XYZ Achievement AH Finder

When on the AH Dragons search page, marks any dragon which is an XYZ where each color is one off from the previous, acsending. Currently does not get wraparound edge cases like Pearl-Maize-Cream.

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13 Juni 2023
13 Juni 2023
Berlaku untuk

If you want to get a dragon for the "When XYZ Meets 123" achievement, the AH search is a little lacking. This will help remedy that! With this, you can find an existing dragon on the AH, and then do your own search to see if possible mates exist on the AH or elsewhere.

When you're on the AH Dragon search AND SPECIFICALLY HAVE THE COLOR PATTERN FILTER SET TO "XYZ", this script will automatically scroll to focus on any dragon that matches the criteria, and will helpfully outline the whole listing in red.

Additional search criteria will not mess up the script. It is recommended you expand the search size to 50 at once to make it easier to locate dragons. You will need to click the "next" button yourself to continue the search, as the script currently cannot do that.

A matching dragon has the following criteria:

  • XYZ (that is, all three basic colors are different)
  • each color is only one off from the others on the FR Color wheel, irrespective of color order
    • so, for example, if the colors were Maize, Cream, Antique, which are colors 1-2-3 on the wheel, Cream Maize Antique, Cream Antique Maize, Antique Cream Maize, etc would all be valid