Asurascans Bookmarking System

A bookmarking system for Manga reading sites with signup/login functionality to save your info(Bookmarks e.t.c) Across ALL Devices. Keep Track of your BookMarks in AsuraScans amongst other websites.

Ini adalah versi dari skrip ini yang kodenya telah diperbarui. Tampilkan semua versi.

  • v3.4 13 Juli 2024

    -unified asura storing despite the domain name

  • v3.3 23 Juni 2024

    bug fixes

  • v3.2 22 Juni 2024

    -switched to GM. instead of GM_ so it can support mobile userscripts.

  • v3.1 18 Juni 2024

    -remomved unrequired @require
    -added new support domain

  • v3.0 17 Juni 2024

    Huge Update to My Userscript - Version 3.0 🚀

    What's New in Version 3.0:

    • New Supported Sites: We've expanded the list of supported sites for our userscript, making it even more useful for your browsing experience.
    • New API for Cloud Storing: You can now take advantage of our brand-new API to securely store your data in the cloud, ensuring your information is safe and accessible from anywhere.
    • Bug Fixes: We've squashed a number of pesky bugs, improving the overall stability and performance of the userscript.
    • Removed Storing bm_history: To make storage faster and reduce file size, we've removed the storing of bm_history. This change will provide a more streamlined and efficient experience.

    Get the latest version of the userscript now and enjoy all the fantastic new features!

  • v2.6.4 30 Maret 2024

    -new key

  • v2.6.3.3 20 Januari 2024
  • v2.6.3.3 20 Januari 2024

    -api change
    - url edit

  • v2.6.3.2 13 Desember 2023

    -auto save bug fix

  • v2.6.3.1 13 Desember 2023

    -bug fix to prev update

  • v2.6.3 12 Desember 2023

    -fixed save, get, and autosave buttons not appear on mobile when menu button clicked.
    -sites domain change
    -added support for more sites

  • v2.6.2 10 Desember 2023

    -added support for new websites
    -fixed the autosavebutton

  • v2.6.1 10 Desember 2023

    -tried to fix the save and get the button on mobile not appending sometimes(don't know if it works though)
    -added autosaving (can opt-in if u want may remove if results in significant API calls)

  • v2.6 10 Desember 2023

    **Semi-Major Update**

    -new API key change
    -New way of comparing manga names
    - website orientated storage(storing data for the specific website e.g lunar scans data goes to lunarscan section)
    (gonna add asking if the user wants cloud storage to reduce API calling and API key changes)

  • v2.5.8 14 November 2023

    -added lunar scans gonna add multiple website storage soon:)

  • v2.5.7.1 25 Oktober 2023

    -fix stuff

  • v2.5.7 25 Oktober 2023

    -api key change

  • v2.5.6 06 Oktober 2023
  • v2.5.6 06 Oktober 2023

    -Added Support for voidscans

  • v2.5.5.5 02 Oktober 2023

    -why does asura keep chaging their domain?

  • v2.5.5.4 28 September 2023

    -domain change

  • v2.5.5.3 21 September 2023

    -bug fix

  • v2.5.5.2 20 September 2023

    -bug fix with appending save and get button

  • v2.5.5.1 19 September 2023

    -new api key change

  • v2.5.5 19 September 2023

    -new button layout
    -prob gonna use a new storage system for storing bookmarks

  • v2.5.4.1 16 September 2023

    -made it so that you can't have duplicate buttons on the webpage
    -since I didn't write the show comments and related series button, I can't make it not duplicate. It comes down to your injection mode(PC won'r be affected but mobile users will)

  • v2.5.4 11 September 2023

    -You are no longer able to sign up without actually putting a username and password on the registration page.
    -just wanted to show everyone that I'm still alive even though my competitors may have quit along the way.

  • v2.5.3.1 30 Agustus 2023
  • v2.5.3.1 30 Agustus 2023

    -forgot to change script version

  • v2.5.3 29 Agustus 2023

    -Asura Domain change..... Again... Yaaaaay😀😀🙃

  • v2.5.2 22 Agustus 2023

    -version bug fix: where logging out of your account and back in would clear all you saved data in the cloud. Implementing a Backup and recovery function for the cloud

  • v2.5.1 20 Agustus 2023

    -script version storing (for debugging purposes if people have questions)

    mini update

  • v2.5 18 Agustus 2023

    -Added Device tracking ex: When you use your computer and go to your phone all the stored data is automatically updated in your phone(prob have to refresh) so you don't have to click the get bookmarks button that much. Make sure to save with every session though.

  • v2.4.3 16 Agustus 2023

    -bug fix

  • v2.4.2.1 16 Agustus 2023

    -bug fix

  • v2.4.2 16 Agustus 2023

    -last-chapter bug fixes

  • v2.4.1 15 Agustus 2023

    -Made saving last-chapter fast again

  • v2.4 15 Agustus 2023

    -As Promised version 2.4 is here which fixes ALL bugs regarding Asura's new Domain Change.
    -Also Buttons should no longer duplicate. Enjoy the Script :)

  • v2.3.1 13 Agustus 2023

    - Added support for new asura domain change

  • v2.3 11 Agustus 2023

    -fixed bookmark syncing(I fixed bookmarking on one device logging in on another and your bookmarks being there)

  • v2.2.2 08 Agustus 2023

    -haha Thats a lot of 2's
    - no seriously I finnally finished all the bugs regarding the 2.1 Update: Added Support for changed Names in Asura ex: The Novel’s Extra (Remake) which is different from its saved link which is just The Nove;'s Extra (Asura is Sometimes Dumb ig)

    fix 1 thing 20 break(should prob do someplay testing before pushing out updates.

  • v2.2.1 08 Agustus 2023


  • v2.2 08 Agustus 2023

    -bug fix(coding sucks smth right?)

  • v2.1.2 08 Agustus 2023

    -bug fixes from last update(I RLY SOMTIMES JUS HATE HOW U CHANGE ONE TING N EVERYTHING BREAKS LIKE bruh....Moving on hope you have a good day :))

  • v2.1.1 08 Agustus 2023

    -don't wory bout it jus improvements

  • v2.1 08 Agustus 2023

    -Added Support for changed Names in Asura ex: The Novel’s Extra (Remake) which is different from its saved link which is just The Nove;'s Extra (Asura is Sometimes Dumb ig)

    - This new update should now confirm many more scans on Asura

  • v2.0.6 06 Agustus 2023

    -Remove new ads from Asura

  • v2.0.5.3 28 Juli 2023

    bruh u rly change one things and break everything

  • v2.0.5.2 27 Juli 2023


  • v2.0.5.1 27 Juli 2023

    -changed @require so bugs will be fixed

Tampilkan semua versi skrip