// ==UserScript==
// @name MangaDex Condensed
// @namespace suckerfree
// @license MIT
// @version 49
// @description Enhance MangaDex with lots of display options to make it easier to find unread chapters.
// @author Nalin
// @match https://mangadex.org/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=mangadex.org
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config@2207c5c1322ebb56e401f03c2e581719f909762a/gm_config.js
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Configure GM_config.
'id': 'MangaDexCondensed',
'fields': {
'CoverMode': {
'label': 'Popup/Enlarge Cover When Hovered On',
'type': 'select',
'options': ['Container', 'Title + Cover', 'Title', 'Cover', 'Never'],
'default': 'Cover'
'CoverStyle': {
'label': 'Preview Cover Style',
'type': 'select',
'options': ['Small', 'Full Size', 'Hidden'],
'default': 'Small'
'CoverExpandDirection': {
'label': 'Cover Expands',
'type': 'select',
'options': ['Down', 'Float Up', 'Float Down'],
'default': 'Float Up'
'ReadChapterStyle': {
'label': 'Read Chapter Style',
'type': 'select',
'options': ['Darken Background', 'Lighten Text', 'Hide'],
'default': 'Darken Background'
'LeftClickMode': {
'label': 'Left Click Opens In',
'type': 'select',
'options': ['Same Window', 'New Window'],
'default': 'Same Window'
'CondenseElements': {
'label': 'Condense Page Elements (reduce whitespace)',
'type': 'checkbox',
'default': true
'CondenseFonts': {
'label': 'Adjust Font Sizes and Weights',
'type': 'checkbox',
'default': true
'events': {
'open': function() {
const s = GM_config.frame.style;
s.inset = '100px auto auto calc(50% - 500px/2)';
s.width = '500px';
s.height = '310px';
'save': function() { location.reload(); },
'reset': function() { location.reload(); }
'css': '#MangaDexCondensed_header { margin-bottom: 15px !important; }'
// Adds a style to the <head> tags.
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.setAttribute('from', 'mdc');
style.innerHTML = css;
// Creates the settings button.
function createSettingsButton(divData, svgData) {
const config = document.createElement('button');
const icon = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
const path1 = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
const path2 = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
// Settings gear icon uses the CC0 (public domain) license.
// https://www.svgrepo.com/svg/201666/settings-gear
path1.setAttribute('stroke', 'currentColor');
path1.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1');
path1.setAttribute('d', `M491.584,192.579l-55.918-6.914c-0.919-2.351-1.884-4.682-2.892-6.993l34.648-44.428
c11.661-1.44,20.421-11.348,20.421-23.097v-80.64C512,203.927,503.243,194.022,491.584,192.579z M465.455,275.74l-49.864,6.158
path2.setAttribute('stroke', 'currentColor');
path2.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1');
path2.setAttribute('d', `M255.997,155.153c-55.606,0-100.845,45.244-100.845,100.856c0,55.603,45.239,100.839,100.845,100.839
c55.609,0,100.852-45.236,100.852-100.839C356.849,200.397,311.606,155.153,255.997,155.153z M255.997,310.303
icon.classList.add('icon', 'text-icon-contrast', 'text-undefined');
icon.setAttribute('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg');
icon.setAttribute('width', '24');
icon.setAttribute('height', '24');
icon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 512 512');
icon.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor');
config.addEventListener('click', function() { GM_config.open(); });
if (svgData !== undefined) {
path1.setAttribute(svgData, '');
path2.setAttribute(svgData, '');
icon.setAttribute(svgData, '');
if (divData !== undefined) {
icon.setAttribute(divData, '');
config.setAttribute(divData, '');
return config;
// Helper function for finding data- attributes.
const findDataAttribute = function(e) {
for (const attribute of e.attributes) {
if (attribute.name.startsWith('data-'))
return attribute.name;
return null;
// Function for toggling a read chapter on mouse click.
const toggleRead = function(ev) {
const tag = ev.target.tagName.toUpperCase();
if (['SVG', 'PATH'].includes(tag)) return;
if (ev.target.classList.contains('group-tag')) return;
if (ev.target.classList.contains('user-tag')) return;
if (ev.target.classList.contains('pill')) return;
if (ev.target.closest('a.comment-container') !== null) return;
if (ev.target.closest('.read') !== null) return;
//if (ev.target.attributes.title?.value.includes('comments') ?? false) return;
const chapter = ev.target.closest('.chapter');
if (chapter === null) return;
const ind = chapter.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
if (ind !== undefined)
ind.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'));
const removeElementEvents = function(elements) {
// Assemble the list of elements to check.
// JS really sucks sometimes.
let arr = [];
if (elements instanceof NodeList)
else arr.push([elements] || []);
let clones = [];
arr.flat(Infinity).forEach((element) => {
// Clone the node in question.
const clone = element.cloneNode(false);
// Move all the children over to the clone and replace the original.
[...element.childNodes].forEach((n) => clone.appendChild(n));
return clones;
const rebindLeftClick = function(chapter) {
[...chapter.querySelectorAll('a')].forEach((a) => a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'));
// Store this so when we change pages, we can disconnect it.
let current_page_observers = [];
let previous_pathname = '';
function addStyles() {
// Follow.
const style = `
/* Thin out the container padding. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdcce="true"] .chapter-feed__container {padding: 0.25rem !important;}
/* Adjust the location of the cover image. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccover="Small"] .chapter-feed__container {grid-template-columns: 41px minmax(0,1fr) !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccover="Small"] .chapter-feed__cover {width: 41px !important; height: 53px !important; max-height: initial !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccover="Hidden"] .chapter-feed__container {grid-template-areas: "title title" "list list" !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccover="Hidden"] .chapter-feed__cover {display:none;}
/* Remove bolding of the chapter titles. */
/* Adjust the font size of the title. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccf="true"] .chapter-link {font-weight: normal !important; font-size: 0.75rem !important;}
/* Cover expansion. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"] .chapter-feed__container.mdc-cover-expand {grid-template-columns: 140px minmax(0,1fr) !important; position: relative;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"] .chapter-feed__container.mdc-cover-expand a.chapter-feed__cover {width: 140px !important; height: 196px !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"] .mdc-cover-expand .chapter-feed__cover {display:revert;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"][mdccover="Hidden"] .chapter-feed__container.mdc-cover-expand {grid-template-areas: "art title" "art list" !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"][mdccoverfloat="true"] .mdc-cover-expand:not(.expand) .chapter-feed__cover {outline: 4px solid rgb(var(--md-accent)); position: absolute; z-index: 1;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"][mdccoverfloat="true"][mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .mdc-cover-expand.condensed-read:not(.expand) .chapter-feed__cover {outline-color: rgb(var(--mdc-read-background)) !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"][mdccoverexpand="Float Up"] .mdc-cover-expand:not(.expand) .chapter-feed__cover {bottom: 0px;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="follow"][mdccoverenabled="true"][mdccoverexpand="Float Down"] .mdc-cover-expand .chapter-feed__cover {top: 0px;}
// Title / Group.
const style = `
/* Remove the spacing and apply chapter line separators. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdcce="true"] .flex.flex-col.gap-2 {gap: 0rem !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdcce="true"] .chapter {border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(var(--md-accent-30)) !important;}
/* Remove bolding of chapter titles and adjust the font size, but leave a little bolding for unread. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdccf="true"] .chapter:not(.read) .chapter-link {font-weight: 500 !important; font-size: 0.75rem !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdccf="true"] .chapter.read .chapter-link {font-weight: normal !important; font-size: 0.75rem !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdccf="true"] .bg-accent.rounded-sm.read .font-bold {font-weight: normal !important;}
/* Adjust line height of unread chapters. */
#__nuxt[mdcpage="title"][mdcce="true"] .chapter:not(.read) > div.chapter-grid {line-height: 1.25rem;}
// All.
const style = `
/* Settings cog. */
button.condensed-settings {position: relative;}
button.condensed-settings::after {background: #000; opacity: 0; content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; transition: all .1s ease-out;}
button.condensed-settings:hover::after {opacity: 0.2;}
/* Adjust the font size and styling. */
#__nuxt[mdccf="true"] .chapter-feed__title {font-size: 0.75rem !important;}
#__nuxt[mdccf="true"] .chapter-grid {font-size: 0.75rem !important;}
#__nuxt[mdccf="true"] .chapter-grid .font-bold {font-weight: normal !important;}
/* Alter the grid spacing to give more room for the chapter name. */
@media (min-width:48rem) {
#__nuxt[mdcce="true"] .chapter-grid {grid-template-areas: "title spacer groups uploader views timestamp comments" !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcce="true"] .chapter-grid {grid-template-columns: auto auto fit-content(100%) fit-content(100%) min-content min-content 6ch !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcce="true"] .chapter-grid {padding-top: 0.15rem !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; row-gap: 0.15rem !important;}
/* Adjust container margin to be smaller. */
#__nuxt[mdcce="true"] .chapter-feed__container.mb-4 {margin-bottom: 0.5rem !important;}
/* Adjust the lift color for read chapters. */
.chapter.read .pill.lift:hover {background-color:rgb(var(--md-accent-10)) !important;}
.chapter.read .group-tag.lift:hover {background-color:rgb(var(--md-accent-10)) !important;}
/* Add a lift for comments. */
.chapter.read [title*="comment"]:hover {background-color:rgb(var(--md-accent-10));}
/* Identify read chapters easier. */
/* Darken the background color. */
.light #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] {--mdc-read-background: var(--md-accent-50);}
.dark #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] {--mdc-read-background: var(--md-background);}
#__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .chapter.read {background-color:rgb(var(--mdc-read-background)) !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .condensed-read {background-color:rgb(var(--mdc-read-background)) !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .bg-accent.rounded-sm.read {background-color:rgb(var(--md-read-background)) !important;}
.light #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .chapter.read {color:#828282 !important;}
.dark #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Darken Background"] .chapter.read {color:#6a6a6a !important;}
/* Gray out the chapter name. */
.light #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Lighten Text"] .chapter.read {color:#b9b9b9 !important;}
.dark #__nuxt[mdcstyle="Lighten Text"] .chapter.read {color:#6a6a6a !important;}
/* Hide. */
#__nuxt[mdcstyle="Hide"] .chapter.read {display:none !important;}
#__nuxt[mdcstyle="Hide"] .condensed-read {display:none !important;}
function pageFollows() {
const container_selector = '#__nuxt';
const config_class = 'controls';
function style() {
const coverMode = GM_config.get('CoverMode');
const coverStyle = GM_config.get('CoverStyle');
const coverExpand = GM_config.get('CoverExpandDirection');
const readStyle = GM_config.get('ReadChapterStyle');
const condenseElements = GM_config.get('CondenseElements');
const condenseFonts = GM_config.get('CondenseFonts');
const nuxt = document.getElementById('__nuxt');
nuxt.setAttribute('mdcpage', 'follow');
nuxt.setAttribute('mdccover', coverStyle);
nuxt.setAttribute('mdccoverexpand', coverExpand);
nuxt.setAttribute('mdcstyle', readStyle);
if (condenseElements) nuxt.setAttribute('mdcce', condenseElements);
if (condenseFonts) nuxt.setAttribute('mdccf', condenseFonts);
if (coverStyle !== 'Hidden' || coverStyle === 'Hidden' && ['Title + Cover', 'Container'].includes(coverMode))
nuxt.setAttribute('mdccoverenabled', true);
if (['Float Up', 'Float Down'].includes(coverExpand))
nuxt.setAttribute('mdccoverfloat', true);
function observer() {
const apply_js_cb = async function(mutationsList, observer) {
let loadedOne = false;
const containers = document.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__container');
for (const container of containers) {
const title = container.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__title')[0];
const cover = container.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__cover')[0];
const chapters = container.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__chapters')[0];
if (title && cover && chapters) {
// Abort if we've already processed this title.
// Our observer can get called multiple times.
if (title.classList.contains('condensed-parsed'))
// Mark that we loaded at least one thing.
// We know the page has loaded so we can try to inject the settings cog latter on.
loadedOne = true;
const coverMode = GM_config.get('CoverMode');
const coverStyle = GM_config.get('CoverStyle');
const coverExpand = GM_config.get('CoverExpandDirection');
let count = 0;
let hideTimeout = 0;
let touchAndMove = false;
// If we are popping the cover out, add some grace for the hide.
if (coverStyle === 'Hidden') {
if (coverMode === 'Title + Cover') hideTimeout = 100;
if (coverMode === 'Container') hideTimeout = 50;
const hide = function(e, t = hideTimeout) {
console.log('[MDC] Hiding cover via ' + e.type);
touchAndMove = false;
// Compact mode doesn't show the cover. Trying to mess with it will break the page.
if (container.classList.contains('compact')) return;
setTimeout(() => {
if (--count <= 0) {
count = 0;
}, t);
const show = function(e) {
console.log('[MDC] Showing cover via ' + e.type);
// Compact mode doesn't show the cover. Trying to mess with it will break the page.
if (container.classList.contains('compact')) return;
const touchMove = function(e) {
touchAndMove = true;
const contextMenu = function(e) {
if (touchAndMove) {
console.log('[MDC] Preventing contextmenu due to touch and hold.');
} else {
// Controls our method of showing covers.
// Mouse enters: Show the cover and move the chapters over to the next column.
// Mouse leaves: Hide the cover and span the chapters across the whole grid row.
if (coverStyle !== 'Full Size') {
const events = [['mouseenter', show], ['mouseleave', hide], ['touchstart', show], ['touchend', hide], ['touchcancel', hide], ['touchmove', touchMove], ['contextmenu', contextMenu]];
if (coverMode === 'Container') {
events.forEach((ev) => container.addEventListener(ev[0], ev[1]));
if (coverMode === 'Title' || coverMode == 'Title + Cover') {
events.forEach((ev) => title.addEventListener(ev[0], ev[1]));
if (coverMode === 'Cover' || coverMode == 'Title + Cover') {
events.forEach((ev) => cover.addEventListener(ev[0], ev[1]));
// Adding our event listeners might have triggered a weird browser issue where our mouseenter event got triggered twice.
// I noticed this happens on Firefox if your mouse is already over a cover image on page load.
// Set our count to 0 to allow the hide function to properly clean up.
setTimeout(() => { count = 0; }, 1);
// Set up default state (cover hidden).
if (coverStyle === 'Hidden') {
hide(undefined, 0);
// Add functionality for each chapter.
for (const chapter of chapters.querySelectorAll('.chapter')) {
// Remove events from the child anchor tags.
// These Vue events cancel the event bubble which prevents our changes from working.
// Alter anchor target.
const leftClickMode = GM_config.get('LeftClickMode');
if (leftClickMode === 'New Window')
// Add event to mark the chapter as read when clicked.
// MangaDex will throw an error if a page navigation happens at the same time so don't bind on click
// unless we re-target clicks to open in a new window.
chapter.addEventListener('auxclick', toggleRead);
if (leftClickMode === 'New Window')
chapter.addEventListener('click', toggleRead);
// Remove the alt-text on the flag.
// This prevents text overlap on the title when MangaDex isn't loading.
const flag = title.firstElementChild;
if (flag !== null) flag.alt = '';
// Mark that we've processed this title.
if (loadedOne) {
// Used to prevent spawning a bunch of setTimeouts if we have rapid mutation callbacks.
let waiting_for_timeout = false;
// Applies "read" status to the whole manga container if every chapter under it has been read.
const apply_read_cb = async function(mutationsList, observer) {
// We disconnect our observer so the changes we make don't cause new mutations.
if (observer !== undefined) {
if (mutationsList.some((e) => e.attributeName === 'class')) {
// Only process if we are waiting for a callback.
if (!waiting_for_timeout) {
waiting_for_timeout = true;
// Set a small timeout so the changes apply before we test for read chapters.
setTimeout(() => {
waiting_for_timeout = false;
const containers = document.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__container');
for (const container of containers) {
const chapters = container.getElementsByClassName('chapter-feed__chapters')[0];
if (!chapters)
const chapter = chapters.getElementsByClassName('chapter');
// If all chapters for this title have been read, apply the condensed-read class to the container.
if (Array.prototype.every.call(chapter, (e) => e.classList.contains('read'))) {
else {
// Reconnect our observer now that we pushed changes.
try {
const page_container = document.querySelector(container_selector);
observer.observe(page_container, {attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
} catch (error) {}
}, 10);
try {
const page_container = document.querySelector(container_selector);
const chapter_observer = new MutationObserver(apply_js_cb);
chapter_observer.observe(page_container, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true});
const read_observer = new MutationObserver(apply_read_cb);
read_observer.observe(page_container, {attributes: true, subtree: true, attributeFilter: ['class']});
current_page_observers.push(chapter_observer, read_observer);
} catch (error) {}
function addConfig() {
const controls = document.getElementsByClassName(config_class)[0];
if (controls === undefined || controls.getElementsByClassName('condensed-settings').length !== 0)
const divData = findDataAttribute(controls.firstElementChild);
const svgData = findDataAttribute(controls.firstElementChild.firstElementChild);
const config = createSettingsButton(divData, svgData);
// Avoid adding tons of duplicate styles.
if (current_page_observers.length === 0) {
function pageTitle() {
const container_selector = '#__nuxt';
const config_class = '.layout-container div.sm\\:ml-2 .flex.mb-6';
const config_class2 = '.layout-container div.sm\\:ml-2 .flex.mb-2';
function style() {
const coverStyle = GM_config.get('CoverStyle');
const readStyle = GM_config.get('ReadChapterStyle');
const condenseElements = GM_config.get('CondenseElements');
const condenseFonts = GM_config.get('CondenseFonts');
const nuxt = document.getElementById('__nuxt');
nuxt.setAttribute('mdcpage', 'title');
nuxt.setAttribute('mdccover', coverStyle);
nuxt.setAttribute('mdcstyle', readStyle);
if (condenseElements) nuxt.setAttribute('mdcce', condenseElements);
if (condenseFonts) nuxt.setAttribute('mdccf', condenseFonts);
function observer() {
const apply_js_cb = function(mutationsList, observer) {
// Try to add our settings button.
const chapters = document.querySelectorAll('.chapter');
for (const chapter of chapters) {
// Abort if we've already processed this chapter.
// Our observer can get called multiple times.
if (chapter.classList.contains('condensed-parsed'))
// Mark that we've processed this chapter.
// Put the "read" class on chapter group titles so we can gray out the group text.
const read = chapter.classList.contains('read');
if (read) {
// Check if we are in a group. We can test this by going to the parent and checking if we have a sibling (the title).
const is_group = chapter.parentElement.previousElementSibling !== null;
if (is_group) {
// Remove events from the child anchor tags.
// These Vue events cancel the event bubble which prevents our changes from working.
// Alter anchor target.
const leftClickMode = GM_config.get('LeftClickMode');
if (leftClickMode === 'New Window')
// Add event to mark the chapter as read when clicked.
// MangaDex will throw an error if a page navigation happens at the same time so don't bind on click
// unless we re-target clicks to open in a new window.
chapter.addEventListener('auxclick', toggleRead);
if (leftClickMode === 'New Window')
chapter.addEventListener('click', toggleRead);
try {
const page_container = document.querySelector(container_selector);
const chapter_observer = new MutationObserver(apply_js_cb);
chapter_observer.observe(page_container, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true});
} catch (error) {}
function addConfig() {
let controls = document.getElementsByClassName('controls')[0];
if (controls === undefined)
controls = document.querySelector(config_class);
if (controls === null)
controls = document.querySelector(config_class2);
if (controls === undefined || controls === null || controls.getElementsByClassName('condensed-settings').length !== 0)
// Abort if we've already added our control.
if (controls.classList.contains('condensed-parsed'))
// Mark that we've added this control.
const config = createSettingsButton();
config.classList.add('rounded', 'relative', 'md-btn', 'flex', 'items-center', 'overflow-hidden', 'px-3', 'justify-center', 'text-black',
'dark:text-white', 'bg-accent', 'hover:bg-accent-darken', 'active:bg-accent-darken2',
'dark:bg-accent-lighten2', 'dark:hover:bg-accent-lighten', 'dark:active:bg-accent', 'px-0');
config.style.minHeight = '48px';
config.style.minWidth = '48px';
if (current_page_observers.length === 0) {
// This is our loader.
const pageContentSelector = '#__nuxt';
const bootstrap_loader = function(mutationsList, observer) {
console.log('[MDC] Bootstrap loader.');
// Detects page changes.
const page_transfer_loader = function(mutationsList, observer) {
const full_location = location.pathname + location.search;
if (previous_pathname === full_location)
previous_pathname = full_location;
if (current_page_observers.length !== 0) {
current_page_observers.forEach((x) => { x.disconnect(); x.takeRecords(); });
current_page_observers = [];
// Choose the style function to apply.
const follows = [/\/titles\/feed/, /\/titles\/latest/, /\/my\/history/, /\/user\//, /\/group\//];
const title = [/\/title\//];
let pageFunction = undefined;
if (follows.filter((url) => url.test(full_location)).length > 0)
pageFunction = pageFollows;
else if (title.filter((url) => url.test(full_location)).length > 0)
pageFunction = pageTitle;
if (pageFunction !== undefined) {
console.log(`[MDC] Page detected, calling ${pageFunction.name}.`);
// observer.observe(content_container, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true});
const content_container = document.querySelector(pageContentSelector);
const content_observer = new MutationObserver(page_transfer_loader);
content_observer.observe(content_container, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true});
// Test for the page already being loaded. This is a race condition that could break the observer.
if (content_container.hasChildNodes()) {
console.log('[MDC] Page loaded, jumping to page detection.');
page_transfer_loader([], content_observer);
// This is the first bootstrap loader.
// This will catch the main page being loaded.
// At this point, we switch over to our page transfer loader which will detect page changes.
window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
// Apply the styles now. They will sit for all future pages.
const load_observer = new MutationObserver(bootstrap_loader);
load_observer.observe(document.body, {attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: false});
// Test for the page already being loaded. This is a race condition that could break the observer.
const content_container = document.querySelector(pageContentSelector);
if (content_container != null && content_container.hasChildNodes()) {
console.log('[MDC] Page loaded, jumping to bootstrap.');
bootstrap_loader([], load_observer);