Mouseover Popup Image Viewer

Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.

< Valutazione su Mouseover Popup Image Viewer

Recensione: Male - lo script non funziona

Pubblicato: 03/04/2024

500px doesn't work.
I tried creating my own rule but for some reason doesn't seem to work, I've done other and they almost always worked but not this one.
Let's consider this link:
Wrote a rule like this:
{r:/500px\.com\//, q:'#copyrightTooltipContainer > div > img',},
But it doesn't work.
Tested from debugger tools in the destination page (linked by the href) this selector and it works:
#copyrightTooltipContainer > div > img
But it doesn't find it with the script.
From what I've seen in the feed page, the link to full image is already there in the feed and it creates the thumbnail using the original image itself.
Is it possible to use that instead of the usual script behaviour of downloading the linked page (referenced by the a href) and applying selector to that? When I hover the thumb the selected element (even in the debugger) is the a href element, if not I think a simple s: "///" might work or don't even be necessary at all.
(I'm bad at doing rules, the {r: q:} or the basic s:/thumb/large/ format are the ones I'am capable at) Can you give a suggestion on how to get it working using different methods , including the fixed original version:
{ u: [ '||', '||', '||', '//', '||', ], r: /\.\w+\/.+/, q: 'meta[property="og:image"]', },

Pubblicato: 03/04/2024

This should work:

{"d": "",
 "u": "|",
 "s": "for (var v of Object.values(node.closest('.column')||{})) if((v=v?.children?.props?.photo?.images?.[0]?.url)) return v"
Pubblicato: 04/04/2024


{"d": "",
 "u": "//",
 "s": "for(var i=0,n=node,v;i++<5&&n;n=n.parentNode)for(v of Object.values(n))if((v=v?.children?.props?.photo?.images?.[0]?.url)) return v"

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