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Text Highlight and Seek

Automatically highlight user-defined text with Seek function (2019-09-22)

< Feedback on Text Highlight and Seek


Posted: 2015.10.12.

Initial To Do list (carried over from beta thread)

These were too challenging to figure out for this initial release.

(1) Regular Expressions: highlight part of a pattern instead of the entire pattern (Jenie):

(2) Multiple Set Match: apply styles from all matching sets, not just the first one (ownage):

Posted: 2015.10.12.

Thank you for updating the script. Exporting and importing always make life easier!

Posted: 2015.10.16.

I will point out that TH&S has seemed to strip all intelligence from the context menu. 4x in this pic, "Tweet selected text" is not supposed to appear if no text is selected, "Tweet this frame" if there isn't frames on the page, etc. There are no highlights on this page. I've never seen those blank lines in my right-click menu before. "Research word" is another FF addon. "Search Google for..." is supposed to be the line above it.

Is "add keyword for this search..." a TH&S option? Could it somehow identify with TH&S, at least by using the word "seek"? If "add keyword" is some other software, nevermind. :)

Posted: 2015.10.17.
Edited: 2015.10.17.

Hi DyNama, the script does modify the right-click context menu, as in the attached screen shot. Perhaps there is a conflict with another add-on?

I can add an option to disable this part of my script but for the moment, you could try editing the script and commenting out line 892 and line 893:

ORIGINAL CODE (please ignore the "1."):

    // attach menu and create event for filtering
    document.body.setAttribute("contextmenu", "THDcontext");

AFTER COMMENTING (please ignore the "1."):

    // attach menu and create event for filtering
    // document.body.setAttribute("contextmenu", "THDcontext");
    // document.body.addEventListener("contextmenu",cmenuFilter,false);

Hopefully that will fix it.


Actually, I think the script doesn't run inside frames, so perhaps this is unrelated to the script.


Posted: 2015.10.17.

Jefferson, sorry, i was remiss in not trying everything before posting here. after restarting FF, those blank lines disappeared. i'll try disabling all my other scripts and addons before posting again. i did disable the context menu lines cuz no TH&S menu shows up anyway--i don't even get those icons at the top. i use Devon Jensen's Menu Editor to rearrange items in my context menu.

thanx for TH&S, what's working for me is terrific!

Posted: 2015.10.23.
Edited: 2015.10.23.

Meanwhile, i love regex keywords! I wanted to highlight the rated power of batteries while shopping, but i couldn't put every possible "####mAh" in the old highlighter dynamic script so i had to settle for just highlighting "mAh". in TH&S, i can put "\d+mAh" and highlight the entire rating number no matter what it is! Fabulous! Makes learning regex worthwhile.

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