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Bypassa FileCrypt

Bypassa Filecrypt e ottieni il collegamento originale! Prova prima questa versione. Se Bypass Filecrypt mostra un "2" nella pagina e non reindirizza alla destinazione finale, allora rimuovi questo script e prova Bypass Filecrypt (XHR) al suo posto.

< Valutazione su Bypassa FileCrypt


Pubblicato: 28/05/2023

don't be stupid, have it as an api(free obv) or obfuscate the shit out of it so the owner can't change two line of code and break ur hard work.

Pubblicato: 28/05/2023

Hi Mhamad,
luckily Filecrypt doesn't seem interested in blocking my script: the last functional update was in August 2022 and it's still working.
As for the site that this script relies on, it's not mine, so I can't do anything about it.

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