Solved Media

Autocompletion for Solve Media image CAPTCHAs.

< Valutazione su Solved Media


Pubblicato: 06/03/2018

Not working?

So glad to stumble upon this script but I don't think it's working? How does this work actually? I tried in Hulkload, one of the site that use solvemedia but the captcha column isn't get filled by itself even though the answer is listed in the script. I'm using Firefox & Tampermonkey.

Pubblicato: 06/03/2018

The script can not solve the CAPTCHAs only by itself. You have to start typing in the solution and if you are lucky then the correct solution will pop up under the input, saving you a couple of keystrokes.

Pubblicato: 07/03/2018

Ah I see, so that's how it works.
OK thanks for the answer.

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