Ad skipper yt JS - Play Youtube ads at 5x speed, and skip after 6 seconds undetected.
Reload on YouTube Error JS - Reload the page if a YouTube adblock error occurs
A Universal Dark Theme JS - Universal Dark Mode to fix flashbang sites like fitgirl repacks or wikipedia
Anti Right-Click Hijaak JS - Prevent websites from changing or preventing your right click menu
Extra Video Control JS - Manipulate and center video elements on web pages. (Zoom, Invert, save per site, Move, Volume boost, Reset changes)
Youtube redirect JS - Redirects to subscriptions on show more button click, since not all browsers have the "subscritpions" button
Show current URL JS - Show the current URL in an alert
Keycode Alert JS - Shows Keycode of Any key clicked
Cookie/Localstorage Manager JS - Import or export localstorage and cookies of any site