Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)

Buka blokir klik kanan, hapus pembatasan penyalinan, pemotongan, memilih teks, menu klik kanan, menyalin teks, memilih teks, klik kanan gambar, dan sebagainya. Peningkatan fitur: Pilih teks tautan dengan tombol Alt.

< Feedback on Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 07 Juli 2021
Edited: 07 Juli 2021

Interesting features, but doesn't unblock right click


Posted: 08 Juli 2021
Interesting features, but doesn't unblock right click


Please tell me which website you have the problem.

Posted: 12 Juni 2023

Now Absolute Mode is added and right click will be unblocked when Absolute Mode is enabled.

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