Greasy Fork is available in English.

GitHub Widescreen 🖥️

Auto-hides obtrusive side panels on GitHub

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Script suggerito dall'autore

Potresti essere interessato/a anche a GitHub Star History ⭐

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// ==UserScript==
// @name                GitHub Widescreen 🖥️
// @name:zh             GitHub 宽银幕 🖥️
// @name:zh-CN          GitHub 宽银幕 🖥️
// @name:zh-HK          GitHub 寬銀幕 🖥️
// @name:zh-SG          GitHub 宽银幕 🖥️
// @name:zh-TW          GitHub 寬銀幕 🖥️
// @description         Auto-hides obtrusive side panels on GitHub
// @description:zh      自动隐藏 GitHub 上引人注目的侧面板
// @description:zh-CN   自动隐藏 GitHub 上引人注目的侧面板
// @description:zh-HK   自動隱藏 GitHub 上引人注目的側面板
// @description:zh-SG   自动隐藏 GitHub 上引人注目的侧面板
// @description:zh-TW   自動隱藏 GitHub 上引人注目的側面板
// @author              Adam Lui
// @namespace 
// @version             2024.9.2
// @license             MIT
// @icon      
// @match               *://*
// @connect   
// @grant               GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant               GM_openInTab
// @grant               GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// ==/UserScript==

(async () => {

    // Init alert QUEUE
    var alertQueue = [] ; localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify(alertQueue)

    // Init CONFIG
    const config = {
        appName: 'GitHub Widescreen', appSymbol: '🖥️',
        gitHubURL: '',
        greasyForkURL: '' }
    config.updateURL = config.greasyForkURL.replace('https://', 'https://update.')
        .replace(/(\d+)-?([a-zA-Z-]*)$/, (_, id, name) => `${ id }/${ !name ? 'script' : name }.meta.js`)

    // Register ABOUT menu command
    GM_registerMenuCommand('💡 About ' + config.appName, async () => {

        // Show alert
        const headingStyle = 'font-size: 1.15rem ; font-weight: bold',
              pStyle = 'font-size: 1rem ; position: relative ; left: 3px',
              pBrStyle = 'font-size: 1rem ; position: relative ; left: 9px ; bottom: 3px '
        const aboutAlertID = alert(
            config.appName, // title
            `<span style="${ headingStyle }">🏷️ <i>Version</i>: </span>`
                + `<span style="${ pStyle }">${ GM_info.script.version }</span>\n`
            + `<span style="${ headingStyle }">📜 <i>Source code</i>:</span>\n`
                + `<span style="${ pBrStyle }"><a href="${ config.gitHubURL }" target="_blank" rel="nopener">`
                + config.gitHubURL + '</a></span>',
            [ // buttons
                function checkForUpdates() { updateCheck() },
                function leaveAReview() { safeWindowOpen(
                    config.greasyForkURL + '/feedback#post-discussion') }

        // Re-format buttons to include emojis + re-case + hide 'Dismiss'
        for (const button of document.getElementById(aboutAlertID).querySelectorAll('button')) {
            if (/updates/i.test(button.textContent))
                button.textContent = '🚀 Check for Updates'
            else if (/review/i.test(button.textContent))
                button.textContent = '⭐ Leave a Review'
            else if (/github/i.test(button.textContent))
                button.textContent = '📜 GitHub Source'
            else = 'none' // hide Dismiss button

    // Observe DOM for need to hide side panels
    const hideBtns = [] ; let prevURL = null
    const sidePanelObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
        mutations.forEach(mutation => {
            if (mutation.type == 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length) {
                if (location.href !== prevURL) { // if loaded/naved to new page
                    if (location.href.includes('edit')) { // if on editor, wait for side panel load
                        const editorSidePanelobserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
                            if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="editor-side-panel"]')) {
                                editorSidePanelobserver.disconnect() ; hideSidePanels()
                        }}) ; editorSidePanelobserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true })
                    } else hideSidePanels()
                    prevURL = location.href
    }}})}) ; sidePanelObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true })

    // Define SCRIPT functions

    function safeWindowOpen(url) {, '_blank', 'noopener') } // to prevent backdoor vulnerabilities

    function updateCheck() {

        // Fetch latest meta
        const currentVer = GM_info.script.version
            method: 'GET', url: config.updateURL + '?t=' +,
            headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' },
            onload: response => { const latestVer = /@version +(.*)/.exec(response.responseText)[1]

                // Compare versions                
                for (let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { // loop thru subver's
                    const currentSubVer = parseInt(currentVer.split('.')[i], 10) || 0,
                          latestSubVer = parseInt(latestVer.split('.')[i], 10) || 0
                    if (currentSubVer > latestSubVer) break // out of comparison since not outdated
                    else if (latestSubVer > currentSubVer) { // if outdated

                        // Alert to update
                        alert('Update available! 🚀', // title
                            `A newer version of ${ config.appName } v${ latestVer } is available!  `
                                + '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="font-size: 0.9rem" '
                                    + 'href="' + config.gitHubURL + '/commits/main/greasemonkey/'
                                    + config.updateURL.replace(/.*\/(.*)meta\.js/, '$1user.js') + '" '
                                    + '>View changes</a>',
                            function update() { // button
                                GM_openInTab(config.updateURL.replace('meta.js', 'user.js') + '?t=' +,
                                    { active: true, insert: true } // focus, make adjacent
                                ).onclose = () => location.reload() },
                            '', 383 // width

                alert('Up to date!', `${ config.appName } (v${ currentVer }) is up-to-date!`)

    function isDarkMode() {
        return document.documentElement.dataset.colorMode == 'dark' ||
               document.documentElement.dataset.darkreaderScheme == 'dark' ||
               window.matchMedia?.('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')?.matches

    function hideSidePanels() {
            // File Tree + Symbols Panel buttons in editor
            'button[aria-expanded="true"][data-testid], '
            // Hide File Tree button in diff views
            + 'button[id^="hide"]:not([hidden])'))
        if (hideBtns.length > 0) // click if needed
            hideBtns.forEach(btn => { })

    // Define FEEDBACK functions

    function alert(title, msg, btns, checkbox, width) {
    // [ title/msg = strings, btns = [named functions], checkbox = named function, width (px) = int ] = optional
    // * Spaces are inserted into button labels by parsing function names in camel/kebab/snake case

        // Create modal parent/children elements
        const modalContainer = document.createElement('div') = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) +
        modalContainer.classList.add('chatgpt-modal') // add class to main div
        const modal = document.createElement('div'),
              modalTitle = document.createElement('h2'),
              modalMessage = document.createElement('p')

        // Select or crate/append style
        let modalStyle
        if (!document.querySelector('#chatgpt-alert-style')) {
            modalStyle = document.createElement('style')
   = 'chatgpt-alert-style'
        } else modalStyle = document.querySelector('#chatgpt-alert-style')

        // Define styles
        const scheme = isDarkMode() ? 'dark' : 'light'
        modalStyle.innerText = (

            // Background styles
            '.chatgpt-modal {'
                + 'position: fixed ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ;' // expand to full view-port
                + 'background-color: rgba(67, 70, 72, 0.75) ;' // dim bg
                + 'display: flex ; justify-content: center ; align-items: center ; z-index: 9999 }' // align

            // Alert styles
            + '.chatgpt-modal > div {'
                + 'font-family: Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, Segoe UI, Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, Noto Sans,'
                    + 'sans-serif, Helvetica Neue, Arial, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Segoe UI Symbol, Noto Color Emoji ;'
                + 'opacity: 0 ; transform: translateX(-2px) translateY(5px) ;'
                + 'transition: opacity 0.1s cubic-bezier(.165,.84,.44,1), transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(.165,.84,.44,1) ;'
                + `background-color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'black' : 'white' } ;`
                + ( width ? `width: ${ width }px` : 'max-width: 458px ') + ' ;'
                + 'padding: 20px ; margin: 12px 23px ; border-radius: 5px ; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) }'
            + '.chatgpt-modal h2 { font-size: 2em ; margin-bottom: 9px }'
            + '.chatgpt-modal p { font-size: 1.35em }'
            + `.chatgpt-modal a { color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? '#00cfff' : '#1e9ebb' }}`
            + '.chatgpt-modal.animated > div { opacity: 1 ; transform: translateX(0) translateY(0) }'

            // Button styles
            + '.modal-buttons { display: flex ; justify-content: flex-end ; margin: 20px -5px -3px 0 }'
            + '.chatgpt-modal button {'
                + 'margin-left: 10px ; padding: 4px 12px ; border-radius: 6px ;'
                + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#979797' }}`
            + '.primary-modal-btn {'
                + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : '#979797' } ;`
                + `background: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;`
                + `color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'black' : 'white' }}`
            + '.chatgpt-modal button:hover { background-color: #42B4BF ; border-color: #42B4BF ; color: black }'

            /* Checkbox styles */
            + '.chatgpt-modal .checkbox-group { display: flex ; margin-top: -18px }'
            + '.chatgpt-modal .checkbox-group label {'
                + 'font-size: .7rem ; margin: -.04rem 0 0px .3rem ;'
                + `color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? '#e1e1e1' : '#1e1e1e' }}`
            + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"] { transform: scale(0.7) ;'
                + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }}`
            + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"]:checked {'
                + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;`
                + 'background-color: black ; position: inherit }'
            + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"]:focus { outline: none ; box-shadow: none }'

        // Insert text into elements
        modalTitle.innerText = config.appSymbol + ' ' + title || ''
        modalMessage.innerText = msg || '' ; renderHTML(modalMessage)

        // Create/append buttons (if provided) to buttons div
        const modalButtons = document.createElement('div')
        if (btns) { // are supplied
            if (!Array.isArray(btns)) btns = [btns] // convert single button to array if necessary
            btns.forEach(buttonFn => { // create title-cased labels + attach listeners
                const button = document.createElement('button')
                button.textContent =
                    .replace(/[_-]\w/g, match => match.slice(1).toUpperCase()) // convert snake/kebab to camel case
                    .replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1') // insert spaces
                    .replace(/^\w/, firstChar => firstChar.toUpperCase()) // capitalize first letter
                button.addEventListener('click', () => { destroyAlert() ; buttonFn() })
                modalButtons.insertBefore(button, modalButtons.firstChild) // insert button to left

        // Create/append OK/dismiss button to buttons div
        const dismissBtn = document.createElement('button')
        dismissBtn.textContent = btns ? 'Dismiss' : 'OK'
        dismissBtn.addEventListener('click', destroyAlert)
        modalButtons.insertBefore(dismissBtn, modalButtons.firstChild)

        // Highlight primary button

        // Create/append checkbox (if provided) to checkbox group div
        const checkboxDiv = document.createElement('div')
        if (checkbox) { // is supplied
            const checkboxFn = checkbox, // assign the named function to checkboxFn
                  checkboxInput = document.createElement('input')
            checkboxInput.type = 'checkbox'
            checkboxInput.addEventListener('change', checkboxFn)

            // Create/show label
            const checkboxLabel = document.createElement('label')
            checkboxLabel.addEventListener('click', function() {
                checkboxInput.checked = !checkboxInput.checked ; checkboxFn() })
            checkboxLabel.textContent = // capitalize first char
                + // format remaining chars
                    .replace(/([A-Z])/g, (match, letter) => ' ' + letter.toLowerCase()) // insert spaces, convert to lowercase
                    .replace(/\b(\w+)nt\b/gi, '$1n\'t') // insert apostrophe in 'nt' suffixes
                    .trim() // trim leading/trailing spaces

            checkboxDiv.append(checkboxInput) ; checkboxDiv.append(checkboxLabel)

        // Assemble/append div
        const elements = [modalTitle, modalMessage, modalButtons, checkboxDiv]
        elements.forEach(elem => { modal.append(elem) })
        modalContainer.append(modal) ; document.body.append(modalContainer)

        // Enqueue alert
        alertQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.alertQueue)
        localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify(alertQueue)

        // Add listeners
        document.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler)
        modalContainer.addEventListener('click', event => {
            if ( === modalContainer) destroyAlert() })

        // Show alert if none active = 'none'
        if (alertQueue.length === 1) {
   = ''
            setTimeout(() => { modalContainer.classList.add('animated') }, 100)

        function destroyAlert() {
            modalContainer.remove() // remove from DOM
            alertQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.alertQueue)
            alertQueue.shift() // + memory
            localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify(alertQueue) // + storage

            // Prevent memory leaks
            modalContainer.removeEventListener('click', destroyAlert)
            document.removeEventListener('keydown', keyHandler)
            dismissBtn.removeEventListener('click', destroyAlert)

            // Check for pending alerts in queue
            if (alertQueue.length > 0) {
                const nextAlert = document.getElementById(alertQueue[0])
                setTimeout(() => {
           = ''
                    setTimeout(() => { nextAlert.classList.add('animated') }, 100)
                }, 500 )

        function keyHandler(event) {
            const dismissKeys = [13, 27] // enter/esc
            if (dismissKeys.includes(event.keyCode)) {
                for (const alertId of alertQueue) { // look to handle only if triggering alert is active
                    const alert = document.getElementById(alertId)
                    if (alert && != 'none') { // active alert found
                        if (event.keyCode === 27) destroyAlert() // if esc pressed, dismiss alert & do nothing
                        else if (event.keyCode === 13) { // else if enter pressed
                            const mainButton = alert.querySelector('.modal-buttons').lastChild // look for main button
                            if (mainButton) { ; event.preventDefault() } // click if found
                        } return


    function renderHTML(node) {
        const reTags = /<([a-z\d]+)\b([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/g,
              reAttributes = /(\S+)=['"]?((?:.(?!['"]?\s+(?:\S+)=|[>']))+.)['"]?/g,
              nodeContent = node.childNodes

        // Preserve consecutive spaces + line breaks
        if (!renderHTML.preWrapSet) {
   = 'pre-wrap' ; renderHTML.preWrapSet = true
            setTimeout(() => { renderHTML.preWrapSet = false }, 100)

        // Process child nodes
        for (const childNode of nodeContent) {

            // Process text node
            if (childNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                const text = childNode.nodeValue,
                      elems = Array.from(text.matchAll(reTags))

                // Process 1st element to render
                if (elems.length > 0) {
                    const elem = elems[0],
                          [tagContent, tagName, tagAttributes, tagText] = elem.slice(0, 4),
                          tagNode = document.createElement(tagName) ; tagNode.textContent = tagText

                    // Extract/set attributes
                    const attributes = Array.from(tagAttributes.matchAll(reAttributes))
                    attributes.forEach(attr => {
                        const name = attr[1], value = attr[2].replace(/['"]/g, '')
                        tagNode.setAttribute(name, value)

                    const renderedNode = renderHTML(tagNode) // render child elements of newly created node

                    // Insert newly rendered node
                    const beforeTextNode = document.createTextNode(text.substring(0, elem.index)),
                          afterTextNode = document.createTextNode(text.substring(elem.index + tagContent.length))

                    // Replace text node with processed nodes
                    node.replaceChild(beforeTextNode, childNode)
                    node.insertBefore(renderedNode, beforeTextNode.nextSibling)
                    node.insertBefore(afterTextNode, renderedNode.nextSibling)

            // Process element nodes recursively
            } else if (childNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) renderHTML(childNode)

        return node // if assignment used
