More YouTube Hotkeys

Adds more keyboard shortcuts for YouTube. The list of all new shortcuts is added into new "More Shortcuts" section on YouTube's "Keyboard shortcuts" popup which can be accessed via "?" or SHIFT+/ key (on U.S. keyboards).

< Valutazione su More YouTube Hotkeys

Recensione: Bene - lo script funziona

Pubblicato: 17/02/2024

請問能夠增加 更改速度的快捷鍵嗎
could modify speed [+] or [-] 0.25x ?
thanks good JS

Pubblicato: 17/02/2024

Unfortunately, [-] and [+] hotkeys are already used by YouTube for changing subtitle font size.

If you need it, you will need to use a seperate modified script below.

Pubblicato: 18/02/2024
Modificato: 18/02/2024

----google trans
Thank you very much!
I'm also sorry that I didn't write down my requirements in detail...
Because there is no text reminder, I will not be able to grasp it accurately. What is the speed now?
How to press [*]or other key speed = 1x, and how to have a speed prompt?

Pubblicato: 18/02/2024
Modificato: 18/02/2024

Unfortunately, there will be no speed change notification display.

Check YouTube's keyboard shortcut reference using the ? key. For U.S. keyboard, that would be SHIFT+/.

Pubblicato: 18/02/2024

OK.thanks dor you

Pubblicato: 02/03/2024

Sorry to ask, could the text input box be focused in LIVE?

Pubblicato: 02/03/2024
Modificato: 02/03/2024

OK. Script updated. Added 2 hotkeys:

\ = focus live chat input box.

: (Shift+;) = focus comment input box. Note: only if the comment input box has been added by YouTube.

Pubblicato: 02/03/2024

thank you very much!
It’s very convenient whether it’s leaving a message or chatting.

Pubblicato: 23/07/2024



Sorry, requesting shortcut key function:
hotkey execution switch [all chats]

[Focus chat/all chat]
Want to use eleclick
Looking for element but failed
func: a => eleClick('')},

Pubblicato: 24/07/2024

Script has been updated to add Alt+\ (Alt+BackSlash) hotkey to focus live chat message list.

Pubblicato: 24/07/2024

Sorry, there is no response in the test, but the focus is gone.
So I then tested the "\\" input box and it also didn't work. I could only successfully execute the input box after manually clicking on the blank space.

Pubblicato: 25/07/2024

This is the automatic switching script I found, but my attempt to integrate this script failed, for your reference

Pubblicato: 25/07/2024

I temporarily used a stupid method
But it has to be executed 3 times
It's just that the focus is not on the video player in the end

{key: "B",mods: "", desc: "Focus live chat message list", func: a => focusChatFrame('#item-scroller')},
{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "Focus live chat message list", func: a => eleClick('')},
{key: "B", mods: "", desc: "Focus live chat message list", func: a => eleClick('')},

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