GoogleGPT 🤖

AI válaszokat ad hozzá a Google Search-hoz (Google Gemma + GPT-4o által hajtva!)

Ez a szkript összes változata. Csak azon verziók mutatása, ahol a kód változott.

  • v2024.7.19.2 2024.07.19.

    Replaced browser flag inits w/ new chatgpt.js methods ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.19.1 2024.07.19.

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 3.0.1 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.19 2024.07.19.

    Bumped chatgpt.js to 3.0.0 ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.18 2024.07.18.

    Bumped config.latestAssetCommitHash ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.17 2024.07.17.

    Bumped config.latestAssetCommitHash

  • v2024.7.16.1 2024.07.17.

    Corrected alert selector in toggle.streaming() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.16 2024.07.16.

    modals.init()'d all modals to add classes/stars + disable wheel-scroll + dim bg + glowup btns ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.15 2024.07.15.
  • v2024.7.15 2024.07.15.

    Refactored chevron btn tooltip routine in update.tooltip() for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.14.2 2024.07.14.
  • v2024.7.14.2 2024.07.14.

    Added vertical separator to light scheme Settings modal ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.14.1 2024.07.14.

    Added expanded setting key to init loadSetting() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.14 2024.07.14.

    Updated by-tag visibility routine

    ± Added invisible buttons to calculation ± Added Expanded mode to calculation ± Tweaked thresholds ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.6 2024.07.14.

    Added app name to Standby send button label ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.5 2024.07.14.

    Lightened light scheme drop shadow of header elems when bg animations enabled ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.4 2024.07.14.

    Tightened Settings modal padding ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.3 2024.07.13.

    Added Webraft proxy API ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.2 2024.07.13.

    Reverted minimize/restore transition duration to shorter one

    ... to reduce potential for nausea ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13.1 2024.07.13.

    Extended duration + increased ease-out for minimize/restore transition ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.13 2024.07.13.

    Re-padded notifications, re-sized/pos'd icons, hid close btn ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.13 2024.07.13.

    Tilted expand/shrink icon in Anchored mode to hint expansions can be horizontal-only ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.12 2024.07.13.

    Increased gap in 3rd row of Settings sliders icon ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.11 2024.07.13.

    Added drop shadow to header elems when bg animations enabled ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.10 2024.07.13.

    Colored active checkmark in Pin button menu green ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.9 2024.07.13.

    Increased hover zoom of Settings items to fill new landscape orientation padding ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.8 2024.07.13.

    Made light scheme app div bg not gradient when bg animations disabled ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.7 2024.07.13.

    Restored Font Size + Speak buttons in minimized state of Anchored mode because it looks good ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.6 2024.07.12.

    Bumped latestAssetCommitHash, removed whitespace + capped comment for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.5 2024.07.12.

    Added missing minimizedStyles init ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.4 2024.07.12.

    Hid Font Size + Speak buttons from minimized state ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.3 2024.07.12.

    Synced vertical expand/shrink in Anchored mode w/ animation setting

    ± Re-formatted cubic-bezier functions for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.2 2024.07.12.

    Added Expand/Shrink button/functionality to Anchored mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12.1 2024.07.12.

    Limited Minimize/Maximize btn creation to desktop mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.12 2024.07.12.

    Corrected Wider Sidebar btn selector in Anchored mode styles ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.7 2024.07.12.

    Added stripping of Google tracking + link referralization ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.6 2024.07.12.

    Shortened // @antifeature ads description ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.5 2024.07.12.

    Re-worded @antifeature ads description ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.4 2024.07.11.

    Re-worded // @antifeature ads description ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.3 2024.07.11.

    Added // @antifeature ads description ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.2 2024.07.11.

    Added // @antifeature ads to be compliant w/ Greasy Fork rules ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11.1 2024.07.11.
  • v2024.7.11.1 2024.07.11.

    Corrected chatgpt.isDarkMode() in to isDarkMode() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.11 2024.07.11.

    Removed no-longer needed (isMobile && == false) check from modals.settings.createAppend() ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10.5 2024.07.10.

    Renamed settingsListCap to settingItemCap + re-orddered inits for readability ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10.4 2024.07.10.

    Fixed modals initially slightly off-set when click-dragging ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10.3 2024.07.10.

    Split Settings modal in mobile landscape mode into 2 columns ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10.2 2024.07.10.

    Raised z-index of modals above app div ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10.1 2024.07.10.

    Broke Settings modal into 2 columns in desktop view ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.10 2024.07.10.

    Added high z-index to app div to defeat sidebar elems in Anchored mode ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

  • v2024.7.9.6 2024.07.09.

    Added border radius to starsDivsContainer to match corner bounding of host container ↞ [auto-sync from adamlui/chatgpt-apps]

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