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YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame

Riduci l'impatto energetico del browser per la riproduzione di video di YouTube

< Valutazione su YouTube CPU Tamer by AnimationFrame

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 30/11/2023
Modificato: 30/11/2023

Just installed this script today, cpu usage went from 25-40% while watching music videos and such to about 6-30% Depending on the activity of the session such as loading a new page or just having a video playing in the background. So far no bugs or conflicts with other scripts/webpages, Very highly recommended especially if your CPU is a current bottle neck for your system.

Edit: I should add im using Brave browser, latest update on a windows 10 system running a AMD FX-6300.

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