Greasy Fork is available in English.

Wikipedia what redirects here

Instead of just the "what links here" link, also include the one to the external tool that shows just redirects

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wikipedia what redirects here
// @namespace
// @description Instead of just the "what links here" link, also include the one to the external tool that shows just redirects
// @include     http*://**
// @version     2
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

var wlh = document.getElementById("t-whatlinkshere");
var page = document.getElementById("ca-nstab-main");
    page = page.children[0].children[0].getAttribute("href");
    page = page.substr(6);
var newTool = document.createElement("li"); = "t-whatredirectshere";
    newTool.innerHTML = '<a title="List of all links that redirect to this page" href="' + page + '">What redirects here</a>';
wlh.parentNode.insertBefore(newTool, wlh);