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Pass Phrase Encoder

Make your password indestructible

Mitchell Collin Mitchell
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What is a pass phrase encoder?

A pass phrase encoder takes a simple, memorable, and personal phrase or word that would otherwise be easy to guess and turns it into a professional grade password. For example, if we where to encode the phrase "password1234" you would end up with the password "bdc87b9c". Like all security precautions nothing is foolproof and you should always keep your passwords a secret, but encoding your passwords will help give you a extra layer of protection.

How to use

To use this script simply press F2 when you want to encode a password. Be sure that your on a website and not a firefox or chrome start up page, as these pages to not work with my script. If the menu does not popup try clicking on the current webpage and not on the menu bar as the webpage is where the menu is inserted. If you have any questions or there is a bug in my script please contact me at: