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[雪星实验室] Google Calendar 谷歌日历自动上色

【功能测试中, bug反馈】Google日历自动上色、根据匹配到的关键词显示特定颜色,例如: 休|睡、洗漱|收拾|整理|日记|日志、研究|学习|探索|背词|了解、上学|上班|上课、健身|锻练|热身、路上|通勤、料理|做饭、仪式|典礼|祭祀、紧急|重要|考试|测验、群聊|交流|玩|游戏|知乎、电影|看书|阅书|影评,(20210709)加入英文支持

< Valutazione su [雪星实验室] Google Calendar 谷歌日历自动上色

Recensione: OK - lo script funziona, ma ha degli errori.

Pubblicato: 09/02/2022

Thank you, it works.
Is it possible to change the text colour to white? Black letters on dark background are hard to read.

Pubblicato: 21/04/2022

Thank you, it works.
Is it possible to change the text colour to white? Black letters on dark background are hard to read.


I updated @version 0.1.3 to set the text color on dark background to white.

You can contact me by email and tell me more details improvments what you think about this userscript :D

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