eBay Seller Location Fork

Displays the registration location of eBay sellers on search results and product pages.

< Valutazione su eBay Seller Location Fork

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 05/05/2023
Modificato: 05/05/2023

Does not appear to work on the eBay /sch/ pages anymore.

I think they may have changed the seller info class names, or whatever is being used, on the /sch/ pages.

The script still appears to be working fine in the /itm/ pages though.

Also just a piece of trivial info for anyone interested.
eBay has listed literally all items in the /sch/ pages as sponsored so that hiding sponsored listings will no longer work, as found here:
span aria-labelledby="s-gn0w150" class="s-gn0w150_s-o0c5321" role="text"
span aria-hidden="true"
wbr span Sponsored /span /span /span

*I can't list the element here correctly because it cuts it off for some reason

So if anyone can find some kind of workaround that removes the real "Sponsored" listings while still leaving the fake sponsored listings intact, many people would be delighted to use such a script.

Pubblicato: 25/06/2023

Does not appear to work on the eBay /sch/ pages anymore.

I think they may have changed the seller info class names, or whatever is being used, on the /sch/ pages.

The script still appears to be working fine in the /itm/ pages though.

Also just a piece of trivial info for anyone interested.
eBay has listed literally all items in the /sch/ pages as sponsored so that hiding sponsored listings will no longer work, as found here:
span aria-labelledby="s-gn0w150" class="s-gn0w150_s-o0c5321" role="text"
span aria-hidden="true"
wbr span Sponsored /span /span /span

*I can't list the element here correctly because it cuts it off for some reason

So if anyone can find some kind of workaround that removes the real "Sponsored" listings while still leaving the fake sponsored listings intact, many people would be delighted to use such a script.

Which ebay top-level domain are you using? Seller info in search results is only confirmed to work on German eBay.de. Other domains do not show the seller name in search results which the script uses to look up the location.

I'm not very good at Javascript, so I'm not sure how to make it work on those domains.

Pubblicato: 25/06/2023
Modificato: 25/06/2023

I looked into it and it seems that seller info is retrieved from an URL path starting with "/itm/sellerInfoV2". I can find zero useful info on this URL pattern on Google and can't fathom how the original author of the script found it, but somehow it lets the script access a JSON that contains seller info without using the official API (requiring OAuth). However, seller ID and item ID need to be passed to it via URL parameters, so it can't be used to get seller ID for a given item. I don't think there is an equivalent URL pattern that allows me to get seller ID. The problem is that downloading and parsing the entire item page html for every search result just to get seller ID would be too inefficient, and I see no alternative.

Pubblicato: 25/06/2023
Modificato: 25/06/2023

Does not appear to work on the eBay /sch/ pages anymore.

I think they may have changed the seller info class names, or whatever is being used, on the /sch/ pages.

The script still appears to be working fine in the /itm/ pages though.

Also just a piece of trivial info for anyone interested.
eBay has listed literally all items in the /sch/ pages as sponsored so that hiding sponsored listings will no longer work, as found here:
span aria-labelledby="s-gn0w150" class="s-gn0w150_s-o0c5321" role="text"
span aria-hidden="true"
wbr span Sponsored /span /span /span

*I can't list the element here correctly because it cuts it off for some reason

So if anyone can find some kind of workaround that removes the real "Sponsored" listings while still leaving the fake sponsored listings intact, many people would be delighted to use such a script.

Which ebay top-level domain are you using? Seller info in search results is only confirmed to work on German eBay.de. Other domains do not show the seller name in search results which the script uses to look up the location.

I'm not very good at Javascript, so I'm not sure how to make it work on those domains.

Sorry for the late reply insomnia makes me sleep at weird times LOL.
I am using ebay.com.au and you're right, I checked all elements for a listing in a /sch/ page and could not find the seller name anywhere, I guess the Australian ebay have also removed seller names in the elements now as well which would explain why it stopped working suddenly.
I am also not very good at JS, HTML or CSS.
One idea I can think of would to find a way to have the script check the current page on the ebay.com.* or ebay.* site and have the script find the same item listing on the ebay.de site, then use the info scraped from the ebay.de site and pass it through to the user who is on an ebay.com.* or ebay.* site.

I looked into it and it seems that seller info is retrieved from an URL path starting with "/itm/sellerInfoV2". I can find zero useful info on this URL pattern on Google and can't fathom how the original author of the script found it, but somehow it lets the script access a JSON that contains seller info without using the official API (requiring OAuth). However, seller ID and item ID need to be passed to it via URL parameters, so it can't be used to get seller ID for a given item. I don't think there is an equivalent URL pattern that allows me to get seller ID. The problem is that downloading and parsing the entire item page html for every search result just to get seller ID would be too inefficient, and I see no alternative.

And sorry I can't be of much help with this part since my knowledge is also limited as mentioned in my previous comment above, but hopefully you might be able to use that idea I had and come up with a genius solution.

Pubblicato: 28/06/2023
Modificato: 28/06/2023

So, I took a good look at the code and decided to completely overhaul it. I'm also noticing that now when I check those domains, seller names do show up in search results, so I made sure the script works on all domains where that is the case. Maybe the old version for some reason removed the names from the results? I have no idea. Anyway, let me know if the new version works for you.

Pubblicato: 29/06/2023
Modificato: 29/06/2023

Hi there,

I just checked and the script is not quite working.
It works on item pages as usual but on /sch/ pages it only works for overseas items such as items from US, China etc.
If I select any filter such as Australia items only, it doesn't show the seller account registration location.
A lot of chinese sellers will make their account in china bet set their account details to Australia to make it seem like the product is in Australia.
Here is an example page to see what I mean by no seller location info being shown https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=smart+tv&_sacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=1&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
Not sure if it's just me but yeah, that page example doesn't show any seller location details.

Pubblicato: 30/06/2023

For me it works just fine on that page. Are you sure you don't have any other scripts or Addons that are interfering?

Pubblicato: 30/06/2023

For me it works just fine on that page. Are you sure you don't have any other scripts or Addons that are interfering?

I have tried it with all scripts disabled except for this one and it still doesn't work for me.
I have attached a screenshot of what I am seeing.

Pubblicato: 06/01/2024
Modificato: 06/01/2024

For me it works just fine on that page. Are you sure you don't have any other scripts or Addons that are interfering?

I have tried it with all scripts disabled except for this one and it still doesn't work for me.
I have attached a screenshot of what I am seeing.

So the script was completely broken because it relied on an API page that got nuked. Please check out the new version. :)

Pubblicato: 07/01/2024

Thank you for the update :D

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