Open WME in Google Maps JS - Opens the current Waze Map Editor view in Google Maps
Mi Drive - Total Closures Only JS - hides construction on Mi Drive other than total closures
WME Version Checker JS - Checks for new WME versions and alerts if updated
WME RTC Improvements JS - Adds several helpful features to RTC handling in the Waze Map Editor
WME Clear Feed JS - Adds a link to the sidebar to clear your WME feed
WME Chat Mover JS - Moves WME chat from the bottom-left to the bottom-right
Open WME in Mi Drive JS - Adds a button to open the current WME view in Mi Drive
Twitch Clip Creation Volume JS - Sets the volume of the video player on Twitch's clip creation page to the stored value, same as how the clip playback page