Does this work as backup

Lets see what you can do

 // ==UserScript==
// @name        Does this work as backup
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Lets see what you can do 
// @author       Hanako
// @match        *://*
// @icon
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

class WasmIndex {
    constructor() {
        this._index = -1;

class WebAssemblyPatcher {
    constructor(oldWasm) {
        this._oldWasm = oldWasm;
        this._newWasm = new BufferBuilder();
        this._importFunctionCount = 0;
        this._importGlobalCount = 0;
        this._addFunctionEntries = [];
        this._addGlobalVariableEntries = [];
        this._aobPatchEntries = [];
        this._aobPatchFinished = false;

    // Add missing definitions for BufferReader, BufferBuilder, and ExternalKind here.

    _string2type(typeStr) {
        // Implement the conversion from type string to the appropriate value.

    _string2bytes(str) {
        // Implement the conversion from a string to a byte array.

    _createInstantiationTimeInitializer(type, value) {
        // Implement the creation of an initializer for global variables.

    // Implement _readInstantiationTimeInitializer, _parseGlobalSection, _parseFunctionSection,
    // _parseExportSection, _expandCodes, _expandCode, _aobScan, and _applyAobPatch functions
    // as described in the previous code.

    _parseCodeSection() {
        // Implement the parsing of the Code section, patching, and addition of new function entries.

    _readSections() {
        // Implement the reading and processing of various Wasm sections.

    patch() {
        // Implement the main patching logic, including reading the original Wasm binary and returning the modified binary.