Ajuster la vitesse du jeu. La vitesse normale est 7.',
                'en': 'Adjust the speed of the game. Normal speed is 7.',
                'es': 'Ajustar la velocidad del juego. La velocidad normal es 7.',
                'it': 'Regola la velocità del gioco. La velocità normale è 7.',
                'de': 'Passen Sie die Spielgeschwindigkeit an. Die normale Geschwindigkeit beträgt 7.'
            'speedText': {
                'fr': 'Ajustement de la vitesse',
                'en': 'Speed adjustment',
                'es': 'Ajuste de velocidad',
                'it': 'Regolazione della velocità',
                'de': 'Geschwindigkeitseinstellung'
            'immortalityDescription': {
                'fr': 'Devenez invincible dans le jeu.',
                'en': 'Become invincible in the game.',
                'es': 'Conviértete en invencible en el juego.',
                'it': 'Diventa invincibile nel gioco.',
                'de': 'Werde im Spiel unbesiegbar.'
            'immortalityText': {
                'fr': 'Immortalité',
                'en': 'Immortality',
                'es': 'Inmortalidad',
                'it': 'Immortalità',
                'de': 'Unsterblichkeit'
            'flyDescription': {
                'fr': 'Volez dans les airs sans tomber.',
                'en': 'Fly through the air without falling.',
                'es': 'Vuela por el aire sin caer.',
                'it': 'Vola attraverso l\'aria senza cadere.',
                'de': 'Fliege durch die Luft, ohne zu fallen.'
            'flyText': {
                'fr': 'Marcher dans les airs',
                'en': 'Walk in the air',
                'es': 'Caminar en el aire',
                'it': 'Camminare nell\'aria',
                'de': 'In der Luft gehen'
            'scoreDescription': {
                'fr': 'Sélectionnez un score manuellement. Vous pouvez avoir le meilleur score.',
                'en': 'Select a score manually. You can have the best score.',
                'es': 'Selecciona un puntaje manualmente. Puedes tener el mejor puntaje.',
                'it': 'Seleziona un punteggio manualmente. Puoi avere il punteggio migliore.',
                'de': 'Wählen Sie manuell eine Punktzahl aus. Sie können die höchste Punktzahl haben.'
            'scoreText': {
                'fr': 'Choisir le score',
                'en': 'Choose score',
                'es': 'Elige puntaje',
                'it': 'Scegli il punteggio',
                'de': 'Punktzahl wählen'
            'autoJumpDescription': {
                'fr': 'Activer le saut automatique pour le dino.',
                'en': 'Activate auto-jumping for the dino.',
                'es': 'Activar el salto automático para el dino.',
                'it': 'Attiva il salto automatico per il dino.',
                'de': 'Aktivieren Sie das automatische Springen für den Dino.'
            'autoJumpText': {
                'fr': 'BotJumpAuto',
                'en': 'BotJumpAuto',
                'es': 'BotJumpAuto',
                'it': 'BotJumpAuto',
                'de': 'BotJumpAuto'
            'addScoreDescription': {
                'fr': 'Ajoutez 1000 points à votre score.',
                'en': 'Add 1000 points to your score.',
                'es': 'Agrega 1000 puntos a tu puntaje.',
                'it': 'Aggiungi 1000 punti al tuo punteggio.',
                'de': 'Fügen Sie 1000 Punkte zu Ihrem Punktestand hinzu.'
            'addScoreText': {
                'fr': 'Score + 1000',
                'en': 'Score + 1000',
                'es': 'Puntaje + 1000',
                'it': 'Punteggio + 1000',
                'de': 'Punktzahl + 1000'
            'invisibleDescription': {
                'fr': 'Rendez votre personnage invisible. Très cool !',
                'en': 'Make your character invisible. Very cool!',
                'es': 'Haz que tu personaje sea invisible. ¡Muy genial!',
                'it': 'Rendi il tuo personaggio invisibile. Molto figo!',
                'de': 'Mache deinen Charakter unsichtbar. Sehr cool!'
            'invisibleText': {
                'fr': 'Invisible',
                'en': 'Invisible',
                'es': 'Invisible',
                'it': 'Invisibile',
                'de': 'Unsichtbar'
            'breakDescription': {
                'fr': 'Mettre le jeu en pause. Utile si vous ne voulez pas perdre le score.',
                'en': 'Pause the game. Useful if you don’t want to lose the score.',
                'es': 'Pausar el juego. Útil si no quieres perder el puntaje.',
                'it': 'Metti in pausa il gioco. Utile se non vuoi perdere il punteggio.',
                'de': 'Pausiere das Spiel. Nützlich, wenn du den Punktestand nicht verlieren möchtest.'
            'breakText': {
                'fr': 'Pause',
                'en': 'Break',
                'es': 'Pausa',
                'it': 'Pausa',
                'de': 'Pause'
            'menuDescription': {
                'fr': 'Ouvrir ou fermer le menu. Pour un plus grand confort.',
                'en': 'Open or close the menu. For greater comfort.',
                'es': 'Abrir o cerrar el menú. Para mayor comodidad.',
                'it': 'Apri o chiudi il menu. Per maggiore comodità.',
                'de': 'Menü öffnen oder schließen. Für mehr Komfort.'
            'menuText': {
                'fr': 'Fermer/ouvrir le menu',
                'en': 'Close/open menu',
                'es': 'Cerrar/abrir menú',
                'it': 'Chiudi/apri menu',
                'de': 'Menü schließen/öffnen'
            'invalidJumpHeigh': {
                'fr': "Entrée invalide. Veuillez entrer un nombre.",
                'en': "Invalid input. Please enter a number.",
                'it': "Input non valido. Si prega di inserire un numero.",
                'es': "Entrada no válida. Por favor, ingrese un número.",
                'de': "Ungültige Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl ein."
            'invalidSpeed': {
                'fr': "Vitesse invalide. Veuillez entrer un nombre.",
                'en': "Invalid speed. Please enter a number.",
                'it': "Velocità non valida. Si prega di inserire un numero.",
                'es': "Velocidad no válida. Por favor, ingrese un número.",
                'de': "Ungültige Geschwindigkeit. Bitte geben Sie eine Zahl ein."
            'invalidIntegerScore': {
                'fr': "Entrée invalide. Veuillez entrer un entier inférieur à 999999.",
                'en': "Invalid input. Please enter an integer less than 999999.",
                'it': "Input non valido. Si prega di inserire un intero inferiore a 999999.",
                'es': "Entrada no válida. Por favor, ingrese un número entero menor que 999999.",
                'de': "Ungültige Eingabe. Bitte geben Sie eine ganze Zahl kleiner als 999999 ein."
            'runnerInstanceNotAvailable': {
                'fr': "L'instance de Runner n'est pas disponible.",
                'en': "Runner instance is not available.",
                'it': "L'istanza Runner non è disponibile.",
                'es': "La instancia de Runner no está disponible.",
                'de': "Runner-Instanz nicht verfügbar."
            'enterNewJumpHeight': {
                'fr': "Entrez la nouvelle hauteur de saut :",
                'en': "Enter the new jump height:",
                'it': "Inserisci la nuova altezza del salto:",
                'es': "Ingrese la nueva altura de salto:",
                'de': "Gib die neue Sprunghöhe ein:"
            'enterNewScore': {
                'fr': "Entrez le nouveau score (entier, inférieur à 999990) :",
                'en': "Enter the new score (integer, less than 999990):",
                'it': "Inserisci il nuovo punteggio (numero intero, inferiore a 999990):",
                'es': "Ingrese el nuevo puntaje (entero, menos de 999990):",
                'de': "Gib den neuen Punktestand ein (ganzzahlige Zahl, weniger als 999990):"

            'theAir': {
                'fr': "dans les airs",
                'en': "in the air",
                'it': "nell'aria",
                'es': "en el aire",
                'de': "in der Luft"
            'theGround': {
                'fr': "sur le sol",
                'en': "on the ground",
                'it': "su il suolo",
                'es': "en el suelo",
                'de': "auf dem Boden"
            'chooseSpeed': {
                'fr': "Choisissez la vitesse :",
                'en': "Choose the speed:",
                'it': "Scegli la velocità:",
                'es': "Elige la velocidad:",
                'de': "Wählen Sie die Geschwindigkeit:"
            'menu': {
                'fr': "Menu",
                'en': "Menu",
                'it': "Menù",
                'es': "Menú",
                'de': "Menü"
            'jumpHeight': {
                'fr': "Hauteur de saut",
                'en': "Jump height",
                'it': "Altezza del salto",
                'es': "Altura del salto",
                'de': "Sprunghöhe"
            'speedAdjustment': {
                'fr': "Ajustement de la vitesse",
                'en': "Speed adjustment",
                'it': "Regolazione della velocità",
                'es': "Ajuste de velocidad",
                'de': "Geschwindigkeitsanpassung"
            'chooseScore': {
                'fr': "Choisir le score",
                'en': "Choose score",
                'it': "Scegli il punteggio",
                'es': "Elegir puntaje",
                'de': "Punktzahl wählen"
            'immortality': {
                'fr': "Immortalité",
                'en': "Immortality",
                'it': "Immortalità",
                'es': "Inmortalidad",
                'de': "Unsterblichkeit"
            'botJumpAuto': {
                'fr': "BotJumpAuto",
                'en': "BotJumpAuto",
                'it': "BotJumpAuto",
                'es': "BotJumpAuto",
                'de': "BotJumpAuto"
            'invisible': {
                'fr': "Invisible",
                'en': "Invisible",
                'it': "Invisibile",
                'es': "Invisible",
                'de': "Unsichtbar"
            'scorePlus': {
                'fr': "Score +",
                'en': "Score +",
                'it': "Punteggio +",
                'es': "Puntaje +",
                'de': "Punktzahl +"
            'walkIn': {
                'fr': "Marcher",
                'en': "Walk",
                'it': "Camminare",
                'es': "Caminar",
                'de': "Gehen"
            'dinoTheme': {
                'fr': "Thème Dino",
                'en': "Dino theme",
                'it': "Tema Dino",
                'es': "Tema Dino",
                'de': "Dino Thema"
            'optionsTitle': {
                'fr': "Options",
                'en': "Options",
                'it': "Opzioni",
                'es': "Opciones",
                'de': "Optionen"
            'shortcutsLabel': {
                'fr': "Raccourcis",
                'en': "Shortcuts",
                'it': "Scorciatoie",
                'es': "Atajos",
                'de': "Verknüpfungen"
            'breakLabel': {
                'fr': "Pause",
                'en': "Break",
                'it': "Pausa",
                'es': "Descanso",
                'de': "Pause"
            'infoLabel': {
                'fr': "Info",
                'en': "Info",
                'it': "Informazioni",
                'es': "Información",
                'de': "Info"
            'ratingLabel': {
                'fr': "Évaluez le script :",
                'en': "Rate the script:",
                'it': "Valuta lo script:",
                'es': "Califica el script:",
                'de': "Bewerten Sie das Skript:"
            'switchLabelLang': {
                'fr': "Langue :",
                'en': "Language :",
                'it': "Lingua :",
                'es': "Idioma :",
                'de': "Sprache :"
            'creditLabel': {
                'fr': "Crédit par Dℝ∃wX",
                'en': "Credit by Dℝ∃wX",
                'it': "Credito di Dℝ∃wX",
                'es': "Crédito por Dℝ∃wX",
                'de': "Credit von Dℝ∃wX"
            'versionLabel': {
                'fr': "Version",
                'en': "Version",
                'it': "Versione",
                'es': "Versión",
                'de': "Version"
            'installLabel': {
                'fr': "Installations total",
                'en': "Total installs",
                'it': "Installazioni totali",
                'es': "Instalaciones totales",
                'de': "Gesamtinstallationen"
            'color': {
                'fr': "Couleur",
                'en': "Color",
                'it': "Colore",
                'es': "Color",
                'de': "Bunt"
            'mario': {
                'fr': "Mario",
                'en': "Mario",
                'it': "Mario",
                'es': "Mario",
                'de': "Mario"
            'trump': {
                'fr': "Trump",
                'en': "Trump",
                'it': "Trump",
                'es': "Trump",
                'de': "Trump"
            'joker': {
                'fr': "Joker",
                'en': "Joker",
                'it': "Joker",
                'es': "Joker",
                'de': "Joker"
            'batman': {
                'fr': "Batman",
                'en': "Batman",
                'it': "Batman",
                'es': "Batman",
                'de': "Batman"
            'night': {
                'fr': "Nuit",
                'en': "Night",
                'it': "Notte",
                'es': "Noche",
                'de': "Nacht"
            'squid_game': {
                'fr': "Squid Game",
                'en': "Squid Game",
                'it': "Squid Game",
                'es': "Squid Game",
                'de': "Squid Game"
            'santa': {
                'fr': "Père Noël",
                'en': "Santa",
                'it': "Babbo Natale",
                'es': "Santa",
                'de': "Weihnachtsmann"
            'halloween': {
                'fr': "Halloween",
                'en': "Halloween",
                'it': "Halloween",
                'es': "Halloween",
                'de': "Halloween"
            'wednesday': {
                'fr': "Wednesday",
                'en': "Wednesday",
                'it': "Wednesday",
                'es': "Wednesday",
                'de': "Mittwoch"
            'naruto': {
                'fr': "Naruto",
                'en': "Naruto",
                'it': "Naruto",
                'es': "Naruto",
                'de': "Naruto"
            'naruto2': {
                'fr': "Naruto 2",
                'en': "Naruto 2",
                'it': "Naruto 2",
                'es': "Naruto 2",
                'de': "Naruto 2"
            'godzilla': {
                'fr': "Godzilla",
                'en': "Godzilla",
                'it': "Godzilla",
                'es': "Godzilla",
                'de': "Godzilla"
            'cat': {
                'fr': "Chat",
                'en': "Cat",
                'it': "Gatto",
                'es': "Gato",
                'de': "Katze"
            'ninja': {
                'fr': "Ninja",
                'en': "Ninja",
                'it': "Ninja",
                'es': "Ninja",
                'de': "Ninja"
            'classic': {
                'fr': "Classique",
                'en': "Classic",
                'it': "Classico",
                'es': "Clásico",
                'de': "Klassisch"
            'dontShowAgain': {
                'fr': "Ne plus afficher le message",
                'en': "Don't show this message again",
                'it': "Non mostrare più questo messaggio",
                'es': "No volver a mostrar este mensaje",
                'de': "Diese Nachricht nicht mehr anzeigen"
            'infoGmail': {
                'fr': "Vous pouvez me parler en privé via gmail",
                'en': "You can talk to me privately via gmail",
                'it': "Potete parlare con me in privato via gmail",
                'es': "Puedes hablar conmigo en privado a través de gmail",
                'de': "Sie können mit mir privat über gmail sprechen"
            'infoContact': {
                'fr': "Pour me suggérer de nouvelles fonctionnalités, contactez-moi sur",
                'en': "To suggest new features, contact me at",
                'it': "Per suggerire nuove funzionalità, contattatemi su",
                'es': "Para sugerir nuevas funciones, póngase en contacto conmigo en",
                'de': "Um mir neue Funktionen vorzuschlagen, kontaktieren Sie mich unter"
            'OrLabel': {
                'fr': "ou",
                'en': "or",
                'it': "o",
                'es': "o",
                'de': "oder"
            'link': {
                'fr': "fr",
                'en': "en",
                'it': "it",
                'es': "es",
                'de': "de"


        return translations[key][currentLang];

    if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://chromedino.com/") ||
        window.location.href.startsWith("https://tuckercraig.com/dino/")) {

        var menuFooter = document.querySelector('footer.other-versions.__wrapper ul');

        if (menuFooter) {
            var newMenuItem = document.createElement('li');
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            newLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) {

    } else if (window.location.href.startsWith("https://dino-chrome.com/") ||
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            menuLink.addEventListener('click', function(e) {


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                <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Flag_of_Italy.svg/langfr-450px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png" id="flag-it" class="flag" data-lang="it">
                <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/83/Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_%283-5%29.svg/440px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_%283-5%29.svg.png" id="flag-en" class="flag" data-lang="en">
                <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Flag_of_Germany.svg/langfr-2880px-Flag_of_Germany.svg.png" id="flag-de" class="flag" data-lang="de">
        <span class="close-btn">&times;</span>
        <div class="content" id="content-message">
            (Dℝ∃wX) Hello, sorry but this script does not work on this site. I advise you to use this site <a href="https://chromedino.com/" target="_blank">https://chromedino.com/</a>

        const flagContainer = document.querySelector('.flag-container');
        const flagDropdown = document.getElementById('flag-dropdown');
        const flags = document.querySelectorAll('.flag');
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        const contentMessage = document.getElementById('content-message');
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            case 'fr':
                contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Désolé, ce script ne fonctionne pas sur ce site. Je vous conseille d\'utiliser ce site <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
            case 'es':
                contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Lo siento, este script no funciona en este sitio. Le recomiendo que utilice este sitio <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
            case 'it':
                contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Mi dispiace, questo script non funziona su questo sito. Ti consiglio di usare questo sito <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
            case 'de':
                contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Leider funktioniert dieses Skript auf dieser Website nicht. Ich empfehle Ihnen, diese Seite zu verwenden <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
                contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Hello, sorry but this script does not work on this site. I advise you to use this site <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';

        flagContainer.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
            flagDropdown.style.display = flagDropdown.style.display === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block';

        document.addEventListener('click', () => {
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        flags.forEach(flag => {
            flag.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
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                const selectedFlag = event.target.src;

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                flagSelect.setAttribute('data-lang', selectedLang);

                localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', selectedLang);
                localStorage.setItem('selectedFlag', selectedFlag);

                switch (selectedLang) {
                    case 'fr':
                        contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Désolé, ce script ne fonctionne pas sur ce site. Je vous conseille d\'utiliser ce site <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
                    case 'es':
                        contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Lo siento, este script no funciona en este sitio. Le recomiendo que utilice este sitio <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
                    case 'it':
                        contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Mi dispiace, questo script non funziona su questo sito. Ti consiglio di usare questo sito <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
                    case 'de':
                        contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Leider funktioniert dieses Skript auf dieser Website nicht. Ich empfehle Ihnen, diese Seite zu verwenden <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';
                        contentMessage.innerHTML = '(Dℝ∃wX) Hello, sorry but this script does not work on this site. I advise you to use this site <a href="https://dino-chrome.com/" target="_blank">https://dino-chrome.com/</a>';

        setTimeout(() => {
            overlay.style.display = 'block';
        }, 1000);

        function openErrorPopup() {
            overlay.style.display = 'block';
            popup.style.display = 'block';
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                overlay.style.opacity = '1';
            }, 10);

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            overlay.style.opacity = '0';
            setTimeout(() => {
                overlay.style.display = 'none';
                popup.style.display = 'none';
            }, 300);

        popup.querySelector('.close-btn').addEventListener('click', closeErrorPopup);


    function touche(key) {
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            'ArrowUp': 38,
            'ArrowDown': 40,
            'ArrowLeft': 37,
            'ArrowRight': 39,

        const keyCode = keyCodes[key] || key.charCodeAt(0);

        var event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
            key: key,
            keyCode: keyCode,
            which: keyCode,
            bubbles: true


    function updateButtonText(newText) {
        const airWalkButton = document.getElementById('toggleAirWalkButton');

        airWalkButton.textContent = newText;

    let isShortcutEnabled = false;

    let menuPopup = null;
    let windowElement = null;

    function injectDistanceCode() {
        const distanceCode = "Runner.instance_.distanceRan = Runner.instance_.distanceRan + 1000 / Runner.instance_.distanceMeter.config.COEFFICIENT";


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    let isInvisibleActive = false;

    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'n' && isShortcutEnabled) {

    let invisibleInterval;

    function toggleInvisible() {
        if (!isInvisibleActive) {
            Runner.instance_.tRex.config.HEIGHT = -20;
            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxInvisible').checked = true;
        } else {
            Runner.instance_.tRex.config.HEIGHT = 47;
            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxInvisible').checked = false;

        isInvisibleActive = !isInvisibleActive;

    let isBotActive = false;

    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'b' && isShortcutEnabled) {

    let botInterval;

    function toggleBot() {
        if (!isBotActive) {
            function dispatchKey(type, key) {
                document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent(type, { keyCode: key }));

            botInterval = setInterval(function () {
                const KEY_CODE_SPACE_BAR = 32;
                const KEY_CODE_ARROW_DOWN = 40;
                const CANVAS_HEIGHT = Runner.instance_.dimensions.HEIGHT;
                const DINO_HEIGHT = Runner.instance_.tRex.config.HEIGHT;

                const obstacle = Runner.instance_.horizon.obstacles[0];
                const speed = Runner.instance_.currentSpeed;

                if (obstacle) {
                    const w = obstacle.width;
                    const x = obstacle.xPos;
                    const y = obstacle.yPos;
                    const yFromBottom = CANVAS_HEIGHT - y - obstacle.typeConfig.height;
                    const isObstacleNearby = x < 25 * speed - w / 2;

                    if (isObstacleNearby) {
                        if (yFromBottom > DINO_HEIGHT) {
                        } else if (y > CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2) {
                            dispatchKey("keyup", KEY_CODE_ARROW_DOWN);
                            dispatchKey("keydown", KEY_CODE_SPACE_BAR);
                        } else {
                            dispatchKey("keydown", KEY_CODE_ARROW_DOWN);
            }, Runner.instance_.msPerFrame);

            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxBot').checked = true;
        } else {
            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxBot').checked = false;

        isBotActive = !isBotActive;

    let isImmortal = false;

    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'i' && isShortcutEnabled) {


    let originalGameOver = Runner.prototype.gameOver;

    function toggleImmortality() {
        if (!isImmortal) {
            Runner.prototype.gameOver = function () {};
            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxImmortality').checked = true;
        } else {

            Runner.prototype.gameOver = originalGameOver;
            document.getElementById('toggleCheckboxImmortality').checked = false;

        isImmortal = !isImmortal;

    let isBreak = false;

    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
        if (event.key === 'p' && isShortcutEnabled) {

    function functionBreak() {
        if (Runner.instance_.paused) {
        } else {

    function openInfoPanel() {
        let infoPanel = document.getElementById('infoPanel');

        if (!infoPanel) {
            infoPanel = document.createElement('div');
            infoPanel.id = 'infoPanel';
            infoPanel.innerHTML = `
            <span id="closeInfoPanel" style="position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 15px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 24px;">&times;</span>


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                infoPanel.style.right = '0';
            }, 10);

            document.getElementById('closeInfoPanel').addEventListener('click', closeInfoPanel);

            if (!document.getElementById('suggestionsSection')) {

        } else {

    function addSuggestionsSection(infoPanel) {
        const suggestionsSection = document.createElement('div');
        suggestionsSection.id = 'suggestionsSection';
        suggestionsSection.style.marginTop = '10px';

        const contactText = document.createElement('p');
        contactText.innerHTML = `
        <a href="https://greasyfork.org/${translate('link')}/scripts/486972-dinocheat-hack-cheat-dino-google-chrome-bot-rapide-score-imortel/feedback"
           style="color: #007BFF; text-decoration: none;">
        </a> ${translate('OrLabel')}
        <a href="https://github.com/DREwX-code"
           style="color: #007BFF; text-decoration: none;">
        contactText.style.fontSize = '18px';
        contactText.style.marginTop = '10px';
        contactText.style.textAlign = 'left';

        const privateMessageText = document.createElement('p');
        privateMessageText.innerHTML = `
    ${translate('infoGmail')} :
    <a href="mailto:dr3wx.andrew@gmail.com"
       style="color: #007BFF; text-decoration: none;">
        privateMessageText.style.fontSize = '18px';
        privateMessageText.style.marginTop = '10px';
        privateMessageText.style.textAlign = 'left';

        const separator = document.createElement('hr');
        separator.style.margin = '20px 0';
        separator.style.border = 'none';
        separator.style.borderTop = '1px solid #ddd';



    const greasyForkUrl = 'https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/486972-dinocheat-hack-cheat-dino-google-chrome-bot-rapide-score-imortel';

    function fetchInstallCount(infoPanel) {
            .then(response => response.text())
            .then(html => {
            const parser = new DOMParser();
            const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
            const installElement = doc.querySelector('dd.script-show-total-installs > span');
            const installCount = installElement ? installElement.textContent.trim() : "Inconnu";
            const versionElement = doc.querySelector('dd.script-show-version > span');
            const scriptVersion = versionElement ? versionElement.textContent.trim() : "Inconnu";

            displayInstallCountAndVersion(installCount, scriptVersion, infoPanel);

    function displayInstallCountAndVersion(installCount, scriptVersion, infoPanel) {
        const installCountElement = document.createElement('p');
        installCountElement.style.fontSize = '20px';
        installCountElement.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
        installCountElement.style.textAlign = 'left';
        installCountElement.style.marginTop = '10px';

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        versionElement.textContent = `${translate('versionLabel')} : ${scriptVersion}`;
        versionElement.style.fontSize = '20px';
        versionElement.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
        versionElement.style.textAlign = 'left';
        versionElement.style.marginTop = '10px';


        let currentCount = 0;
        const targetCount = parseInt(installCount.replace(/\s/g, ''));
        const increment = Math.ceil(targetCount / 100);
        const counterInterval = setInterval(() => {
            currentCount += increment;
            if (currentCount >= targetCount) {
                currentCount = targetCount;
            installCountElement.textContent = `${translate('installLabel')} : ${currentCount.toLocaleString()}`;
        }, 20);

    function closeInfoPanel() {
        const infoPanel = document.getElementById('infoPanel');

        infoPanel.style.right = '-350px';
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 300);

    function closeInfoPanelFast() {
        const infoPanel = document.getElementById('infoPanel');

    function openShortcutsPanel() {
        let shortcutsPanel = document.getElementById('shortcutsPanel');

        if (!shortcutsPanel) {
            shortcutsPanel = document.createElement('div');
            shortcutsPanel.id = 'shortcutsPanel';
            shortcutsPanel.innerHTML = `
                <span id="closeShortcutsPanel" style="position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 15px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 24px;">&times;</span>
                <ul id="shortcutsList">
                    <li data-description="${translate('jumpDescription')}">${translate('jumpText')}: <strong>"h"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('speedDescription')}">${translate('speedText')}: <strong>"v"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('immortalityDescription')}">${translate('immortalityText')}: <strong>"i"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('flyDescription')}">${translate('flyText')}: <strong>"a"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('scoreDescription')}">${translate('scoreText')}: <strong>"k"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('autoJumpDescription')}">${translate('autoJumpText')}: <strong>"b"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('addScoreDescription')}">${translate('addScoreText')}: <strong>"s"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('invisibleDescription')}">${translate('invisibleText')}: <strong>"n"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('breakDescription')}">${translate('breakText')}: <strong>"p"</strong></li>
                    <li data-description="${translate('menuDescription')}">${translate('menuText')}: <strong>"t"</strong></li>
                <div id="descriptionPanel" style="margin-top: 10px; color: #666; display: none;"></div>


            shortcutsPanel.style.position = 'fixed';
            shortcutsPanel.style.top = '0';
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            shortcutsPanel.style.width = '300px';
            shortcutsPanel.style.height = '100%';
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                shortcutsPanel.style.right = '0';
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            document.getElementById('closeShortcutsPanel').addEventListener('click', closeShortcutsPanel);
        } else {

        const listItems = document.querySelectorAll('#shortcutsList li');
        const descriptionPanel = document.getElementById('descriptionPanel');

        listItems.forEach(item => {
            item.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
                const description = this.getAttribute('data-description');
                descriptionPanel.innerText = description;
                descriptionPanel.style.display = 'block';

            item.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
                descriptionPanel.style.display = 'none';

    function closeShortcutsPanel() {
        const shortcutsPanel = document.getElementById('shortcutsPanel');

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        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 300);

    function closeShortcutsPanelFast() {
        const shortcutsPanel = document.getElementById('shortcutsPanel');


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                        <span>${translate('speedAdjustment')} <input type="number" id="speedInput" class="input-small-discreet" placeholder="7"></span>
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                        <span>${translate('scorePlus')} <button id="increaseScoreButton" class="btn-small-discreet"> 1000 </button></span>
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