GreaysFork NöveljeWebHookSzinkronizálási beállítások

GreaysFork Gyorsan adja meg a szkript szinkronizálási adatait,És adjon hozzá több ország nyelvi kódjait kötegekben,Ahelyett, hogy egyenként kattintana a jelölőnégyzetekre, és a megfelelő URL-re lépne。

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GreaysFork Enhance WebHookSync settings

「 This script can help you quickly enter script synchronization information,And add language codes for multiple countries in batches,Instead of clicking the selection boxes one by one and going to the corresponding URL。 」


Download:Github | ⭐Greasy Fork

Update record

🛠️ GreaysForkEnhanceWebHook Change log

📅 2024/9/15 10:53 - Ver

repair: • buttonhover active focusPut in parent class.Sync-Modal

📅 2024/9/5 04:29 - Ver

New: • Return after each submission GreasyFork Sync tips。

📅 2024/9/4 11:52 - Ver

initial version: • Welcome。

GreasyFork - Enhanced WebHook Synchronization Settings

When setting up synchronization information on GreasyFork, you might often find that after submitting, the sync information hasn't been successfully saved, requiring you to re-enter it. This is one of the small issues with the website. To solve this problem, this script helps you quickly input script synchronization information and batch-add multiple country language codes without having to click on each checkbox and then go to the corresponding URL.


  • Quick Input of Synchronization Information: No need to manually repeat input, allowing you to quickly set and sync information.
  • Batch Add Language Codes: Supports batch addition of multiple country/region language codes without the need to select each one individually.
  • Supports Multiple Formats: You can choose different URL formats for setup based on your needs.

Instructions (For more details, refer to the images below or the video above)

  • Script Management Page: On the script management page, an additional button is added at the bottom. After clicking it, you can manage the current script.
  • Website Top Navigation Bar: Adds an option to the navigation bar that, when clicked, automatically retrieves the WebHook synchronized scripts for multiple management.

Supported Formats

Currently, the following three formats are supported:

  1. Get Country Language from Markdown File: Only supports
  2. Directly Set Corresponding Country Language (Simple Format): Supports other format files.
  3. Directly Set Corresponding Country Language (Detailed Format): Supports other format files. (zh-CN)

Example code: If you have more options, you can extend it.
let localeKey = url.includes('##') ? url.match(/##.*\((.*?)\)$/) || url.match(/##(.*?)$/) : url.match(/README_(.*?)\.md/)


  • When submitting localized country information, there must be a header declaration such as//@ name: zh CN in the code, otherwise even if the submission is successful, it will still fail!
  • The script must exist! Otherwise, synchronization will fail,

Project and Feedback

sync.png nav.png message.png 404.png

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Recommended browsers and script managers:

  • Greasemonkey + Waterfox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Firefox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Chrome
  • Userscripts + ios Safari
  • Violentmonkey/KiWiBrowser + Android

If you need to know more about how to install userscripts,click meView graphic teaching!

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